What got you red pilled?


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Working with shitskins.


Elementary math.


Hahaha holy shit

being a teenager who was angry with the world and just got out of his social bubble

I Gotchu cuckpai

army PowerPoint

I guess it's just something that happened gradually from experience.

I remember doing an anti racism speech in 9th grade about how we're all equal and the benefits of multiculturalism. It just seems like insanity now but at the time it morally felt like the right opinion to uphold.


Yeah its crazy how fast opinions can change once you leave the echochamber.

You just know


The day i got red pilled about the so called red pills. This channel can't be shared enough on /pol

The blatant hatred of whites from the left

You all get so pissed when they do it, I cheer it on knowing full well what will come from it

Being homeless for most of my "best years".

I can definetly sympathize with the blue pilled goyim. They live in a simpler, happy life but their arrogance is leading the western world to destruction.

Seeing a ufo in canada.

>Sup Forums isn't allowed to talk about their favorite show

See you around ofteb. How's your salary

Also, my dad was a 30 year cop. Grew up redpilled as fuck.

The metal gear series when I was younger, I was just too naive to understand it back then.

Cartoon version of Animal Farm when I was like 8.
Funny thing is Orwell was a socialist saying Stalinism wasn't real communism but made me hate all socialism.

The Benghazi Movie, realizing Hillary caused all of that to happen and watching her try to sweep it under the rug.

Gong to parties here in LA where everyone is a minority SJW whose parents illegally came here, and who should be grateful to be a citizen, and having to hear about how white males are the worst until I just couldn't take it anymore

I forget where I saw it first, but the statement "history is written by the victors" really beefed my jerky. I think I was watch a WW2 doco. Oh and how it's wrong to hit a woman, NO MATTER WHAT!! that annoyed me. Really, just looking how people would be
>Muh feelings
Instead facts.

$14/hr which isn't saying much as I've been working at Walmart for over a decade. It's a nice number, but after taxes and having to work for free 5-7 hours weekly, I make just over $9/hr in real wages.

Dude that sucks. You ok with it? Don't want to switch careers? Post office pays more.I'm in hawaii we get 21

Tbqh Jesus, made me look up shit to disprove it as a child one thing led to another and now I hate niggers and resent the kikes
Dude reminds me of tucker Carlson

>You ok with it?
I don't have a GED or anything so I have to learn to live with this job until my casket closes.

>Don't want to switch careers?
I have no dreams and community college is $10k annually. I'm far too old anyways to think about another job or getting my shit togerher.


I grew up around niggers, also had a whore of a mother and had to be a parent for my 4 younger siblings while I was an autistic fucktard so I felt as if not only was my life doomed but so was my siblings because of me, all this while having a abusive coon step dad, constantly being shit on,beaten and bullied for being white and being told this is normal and ok by everyone I knew because "white guilt" ,"white privilege", "male privilege" and muh racist ancestors. All this and more caused me to wonder why the world is so fucked and than I found Sup Forums.

Yeah that saying has big sway with me and I knew someone who would always say you can't hit women no matter what and he got hit by a chick and he knocked the crap out of her haha he red pulled himself

My history teacher wearing a communism shirt in class and me asking him why em i not allowed to wear a nazi shirt because both nazis and commies were assholes and he replying that communism dindu nuffin. Stalin was just a bad leader.

you'd keep more each week AND get your FULL amount in taxes back every year AND get much cheaper health insurance if you only made $12 an hour. wagecucks even suck at wagecucking, its a disgrace.

I born red pilled.

It sucks how Wal-Mart shafted their veterans, I've been with the company for 8 years and I went from $10.60 to $15 an hour for becoming a Lawn and Garden department manager.

Zimmerman trial and gay marriage law in France. I saw the bullshit media bias in action and it made me reconsider who were the bad guys after all

1. Voted for Obama during his first term.
2. Found this place and was exposed to different ideas.
3. Stopped being a fucking cuck.
4. Trump.

I don't have much options now, unless i willingly want to take a paycut.

I'm not sure, but it seems you've done more than I ever could there.

Get the fuck in here faggots
That trans flag is going DOWN

How would evangelion redpill someone

Listen to a lesbian feminist complain to me that the film Aliens doesn't have sufficiently strong female role models. Kind of a minor thing, but I then realised that they would never ever be happy with anything and that leftists are just driven by resentment and other mental pathologies.

That jet fuel can't melt steel beams

Watching the world at war doco series on the ABC in australia when i was 7 years old.

I died for your sins.

I read about General Patton and his views on jews, and how he probably was murdered by them. Before this i was kinda getting in to Sup Forums but this got me over the edge


The pavlovian reaction of the people around me when I started voicing moderately conservative opinions.

Also the fact that roughly 60% of my college classes were some form of gender/post-colonial studies. I studied English, not fucking sociology.

the anti-white propaganda, " there are more than 2 genders" and the radical feminists

>pavlovian reaction of the people around me

On the first time I was on the receiving end of racism.

>Work as an aircraft mechanic in singapore
>Dress neatly
>Excellent manners and english
>Somehow still get lumped with the worst of the immigrant bunch
>Final straw is when a local pop and son refused to be in the same elevator as I was in and actually stepped out
>Mfw my aussie team leader treats me better than rice niggers do

Not everyone is equal. I realized I'd just be pushed and shoved around if I continued to be a dorrmat.

Also, seeing how those unwashed gremlins get a free pass at europe when I find it hard myself to migrate using the correct channels.

Many, many "lol/fuck white people" jokes got me where I am.

Fuck Leftists
