Hello friends. Can you explain to me why western liberals love defending Islam so much? It's so fucking surreal to me as a "liberal minded" person who has lived in M'laysia all his life. It's like watching feminist defend the Wesboro Baptist Church. Is it the fluoride in the water?
Why do liberals love Islam?
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Muh Palestine boo hoo
Xenophilia as westerners: they'll like anything bad for western civilization.
it's anti-western and anti-european, therefore everything that Islam does is tearing down a patriarchal, white supremacist structure
I think the libtards are drawn to Islam's "OBEY OR ELSE" attitude. It's why they love the government. As usual, it's highly hypocritical, meaning liberal = liberty . . . not much liberty with Muhammods.
I hope it passes soon. Fucking irritating.
My father and his brother+some of his cousines and my grandfather talked about this issue, little background story of my famillie, we are Assyrians whom are from syria but we later fled to europe cuz mudslims.
What they came to conclusion is that ppl from europe has one reason and one reason only why they take a vacation to islamic countries. In this example we talked about turkey cuz we were in germany at that time.
The reason why they travel to turkey is to get dicks in their holes (both the german men and women).
The reason why they defend islam is so they can take in more refugees cuz going to turkey is expensive, that way they can get dicks in their asses for free.
If u dont know what Assyrians are then just google it up.
>fled to erope cuz muslims
yeah, that jihad ain't gonna wage itself
They believe Muslims are useful idiots, failing to realize even the most illiterate goatfucker will still execute someone with a funny haircut or tattoo.
something something strong horse
- sandman
Assyrians are more christian than italians desu
This makes a lot of sense
there are a lot of similarities between communism/socialism and Islamic rule.
It's because you still take liberals at their word instead of understanding that they just want white genocide.
Do yourself a favor and start paying attention to what ppl do more so than what they say.
Useful idiot is a harsh word. I would say that they are part of their pet project for their social circle.
then why are you fleeing from your land instead of standing up to the kebab menace and fight?
That's cute, can you go back to Syria now?
Cognitive dissonance.
Every whore on earth will convert to Islam when honorable men refuse to marry them
Wether it's the raping in public for pleasure or the abusive non cuck husband for security, Islam solved the used up whore's problems. It also solves the sexually frustrated white betas problems.
thats a cute way of saying arab christian.
They don't love Islam, they love anyone they believe can be dependent upon them. Since most muslims are immigrants in western lands, they think they can first keep them loyal to liberal politicians and second, gradually grind away their religious beliefs until they're secular atheists like every other leftist.
An analogy for this would be raising a baby crocodile and expecting it to love you when it's grown.
its all about taking power away from white men
This post. The left allied itself with Islam to overthrow the Shaw of Iran. When the coup was complete the Islamists rounded up all the lefties and shot them. Then they purged the universities of and left wing students. It turned out the left were the useful idiots.
>1 post by this ID
>Hello friends. Can you explain to me why western liberals love defending Islam so much? It's so fucking surreal to me as a "liberal minded" person who has lived in M'laysia all his life. It's like watching feminist defend the Wesboro Baptist Church. Is it the fluoride in the water?
They don't know what it teaches, it's really as simple as that.. otherwise they would be pretty scared and also they would try to help ex muslims who don't want to live under those laws, instead they seem to protect everyone else than the ones they ought to be protecting..
I feel very bad for ex muslims or even muslims who don't want to live under those kinds of rules but want to believe in a deity as a principle without the rest of the sinister stuff..
They come to the west wanting no part of that, then get shafted by the leftists and persecuted by the orthodox muslims till they either move away from areas where they are or capitulate and come back into the "fold" due to the extreme pressure by their peers..
>the enemy of my enemy is my friend
Liberals are obsessed with destroying Christian civilization. When feminists are proudly partnering up with muslims and doing the muslim prayer call at a radfem march, you know it has nothing to do with women's rights and everything with destroying white Christian male civilization.
They want whitey to feel as alienated as possible from his country and culture so he turns to the left.
