So, I triggered the mods on 4 + 4 chan Sup Forums to the point their moderation discussion board /polmeta/ redirects to something called /zoo/... discuss.
Double chan is down, why??
basically, the mod is a turkish antifa faggot, I triggered him, site is down and random sites relating to "us" redirect to brony porn and shit. I guess I was the faggot for running away to 2xchan and falling for the divide and conquer and not reclaiming our rightful NS blood and soil that is 4/pol/, but I have no option now- the internet hate machine must have somewhere to go...
Odd. It directs me to /lolli/. I normally sage full.chan threads on half.Sup Forums, but this is strange.
Yeah, I'm kinda puzzled, it was when we actually were trying to do things the mods got triggered, space elevator threads, self-improvement threads- I guess I called him out with the old-fashioned /n/ hate I'm most familiar with, and coincidence- the entire site goes fucko. Perhaps it's a sign, that it's time to retake this fucking place??
Nice trips. Some of us never left and have been trying to hold down the fort. Both Sup Forumss have their uses. But kampfy has been especially kikey these last few months.
You have got to be exaggerating. No way would any actual antifa faggot mod not delete every fucking thread on 8 pol. I've heard he's a huge asshole though. That I can believe.
Verified with a couple VPNs, various mobiles, etc- it is impossible to post- even on /cuteboys/ to tell them "traps are gay"- I guess expect a lot of fucking hardcore NS refugees whenever everyone figures out shit's fucked. It's our fault for not fucking with jewt even more than we actually did. I'll be the first to admit we faggoted out ever letting the leftists/newfags ever get a foothold on this site. Whatever- shitposting mode activate!
Know that he got personally triggered the absolute fuck out of the water, just prior to this habbening. I guess I'm just about too busy to post even on one chan, I was the fag from the homesteading thread on full. chan. Hopefully imkikey gets kicked the fuck out, or else we come back with full force and retake our rightful clay.
doxxing, would elaborate more, therealmoonman's a turk, imkampfy's 1/4 jew (thus disqualifying him from leadership due to the nuremburg laws), and a girl kampfy used to try and fuck at least was a super active antifa. I'm thinking more and more it was a hugbox to keep the real hardcore fucks away from the newfags.
Good to know. Consider me in.
You won't like what Sup Forums has turned into m8, you see people using XD on here unironically now with no one calling them out on it.
>I was shitposting like I always do on cuckchan but on 2+2+2+2chan and they banned me wtf fuck?????????
>therealmoonman's a turk
Source? There is a tonne of pro mudslime propaganda no 8/pol/ lately.
Fuck 'em, they might have the numbers, but we got the balls- I love a good challenge, and I bring a good number of folks with me.
Nah, something deeper is habbening, I could avoid a ban but the entire site has been shoahed, no posts for over five hours, and the /polmeta/ board I was talking so much shit on, redirects to /loli/ since I was making fun of imkampfy for jerking his cock to chinese drawings of underage girls, and was going to /zoo/ earlier since the other mod was a horsefucker.
I wouldn't be shocked if I got banned, what weirds me out is that the entire site is down, and the actual board owner of full/pol has been gone for a bit- v&? The entropy of the passcodes for moderation is weak on that site, yes, but how would a simple hotpocket, who isn't even a board owner for anything, fuck up an entire site, just because I triggered him??
If that is the case, then pic related, kek.
nobody can post right now.
Let me wait til I get him pinned down properly, my current source is what I'm working with now for the lulz, other than that, consider it hearsay until I come back with a screencap.
They did post a sticky up about how we have to ally with muh based muslims and muh based blacks, and all that a few weeks ago or so.
What really pissed me off is they did a redirect to /loli/ from /pdfs, which is kikey as fuck.
Yep, but why are boards, who's owners openly defended me against the hotpockets, stuck with redirects to /loli/ and /zoo/??
>down for 5 hours
Wew. Has anybody tried to contact Jim's masonic lodge about this?
Welcome back faggots
hah, jim's a mason?? doesn't surprise me somehow.
I figure what's weird as hell are the redirects, versus the downtime or anything. They're quite specific if that makes any sense.
Poll for Sup Forums- am I retarded for ever leaving, should I have just stayed to act as a bulwark against newfags and leftists?? oldfag from /n/ here, took me years to get over the whole obsession with chinese fingerpainting desu.
Good to be back. Point me toward the front lines and I'll kick some commie ass.
You had every right to be mad at moot.
Perhaps, but does that give us the right to not keep and claim 4/pol/ as rightful NS clay??
1st of April fool maybe?
Not a fucking bit. Is it the first of april, I have been drinking a bit...
Drinking because of the lulz, the habbening habbened before I started. go to cripplechan/polmeta and see if it doesn't either go to loli or horsefucker shit.