I told you they'd take Sup Forums from 8ch down. I told you.
I told you they'd take Sup Forums from 8ch down. I told you
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Thank god, fucking cucks.
Nanotechnology and magic girlfriend.
quick rundown?
No seizure of server. They have backup redundancy servers. One goes down the other pops up as backup. It costs near nothing compared to the entire site.
They took pol down over the announcement of a weapon that turns people into cyborgs. No joke.
It's related to sandyhook. Tell everyone before it's too late.
well then it must be true, can I get a basic gestalt?
They knew it was down hill from there.
Mind control. It's installed and programs you by using your brain as an integrated circuit.
Is the archive down as well?
Post links or maybe if you got screencaps
wow it's literally nothing
imkampfy on suicide watch (I hope he does it the fucking jew)
Holy shit Plankton's bucket helmets were a warning. Do they know how to get the nanotubes into your brain though?
>Notes the date today.
>Takes this story with a grain of alt.
There's more than one method. It can't be known until it's acknowledged.
It's called Television.
8ch was spamming Sup Forums pretending to be share blue, so Sup Forums took down 8ch
I tried to tell you.
Because we are all part-machine. This isn't the real Earth either.
No it's a weapon that turns you into TV. You get remote controlled.
It's earth 777
What's happening is disgusting.
8ch is up you fucking idiots. what are you talking about? 8pol is live you dumbasses
Seriously give back my magic girlfriend.
Sup Forums is being redirected over an article about nanotech weapons and a very strange woman.
the fuck do you mean redirected? stop being cryptic.
Now I'm supposed to be programmed to be disgusting. You'll get more then you bargained for.
No one spares my identity or sense of embarrassment. Now I'm a different kind of reporter.
what is this? are you just confusion trolling? kill yourself
Maybe I should write it in stone.
Maybe it needs to passed down.
>40$ for 48h full access
Fuck this paywall. I was in.
Give her back.
I better cost more then 40$ or I'm setting off a chain reaction.
Buy it and publish for kek
Give me back my magic girlfriend. I know how to play your game.
Give her back. Now.
I'm supposed to be earths mightiest defender.
Man, these newfriends will be so confused after gook moots ebin april 1st joge
Just use sci-hub.
That's a common response when I show up.
What deal with Russia did Obama make to turn against a rigged election??
Anyone remember?
He's trying to help you out.
We've. Been. Taken. Over.
People are getting executed by nanotechnology.
Is there any way to stop this?
We need doctors to educated. Go complain about mind control, ringing in your ears, and hearing voice commands.
Do it.
Just complain and leave. Don't let them treat you.
This is red alert.
This weapon is capable of mimicking mental illness. It isn't the same but the symptoms sound similar.
Its more specific to delusions and 'you're not important enough for this weapon to be used on it must be super expensive.'
It's actually not.
You're also teaching AI how to read, write, and notice and read Street signs and vehicles by captcha.
Give back my life. I'm not allowed to participate in Facebook or any relationship without torture.
And as always, don't hurt anyone involved in this incident you will suffer much worse then death.
I'm being forced to spend my money. Forced into isolation and being encouraged towards violence.
This is fucking #sandyhook #auorashooting
A hint.
Like inducing depression of berserk rages?
Neural alteration and influence can be done via antennae and radiowaves, but it's hard to do.
Maybe they can spill these carbon nanotubes on the water supply or spread it in chemtrails through the air. Or maybe even just put some dust on the target's food.
Do you know about morgellon's desease?
Your DNA needs to be altered because it needs to be humanized. Otherwise your immune system would reject it and you'd die. Look at the original article.
It has to be done by virus or fungus.
Sounds like a good way to kill off many and only retain the compliant, acceptive population.
This weapon can induce deep anger, called sham anger, or encourage you to talk in tongues.
>hearing voice commands
You'll just be diagnosed with psychosis, that's a pretty obvious symptom
The triangle he is drawing has nothing to do with anything besides the neurological axis that stimulates anger. Look at how unhappy the cat is.
Check the date retards.
its true, we're all just AI
Which is why the weapon keeps getting abused.
A weapon that makes you hear voices others cannot. Go complain about it. Lose your right to bare arms and a lot of others.
Our gun violence rates are being inflated to disarm us.
No you're people that have had their brains hijacked.
Are there any external signs of contagion?
Are there any ways to prevent contagion?
When did this start?
It is really unfolding now, isn't it?
The reason there's aluminum in vaccines is so that your DNA can be remote controlled well enough to change how your brain chemistry works. It looks like multiple personality disorder but is not.
Yea almost 10 years ago. It's totally not being abused.
This is why Sup Forums went down on 8ch. Someone on their staff may have just got poisoned by this or their servers seized.