I think they will win. Because the only people who haven't woken up to what a fraud the cuckservatives are are boomers, and cuckservatives don't look like changing any time soon. Cuckservatives are essentially a bunch of white people and Jews that mostly want to do relatively easy jobs to maintain their positions at the top, usury and banking being their main thing, that means they need mass immigration.
In fact in Australia it seems pretty clear they want us to be American when it comes to health and education. So they are really shooting themselves in the foot.
>Why do liberals love Islam?
because the media tells them to.
It's the 1968 communist legacy. If you are a progressive person, you must hate USA and Jews and love the "oppressed" sandniggers.
It's mostly got to do with the fetishization of oppression. These people are unfamiliar with Islam. They are also extremely idealistic towards minorities and poor people. Mostly because they DON'T FUCKING INTERACT WITH THEM in any meaningful way. They will invariably tell you some bullshit story about how they "grew up poor" but it's always greatly exaggerated.
Liberals will tell you how great minorities are from the comfort of their gated condos in Santa Monica.
Muslim here. Maybe it's because Islam actually is more liberal in spirit. No matter how much people scream and point at ISIS as the only real Muslims, the fact is that there are 1.6bn other Muslims who actually know and love the true liberal Islam and Sup Forums and Shitebart and Turdrump won't make that go away.
Yeah, history will prove as secularism and liberal ideals were being invented in the West that Islam had been beheading, torturing, and enslaving its political dissidents only because they were proto-Nazis.
>allah the best deceiver
yea fuck off, your God is Satan and your religion is a bastardized evil shit version of Christianity
>A religion is beheading
>Not governments are beheading
If anything, the books will show how 1.6bn Muslims just got on with life, while a handful of fuckheads tried to fuck shit up and cause tension. You know it's true, that's what the internet already records.
anyway some political 'dissidents' really need beheading so meh
fuck off you evangelical cunt
good question
Islam is a system of government, bud. Technically those governments were being good muslims. Muslims do NOT try to get on with their lives, history has shown that everywhere they go they create friction. There has never been a single country where Muslims became 30% of the population and DIDNT start trying to revolt and create their own Muslim nation governed by Sharia.
Vote bank, they do that even in India even after the history we've had with Islam
>Islam is a system of government, bud
Learn logic, bud. The fact that Islam *has* a system of governance, bud, doesn't mean the governments doing that shit are necessarily Islamically-run governments, 'bud'.
>Muslims do NOT try to get on with their lives, history
You will only ever be able to show me isolated cases of fuckheads, not how the majority is running amok in the West. Because you know no one will buy that shit because it's never happened. Muslims don't riot. Niggers yeah, spics maybe. Chinks in France, yeah. Muslims, NO.
If Islam was so perfect why did it need forced conversions?Buddism is massive religion and no one was converted with a sword really makes you think
>Muslims don't riot.
Yeah okay Aziz
pic related, Mudslimes react to a cartoon
>Just because Islam tells Muslim governments what to do doesn't mean they are Islamic if they do them, learn logic
Completely retarded statement.
>You will only ever be able to show me isolated cases of fuckheads
I'm pretty sure that "every Muslim government ever" is neither isolated nor a case of "fuckheads ruining it for everybody"
>Muslims don't riot.
They riot fucking everywhere.
Notice how everybody tries to live in peace even under unfavorable terms except Muslims. When Muslims conquer a place, start killing and beating other religious or ethnic minorities, those people for the most part try to get by. Christians rarely went nuclear, and when they did it was entirely justified after the abuse was enough. Muslims get occupied and they will forever be an insurgency until they can reinstate their Qu'ran as the law over all.
Political protests aren't riots. If you want to do that, we could start calling all Trump rallies and Britain First protests riots too.
They literally set fires to cars while screaming allahu ackbar.
>Islam tells Muslim governments what to do
No, that's the retarded statement, bitch. Does the UK government run according to the Bible because we're a 'Christian country'? No you retarded nigger.
Because Jesuits and Jews indoctrinated their schools and media.
that wasn't a protest, they were throwing bottles and other projectiles at cops, smashing cars and windows, damaging shops and businesses.
