Oslo, Norway

Let's analyze this typical scene in Oslo, Norway:

- There are a bunch of electric cars parked whichever way they please.
- There is a Halal Meat shop next to a Sex shop.
- There is graffiti everywhere.
- A "Turk Tour" shop
- And a muslim of course
- The only reason we don't see heroin addicts in the streets is because it's raining

Oslo is a shithole beyond belief. Never go there. It's worse than Malmö, Copenhagen, all of them put together. Seriously. Stay away.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Turk Tour

Made me kek. The unofficial nickname of the city, I see.

At least the cars arent on fire Sven, dont talk shit to your superiors


Moar typical scenes

Typical scene thread

I don't see any live grenades, so that's a plus over Sweden.

Typical day in Alaska.

Why does oil-dependent NORWAY of all places force the electric car meme so much?

t. Mohammed from Dubai

I was working in oslo for one month and walked trough the muslim areas each day, there are hunreds of immigrants lurking the streets and somehow they have managed to buy all the sidewalk shops, making hunreds of tele, fastfood and kiosk shops.

explain yourself norwegians

kek @ norway
get on our level faggots

that sounds pretty comfy desu do they give free heroin like UK

Typical scene in Toronto. Notice anything, Sup Forums ?

They've only had 4 Live GernadeAttacks so far in 2017 which is an improvement, they usually have 4 or 5 a month since they were forced to keep track..

does this guy do anything else other than "hey, i am nice, tolerant guy" PR shots?

Does the Pope shit in the woods?

Who's the half Cuban sodomite?

>Turk tour

Sure, Oslo is a dump, and a boring one at that, Gronland alone needs to be nuked. But a Swede has no place calling out Norwegians. No place at all.

t. a Swede.

Was there last year,
Saw a nigger drug pusher driving a bright orange Tesla with chrome rims
Junkies everywhere
Population looked the same as Brussels(nigs and sandnigs)
Nice forests just outside the city,
Only white people hiking over there

I agree. Oslo have had so ma y Swedes working there for so long, they have influenced the place. We need to build a wall to keep out the Swedes with their bad influence.

Tfw living in a small county with 9000 people, and the part where I live, there is only 400.

Why don't drug dealers get high on their own supply?