where did I fail my son
No your son is a faggot that likes to dress in your wife's clothes. Being a tranny is nothing to be proud of.
>our daugther is transgender
Does this mean she will be a boy or was she a boy and now a girl?
Shamefur dispray
Thats a look all too familiar to the average Sup Forumslack
I'm always confused by this as well
i have no idea who these people are, but i'd fuck that asian ladyboy
easy, when they are (((supportive))) of their child's decisions they will of course use their desired pronouns which means its a mtf
only bigots use the biologically correct pronouns
I've been notice a trend among pinoys. A huge percentage of them, atleast in my expirence are homos. Can some one explain this phenomenon?
>"why didn't we stay in Asia"
It's funny how you almost never see these kidns of stories about FTM.
That's because even a transman is the enemy.
*yawn desu*
We need to go full succubi on this.
MtF is Female (Male) and FtM is Male (Female)
If you can't beat em, join em
I hope my father will never give me this look
It's funny how shitskins eat up this gay multiculti shit more than anybody else.
i would.
We don't have water filters.
>Nice trips leaf
I've seen that man's look before.
Fucking Faggots
>his smile and optimism
>go to america they said
>chase the american dream they said
Well you know who to vote for
Maybe with a shovel.
its very much the wojack face
They did not call it their "New Canaan" for no reason.
They are technically speaking Semites.
That's how it starts..
The fever
The rage
The feeling of no weenie
FU K, I thought the exact thing :DD
Id suck that niggas dick without hesitation
>where did it all go so wrong?
shit, the leftists arrived.
Yeah ladyboys are definitely not a thing in Asia at all
its universal
Of that was my son turned daughter I would only hope she finds herself a good man very handsome and muscular that likes sports that isn't gay that I can raise as my real son while he fucks my disowned girl thing on the side
What the fuck happened??????
Wait is that actually a dude
I thought it was just some weeb girl
figured out the problem. he's a hapa. half asian/beaner
this is what happens when you racemix
get good. I could easily tell that was a guy,
Wasn't it an implied goal of the 'feminist 8 goddess' cult that runs south korea and samsung, to turn men into women?
other asian countries could have something similar? (western countries sure seem to)
pretty sure thats was what the article was about
I've never seen a genuine weeb girl that couldn't pass for a dude desu
All the attractive girls are into Western fashion and things of that nature
tfw no tool savvy dad to teach me manskills
>tfw he has a more feminine body than you, a female, do
The fuck? Those girls are like 13!
How do trannies get their waist like that? All the estrogen?
At least you can usually tell from the broad shoulders and manhands.
What an absolute cuck. Is he their father? Who gave those girls those gifts and why did he okay it?
>Tfw someone thought i was trans because of broad shoulders, no waist, tiny hips, thin legs, fat stomach
>tfw just ugly
Very underrated
The only person I've seen in public I suspected was trans I saw working in a store in the makeup department. Looked like a 40-50 year old man in a dress, complete with male pattern baldness. I suppose it could be a really ugly unfortunate woman, but I'm pretty convinced it's a dude.
>your supposed heir is a tranny
Trust me from experience a girl is only female by how much makeup they use on their face
If it looks like a shit ton and it's super attractive looking because it's basically a mask then it's a dude
>tfw you easily pass for an ugly woman if you shaved
>my beard is the only thing going for me
>tfw you still wouldn't be my gf because you still want a chad
>want a chad
What if I told you my ideal male is a man under 5'5' and with a feminine face and body? A twink? But more importantly isn't a fucking retard and also likes vidya and anime?
Also you'd have to be confident enough to date a girl who's 6'3'.
Yeah, I've noticed a lot of eye makeup on women in general when you look close enough, along with foundation and other shit. I like a more clean/natural look but most women feel they have to put on makeup.
Trannies tend to go full whore mode.
Also I wouldn't date you because you assume I'd want a Chad instead of asking. Fuck off, Phichit.
>would fugg
5'7" here
I go back to the states in October
should i do a
Lose weight piggy
>our daughter
More like our son.
will you mommy dom with me?
I would hit it
[spolier]with a baseball bat to the head until it dies[/spoiler]
>Those manly hips
They said under 5'5
You are too tall for her my guy
This is the perfect example of how transexuality is mostly about entering the "slut mode" of society.
This hypersexualization of what they think is a female, is shown in that photograph.
At the core this is nothing more than a beta guy that wants to feel submissive towards an alpha guy, while getting his asshole stuffed and preferentially while slobbering on the cock of another participant.
They just want to be sluts. It has little to do with "identity" and "sexuality".
Would berry.
I'm 5'4 otter mode bleached long hair on top
You lost your chance petunia
This is fucked up.
No one asked for your opinion
Do you even weigh 100 lbs.?
Sounds like you visit the role reversal and gentle femdom threads of /d/.
>cat ears
haha nice
That guy should grow some balls.
>step 1 - take wife into the garage and beat her
>step 2 - take son into garage and beat him too
>step 3 - wife no longer allowed any input into running household
>step 4 - son is forced to do hard labor and all his weeb shit is burned out back
the fathers face really says it all there in that picture
This thread went full /r9k/ very fas.
i support your views senpai
We went too Aspie too fast
>His smile and optimism
The underwear make for a strong optical illusion but the dude hips are still there. Man hands, too.
would shag his cute bumhole
...not the dad
>girl who's 6'3
pls be in Atlanta