Mudslimes only know how to chimp out or live on welfare (or more likely both)
> Does the UK government run according to the Bible because we're a 'Christian country'? No you retarded nigger.
Well, no, because unlike Islam, the West went through a little thing called the "Enlightenment." The two aren't even comparable. Europe ripped itself to shreds to reach this point of history, Islam tried nothing of the sort.
This is why you'll find people to be a bit incredulous when you try to pretend like the people of those Islamic countries do not explicitly endorse what their governments do. If they didn't, they would have revolutions and replace it just like the West did.
>protest, they were throwing bottles and other projectiles at cops, smashing cars and windows, damaging shops and businesses
Which is literally how every political protest goes post-1990. How fucking new are you
Also whites are the biggest welfare leeches, at least in the UK.
I wasn't aware that whites were flooding into the middle east en masse to live on welfare.
They haven't experienced it yet. They are really very religious, even young single men of which there are plenty here. They will be like christian americans on speed.
Somehow i also feel that they just "need" to have a problem or opponent.
Just admit you don't know shit about Islamic history, evangelical retard. Except the parts your pastor mumbled as he shoved his little cock in your ass again.
Complimentary. Piss be upon the prophet Muhammad.
because they're a minority
I am not religious. I know enough about Islam to know that Vlad the Impaler was a fucking hero defending his people from invasion and that it's a good thing Turks got their shit kicked out of Vienna.
We don't want Muslims here because we know what they do to the places they are. They took half of the Roman Empire and turned it into a Somalia tier shithole. Turks hadn't even industrialized by WW1 because Islam is so bad.
Ah that is why you are not answering my questions because I know everything about your backwards sand cult
Because it's anti-western. Same reason they like feminism. Their ideals are pathological, don't listen to what they say, look at what they do.
Huh? Malaysia is full of Muslims, no?
>Which is literally how every political protest goes post-1990. How fucking new are you
>heh c'mon man Ahmed and Khalid are just smashing up the local pharmacy, it's all good though they're just pissed off about a cartoon published in another country
And name one Trump rally that involved physical battles with cops.
The problem is that these retards would emigrate to fucking right wing countries once Europe is fully invaded.
> white supremacist structure
We should make a list and send them with their blacks and muslims, you will see them begging to live with the bad white men
prove to me that it isn't a satanic lie created just so people would stop believing in the sacrifice of Jesus, the only thing that can save them according to christian theology
You don't know anything about anything, Pajeet. All that cow piss has deranged your brain to the point where even if I gave your village a free toilet, they would still poo in the streets.
Because they hate Christianity and themselves.
>muh pigs
>muh state
>muh obedience
kys any time friendo
They see Islam as a race instead of a religion. If most Muslims were white they'd destory Islam. but no, if you hate what the brownos like then das raycis
I can read and understand Arabic Ahmed which more than 80 percent of muzzies can't do when you are done rubbing your head to get that Islam Street cred come back to me I can help you with your childhood brainwashing
>tv license
Some are just virtue-signaling sociopaths who only defend muslims because they want to look like the nice little tolerant progressives in front of their coworkers, boss, friends, family, etc. They're convinced that if they virtue-signal hard enough, they will eventually get that nice six figure salary they always craved, even if it is done at the expense of middle class white girls who are forced to live amongst these impulsive and bestial shitskins.
And then some are genuinely retarded dipshits with delusions of grandeur, who seriously think it's their god-given duty to protect 'muh oppressed brownies' from the white devil. It looks innocent at first, but then you realize that the most ideological nutjobs out there are usually behaving the way they do because they are over-compensating for some kind of original sin. It's kind of like how religious fundamentalists do horrible things in the name of god, because they are more afraid of going to hell and being denied a comfy afterlife than they are of actually dealing with guilt and a conflicted conscience.
In either case, they're both scum and they both need to be gassed. I have zero patience for any kind of islamo-apologism, whether authentic or sleazy in nature.
Liberals who defend islam are the most nefarious psychopaths out there.
