You are not truly part of the aryan master race if you haven't done your part and contributed to expanding the cancerous amorphous black blob.
You are not truly part of the aryan master race if you haven't done your part and contributed to expanding the...
Why are we attacking EU when they are still awake and why aren't we attacking together?
I'm so out of the loop, what the hell is this?
its a meme you dipshit
>>Autists who can't co-ordinate
We're trying to sabotage reddits dumb social experiment by consuming it all in void.
dumb reddit garbage where you draw a picture one pixel every 5 minuets. Anyone can draw on the picture.
its dumb.
>You have to be a redditor to be the aryan master race
Join for complete consumption:
Are you guys all too dumb to give a link?
chan discord
normie tranny sympathizing discord that we might be able to use as pawns
Get in here!
Let's work towards more black for free growth!
need some lads on this
Destroy the mental-fag flag!
But I don't want to go on reddit. It's for animals and people who fuck animals.
Guys can we turn the EU flag in to a Union jack or something
Unban coldblood wtf
do it faggot. for the cause of the void
Lets turn the EU flag into a Nazi Flag.
no, gets you shadowbanned. focus on void. expand repair.
The pc term is Canadian.
No, focus on the EU flag
mods don't want us to expand void
Pro tip: Create 600 reddit accounts to be able to pixel every second.
do I have to be a plebit member to draw?
You can't. Your account has to be 1 day old to paint
why can the blue autists dominate 1/10 of the map but we can't spread our cancerous black hate even a little?
we're triggering reddit
they gained an enormous amount of people in the first hour, and they faced little resistance until about hour 4 or 5. we are intentionally spreading through other peoples established shit so the concerted effort of the tranny army is trying to stop us
the eu flag, black it out
because they had like over 1k people spreading it. I doubt there is even 200 void people.
also blue is getting fucked up by destiny streaming on twitch with 5k viewers telling everyone to destroy it.
EU is fighting pretty hard for something that won't even exist in 20 years
just created an account for this but it lets me add squares without a timer. anyone else getting this?
everyone here consume that fucking EU flag right now
I'll help with this then. I might even try to start another blob in some other crap-tier territory and gradually increase the density of blacks in those areas which will make your expansion much much easier
>you need an account to draw a pixel
open /r/place in a new tab. it's a bug
We must choose our battles, brothers. Coordinated strikes in condensed areas. One flag at a time
yeah, 10 min timer
it sucks
We should write Sup Forums in the middle or the Sup Forums clovers
Your edits can only be seen by you. Your account has to be at least 1 day old for your edits to be seen by everyone
I don't partake in reddit actives.
im not homosexual
Fuck you, guy
The Trans Menace must be dealt with, anons!
Leave the EU flag alone, it's harmless
I think we should expand our boarders before we attack EU flag.
>kept calling me sir (even though I'm mtf)
I couldn't read past that
deus vult lol
Fucking hell, so it's true that reddit is full of communists? That flag was allowed to grow so big with so little interference.
I'm doing my part!
I used 4 accounts to paint over the rainbow and it was repaired within 3 mins, fuark
You have to be a redditor to play this game. New accounts don't work.
Start spreading the corruption on the Eu flag
i think most right leaning people simply left reddit. i haven't posted anything in over half a year because it will be censored anyway so why waste time there?
reminder, there are whole subreddits dedicated to preserving their shit. Trying to attack the EU flag and the rainbow right now is futile. Grow around it.
Embrace, extend the void, extinguish.
I seem to not have a cd. What does this mean?
r/The_Donald recently confirmed to have 6.1 million subscribers.
Politically speaking Reddit is dominated by a /pol pysops and they censor it from the viewers but not from advertisers because that would be illegal.
no, build in areas of least resistance, then fight the flags. build into whitespace / random pixels
The EU flag is too strong guys.
What do we do?