It's basically 70% niggers. Wouldn't you expect there to be images of Churchill, Stalin, Hitler etc.
Are (((they))) trying to alter history?? Can this be explained?
It's basically 70% niggers. Wouldn't you expect there to be images of Churchill, Stalin, Hitler etc.
Are (((they))) trying to alter history?? Can this be explained?
Holy shit you're right.
Why is Washington European history fuck off cunts that's what I'm more offended about. Fuck that cunt he ruined our conquest of the Americas. He doesn't deserve a place in European history he is a criminal. I don't give a fuck about some deceleration of independence, he stole our land.
>people on the internet start the We Wuz Kangz meme
>edit a whole lote of images
>tag them with shit like "europe", "european history"
>wonders why they show up when you google for european history
Holy assballs someone's good at proxies
I think it's because it's reading "history people" as part of "black history + people" and then the European suffix just gives you western art.
>not a single nigger
more proof Poland is the future of Europe
my good new Zealand man
be filled with grace ! be safe! be blessed!
Fuck you faggot the British shouldn't have been such assholes to everybody, when you force your entire military into service even a bunch of injuns and British peasant pilgrims will be able to fight you off, fuck the crown
I have a theory
Only niggers would google European history people. Its such a convoluted unclear search phrase that it implies niggers.
Now if niggers google like that and see another nigger in am image they'll click on that picture no matter how many other images with white people there are.
Because niggers are tribal. So they click the black person. Then the next nigger googles with that retarded search phrase. And clicks on a nigger
So google algorithm puts more and more niggers
>looking up anything relating to history on google, enough to create an algorithm
Yeah, no
Ofc that's what you get for searching on Jewgle.
What about all of dem Presentation of we was kangz? Gotta get those pics from somewhere
First you complain that historians portray Europeans in a negative sense, and now you complain that your atrocities are being omitted?
Best alternatives to google?
Lemonparty .org
Whats happening to you once great country? ;_;
He was born British you mong. He just grew up and rejected the crown.
>yfw you search "fascist racist" on Twitter
It's the algorithm you paranoid.
Search "English history people" and you get pictures of Henry VIII, Charles I, Laurence Nightingale and a bunch of history books.
You understand that the biggest reason for that is /pol memes?
Lol Derek
Now I do, thanks (>__
He wasn't British you twat, he renounced his British identity and was the first American president. He didn't care about england. He never set foot on Europe.
Europe is not a country
Why are you trying to make it one?
only for runet
there's literally nothing wrong with an Europe united under German leadership
yandex, without a doubt
Because you dont fucking search for "european history people", its a search term that only retards who dont know how to use google would use. its fucking stupid
example: european has a history of enslaving niggers. european history people will show results of any websites that have european, history and people in their results. the people can be refering to the niggers they enslaved which is european history
learn to fucking google
there is a problem. specially under german leadership you fucking cucks are ruining europe
Rothschild claps his hands.
public education
Googles algorithm tries to provide search responses that are most-associated with the demographic of the searcher.
You're probably in the demographic of the 'white guilt' liberal types (almost entirely millenials and secular rabbis). Of that demographic, how many of them are going to be searching 'European history' compared to the number of people searching 'black people in European history'? Similarly, how many are going to be searching for the term 'white people in european history'? None, because they are European history and there shouldn't be a need to specify. As a result of this, there is more correlation between the search term 'black' and 'European people' than 'white' and 'European people'.
This is why you'll always get progressive and tolerant images when searching for images related to Europe and the west, whereas any search related to the rest of the world are not (as people of your demographic generally search for stories of woman/gay/minority/etc abuse in these countries instead of shit like gay pride parades in Baghdad).
Who in the fuck searches for "European history people"
I haven't seen this brand of autism for a while
Can we fix this?
Posting imagens of white people on sites with the words "european history people" or something?
Ok, so what search term should I use otherwise?
historical figures in euro- FUCK
historical european figu- FUCK
>The new generations will grow thinking niggers built civilization.
It's because "people of colour" is used a search string tag and it overlaps, since parts of europe did in fact have those, and the interest of nonwhite persons is always a source of flagrant exoticism. It's not an intentional algorithm, however.
duckduckgo tho
Poland literally kick started American industry.
1/3 of every history class is minority learning hour over here
Even in college, we spend 2-3 weeks just on the Harlem renaissance
I don't get any of that when I search it, similarly when I search American history the only black person I get is a couple of very famous pictures of MLK JR, it's mostly old revolutionary and civil war paitings, presidents, flags, the appolo program, and the constitution. The fact I'm logged in and on mobile may factor in though.
Disregard that, I suck cocks. I neglected to include "people", results still aren't nearly as BLACKED as OPs though.
Wow, they're pretty biased.
Google this:
>Professional hair
>Unprofessional hair
It's a tumblr blog that's behind much of this.
People of color history
Or medieval European poc
Don't remember exactly.
In order to combat this you'd prob have to start your own white European history blog and post a lot of pics
>Can this be explained?
Majority of WE WUZ shit comes from one single tumblr that's for whatever reason visited by hordes of people. This traffic makes google algorithms go full retard and show you WE WUZ pics from said retarded tumblr.
Results of google search promotes content that was searched for using similar phrases, so since the tumblr is called something like historical coloured people, or euro coloured people you're getting this shit.
I noticed most pictures of blacks found by doing that kind of search are hosted on pinterest
I'd be interested to know more about who owns this website
the CEO is called (((Ben Silbermann)))
where have I heard this before..
There is a movement called PEOPLE of COLOUR in EUROPEAN Art History.
If you search for "european historical figures", the result is what you'd expect, including images of Churchill, Stalin and Hitler.
wait until 1000 years from now when they rewrite history completely
Blacked Australians BTFO
Opens 5 tabs of this thread with each tab under a different proxy
I hope dealing with 5 different reCAPTCHA's was worth it for such an obvious ruse
Fuck I missed one
Welcome to 2013, retards
This is just the beginning, in the year 2250 you will read about how Africans and Muslims discovered the Americans
Whites will still be blamed for slavery though
>Whites will still be blamed for slavery though
White people in the year 2250.. Yeah right
Jewle is the ministry of ((((((truth)))))))
Well they are certainly not taking actions in their own department.