Why are the dutch so...loose with their laws? I legally took psychedelic truffles last night, tripped balls, could have gone and fucked a hooker? Why are the dutch like this? I thought they were supposed to be protestant?
Why are the dutch so...loose with their laws? I legally took psychedelic truffles last night, tripped balls...
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shut the fuck up
What did they taste like?
tempted to try them.
because they are the sweden of western europe
Isn't that France?
>Non-repressive government that respects individuals' rights to do as they please as long as it's not hazardous to others
>a bad thing
Inb4 'muh degeneracy'
Ya'll jack it to cartoons baka
While liberal , there are still a lot of Dutch protestants and Catholics. Pentecost, ascension, Easter are still big holidays unlike the US thanks to the Jews
Not disgusting desu. Just be at home when you do it. I was in a hostel tripping balls. Could barely speak and walk around.
all of western europe is sweden
waarom heb je praat als een nigger?
Because we are high IQ individuals who can be responsible with some chemicals and paid sex unlike muh addicted americans
Leave Lutheranism out of it you TWAT!
Were a liberal blacked shithole.
Everyone only knows us for our dude weed capital and wooden clogs.
Waarom is er een kans van 44% dat je een neger bent?
>waarom heb je praat als een nigger?
Spotted the boerbro.
nah, just an amerifat with a thing for languages. what made you say that?
>nah, just an amerifat with a thing for google translate
This tbqh senpai
Because they're not Catholics, Anglos or Germans or the mess of shitskins that is France.
Seems to be working out well enough really.
The thing is that the Netherlands are still 80% white despite best efforts so just as anywhere with high ethnic and religious coherence a relatively libertarian society just plain works.
That's the secret of Libertarianism.
It works but only as a result of fascist cleansings, strict immigration policies and/or remote location.
Luther. fuck that fag we roll with calvin.
I can't stand mushrooms. Worst body load of any psychedelic ever. Even making a tea out of them with ginger doesn't do shit. Totally detracts from the trip and I end up just lying down and not doing anything fun.
Any foreigners here should get on the /nottalkingaboutwealthinanyway/ passive agressive comfiness that we are on.
>mfw sweden is so fucked that people talk about it like it's Somalia
Oh i tought that all protestant=Lutheran desu, okay stay with calvinism desu.
You described Amsterdam. That's not the whole of the Netherlands.
>you will never trip balls on truffles with Nellie
>you will never fuck her while tripping balls on truffles
Why even live?
>t. wallonnigger
Because Afrikaners talk dutch as if they were drunk
Red Light districts. most victimless crimes legal in these areas
this and 2bh the catholic part of the country is by far the best
Iv visited Sweden, the place is comfy.
The Dutch are pretty diverse, they even have their own bible belt
Let me tell you the secret of mushrooms.
1) Have Japanese, Slavic or Alpine ancestry
2) Go vegetarian 48 hours before
3) Eat lots of proteine-rich foods
4) Massive amounts of water 30 minutes before and 90 minutes after food, NOT A DROP during
5) Take shrooms roughly 45 minutes after a light, proteine-rich meal (I like lightly salted soy toast, yes soy has phytoestrogens but it doesn't matter if you only consume it a couple times in preparation for your session)
6) Avoid DUDE SO TRIPPY EDM, it's more suited for LSD or high levels of weed consumption, mushrooms seem to go better with minimalistic shit
7) Absolutely no alcohol/cigs/weed/other psychoactive substances during the run-up.
The Netherlands is actually not a very religious country. After the fifties, in which we essentially had religious apartheit (catholics culdnt marry protestants etc.) We kinda became culturally sceptic of religion. I reckon most dutch people would call themselves atheists/agnostic
I'm even starting to see muslims let their teenage daughters go without headscarfs more and more. For a 'degenerate' country we made it work pretty well
you want to be babied by the government? they dont give a fuck if some dumb autist takes drugs and fucks around, better chance you get brain damage and cant procreate
Yeah but everything closes at fucking 1am sharp.. everything. You can't even go buy a chocolate bar.. Pretty strict if you asked me
Holy fuck.
it doesnt
They don't care about foreigners and lower class
>social pressure is very strong and everyone is fairly similar in the Netherlands
What are you talking about?
Tja :)
on weekdays it does
It's unironically the best country in western Europe.
dit desu
Why is amsterdam full of nigger though? Balkan gypsies too i'm surprised they travelled all the way
It better to legalize it rather than spend trillions of dollars trying to fight it and constantly fail
Colonisation fucked Europe in the end it seems.
Stop talking out of your ass
Seriously, this. Fuck degeneracy; if you aren't harming anyone else, do as you please without government intervention. Exactly what is wrong with this?
The fact that it's mainly tourists that use drugs in Amsterdam
And Dutch people all look and dress the same.
And dutchs speak german as if they were drunk
it's actually the other way around: germans speak dutch as if they were drunk
>I thought they were supposed to be protestant
Friendly reminder that there are now more Dutch Catholics than Dutch Protestants belonging to the national chruch
Eat shit, William of Orange
>Eat shit, William of Orange
Alright dude that's taking it a bit too far. DELET THIS YOU SOUTH EUROPEAN MONGREL CUNT.
Also, how are things going in your country?
Well, our prime-minister hijacked the goverment after losing the elections by making a coalition with the soviets and the SJWs, and our President thinks he is the Pope
Please invade us
>loose with their laws
if there's anyone who is uptight about rule and order it is the dutch
You can smoke weed while fucking a hooker in front of a cop.
Netherland is the real Land of the Free
We are protestant in the sense that we see those as sins so you do them once in a while when you really have to and in the meantime you don't get to bitch endlessly about how drugs and prostution should be legal maaaan.
>You can smoke weed while fucking a hooker in front of a cop.
Only if the cop were off-duty and partaking in the fucking.