Women aren't funny.
Women aren't funny
>pussy smell
>not wanting to listen to a women joke about her period for half an hour
From the thumbnail I though that had to be photoshopped to make her look extra bad... then I enlarged it and realized that saying that she'd really "let herself go" would be a severe understatement.
She stronk woman now
She eat many seconds
hahahahhahiahihihiihihhahhahahah aha
>steals jokes
>talks about her smelly pussy
where do i buy this netflix special?
>looks like shit
>still not funny
i would have commited sudoku on her place
Women are funny, watching schumer crash and burn like this is hillarious.
but in all seriousness, we can't let her get her hands on the latest vagina jokes
Stop it guys, she IS very entertaining and funny
I like to think of her as a true role model for our mixed race transgender children
I saw some kike female (((comedian))) on a cruise ship a few weeks back. She actually said "I hate white people". That was it. Just "I hate white people". Her other jokes consisted of saying cunt and fuck a lot and talking about her vagina and period as often as possible.
All the women on the Comedy Central comedy specials are pretty much the same. They think being as vulgar and generally unpleasant as possible is comedy.
Unfunny Jew
Feminist anti gun
I want to cry not laugh
Her skin is the leather special.
A cow in a cow
Its fat inception
Not gonna lie, former Amy Schumer fan here. This is fucking not hilarious watching Amy crash my party and burn through the appetizers.. But in all seriousness we can't let this health insurance liability get into that tight leather dress
Have you ever fucked a guys PEE PEE and your like OH YEAH OH YEAH UH and want him to CUM in your ASSHOLE after you get an ABORTION????
seems like there are some funny/based japanese chicks. nichijou, kannagi, carnival phantasm, yuru yuri, few others I forget all have female writers. kannagi might be my favorite comedy series.
idk if I've ever seen a funny white woman, though.
I wonder if there's a market for a demure, cute, female "comedian" in the modern market. A friendly, cute girl who basically just goes up on stage and tells puns and cute/entertaining stories to a crowd of lonely, sad men. Basically real life anime stand up.
>i worried men wouldn't find me attractive, now that i am a literal human pig
>good thing i can offer them to put their dicks into my asshole
>man, i am a well adjusted human being
Her current man could do much better. She doesn't even look pleased to be next to him.
Also, she just spewed some racist bullshit on H. Stern about Asians. Great career move.
Whoever does this will clean up.
>terrible stand up 'routine'
>gets the reviews a terrible show should
Wonder if she had to find some extra long laces to fit her thick back into that outfit?
Com'on you guys, women are so funny. GET OVER IT!
>Hahahahaha I'm a whore xD
>Ha! Yeah totally!
Chick doing jokes about pussies. Original concept
In one joke this kid is funnier than her entire special.
aint that the truth
I am pretty sure women
wrote that season, because
it was fucking garbage
A lot of ppl on tv are just pushed in with no talent, just look at J Fallon
That bitch just looks evil.
When I was 14 or 15 I legit enjoyed that one special she had it was call something sex stuff *for full disclosure at that time I legit found 9gag tier shit funny as did everyone in my friend group* but now I can't even smirk watching any of her stuff she won't even get a larger then usual exghale out of me or my buddies.
Same here, I genuinely thought it was shooped. It's not the most flattering photograph of this creature, and that is saying something, given what I've seen already.
>So like I totally got super wasted the other night
*audience starts to chuckle*
>No I mean like really wasted
*laughing intensifies*
>No I don't think you get it....like I fucked so many guys and woke up covered in jizz
*people start hyperventilating*
>I sucked so many guys off, I mean god damn
*people in the audience are rolling into the aisles having seizures*
>I'm such a slut
*everyone is collectively having an orgasm of ecstatic laughter*
*the entire audience's heads explode simultaneously*
She would have made a fine galley slave in the days of Rome, but alas some of us are born into the wrong time.
Absolutely the most vile piece of media I've ever seen
Look at this bitches traps, I have a hard time believing she was born female
Could Amy Schumer be hot if she was thin? Is it even possible for her to be thin?
>a larger then usual exghale
read it & had to try this out
this is fucking mundane and ironic that she would react this way considering her god damn special had her mentioning that she woke up from being passout drunk with someone performing cunnilingus on her
Basically a female Jim Gaffigan.
I can only guess it's because her self-esteem is incredibly low.
She pokes fun at herself so others won't. When they do though, she can't handle it at all.
Yes - send her to a labor camp in Poland
>funny joke that goes with her standup ruitine
>uhh like okay cause I'm a whore? myGAAWD UR BEING SO RUDE TO ME IMLIKE CRYIINNN *slays girls*
We have some good female comedians in Italy, this shit doesn't fly over here, if you're not funny you get booed
Then again, as far as comedians go, we had a lot of people just outright drag their feet over the line and get glassed by the network
It's a weird self-regulating environment, been declining over the years as the comedy skit champions of the years past went on to do their own thing in TV, and shit like Zelig and Colorado bled talent all over the place and got left with nothing to stand on.
How does shit like this get the push to stay afloat escapes me
>where do i buy this netflix special?
do all cro-tards not know how netflix works?