Funny that a Muslim who had to run away from his dogshit homeland would talk about civilization to an Indian
You're living on OUR labor, bitch. You have notthing to be proud of.
>Why do liberals love Islam?
Because it is opposite of the evil white mans religion, Christianity, and therefor good.
right winger picked all the issues and the left winger went 180° on every single one of them
thats why they kill babies bua are anti capitol punishment
its fun watching them squirm when you confront them on things such as when muslims are openly murderous to homosexuals and then they say theyre all radicalized and that moderate muslims dont support that type of behavior
and then you point out that the slaughter of homos is advocated throughout muslim countries by its citizens, not just "radicals"
and then ask if by moderate they mean westernized, and then point out that they are a small minority, as they like to fall back on the defense that only a small minority of muslims hate western culture and rape and murder people
but genetics still > religion
we're so fucking lazy we only support the islamification of the west through the keyboard
Political Islam is an ideology similar to communism. Lefties used to love Pol Pot, now they like Islam.
>koran 3:7
>Sahih International: It is He who has sent down to you, [O Muhammad], the Book; in it are verses [that are] precise - they are the foundation of the Book - and others unspecific. As for those in whose hearts is deviation [from truth], they will follow that of it which is unspecific, seeking discord and seeking an interpretation [suitable to them]. And no one knows its [true] interpretation except Allah. But those firm in knowledge say, "We believe in it. All [of it] is from our Lord." And no one will be reminded except those of understanding.
>And no one knows its [true] interpretation except Allah.
>And no one knows
What did I say?
Going to say it again.
>Allah the best deceiver
>useful idiot is a harsh word
that's the best way to describe them retard
In all fairness, Assyrians are a pretty small ethnicity. Can't blame them for fleeing when faced with 100x their numbers.
Muslims are foreign and therefor good. Everything that is from the liberals homecountry is disgusting and evil and needs to be infused with diversity.
This. One thing we can definitely say about Islam is that is it not solely confined to a belief system. If it is a religion it is not a religion only. Islam is a total system of life and contains within itself a particular social system, judicial system, and political system which includes geo-political aspirations - the conquest and administration of territory.
È vero. Ma vale solo per l'Italia. All'estero non possono capire cosa intendi dire. Camerata.
Liberals are the true racists/sexists/homophobics of the west, and Islam gives them the brutal, authoritarian front they so desire under the guise of 'progression'. I don't ironically believe this either, Islam stands against all that the left seems to hold dear so why do they throw it under the bus to be 'tolerent'?
Great books on islam by Oriana Fallaci. I recommend them for anyone who wants to understand islam.
Because they are brown and criticism of brown people is heresy to any beta males
Yes, basically the only religions are Catholic and orthodox Christianity. Islam is a full political ideology with supernatural tweaks.
Read them all already years ago. She has been hated And loved here in italy. She gave a big red pill to the nation.
More funny that libs actually promote destruction of Islam by supporting it. This backward system of believe keeps Muslims in a mental prison, and liberals reinforce it. It's a good strategy, but it's superinsidious. It's basically choking you enemy with his own hands.
There's several reasons. The main one of which is that muslims reliably vote for leftwing parties. Secondly, muslims, much like leftists, hate right wing whites - their culture, history, and so on. Therefore muslims are a useful tool, as they can be stoked into a violent frenzy and directed against those right wing whites, who just won't get with the program.
Addendum: the presence of muslims naturally leads to a lot tension in society, which in turns allows the anti-racist machine to flex its muscles and justify its constituents' pay checks. This in turn keeps the money flowing, and humiliates and demoralizes the right wing whites. This has the effect of maintaining the status hierarchy as it is. Lastly, muslim terrorist attacks have the effect of making right wing politicians adopt left wing talking points with regards to feminism and gay rights in such a way that the left ultimately benefits.
1984 is a great piece of literature because of how accurately it depicts liberal mindsets.
We know how they see Freedom as slavery when they actively vote to restrict personal freedoms in the name of "safety", such as revoking free speech and the right to own arms. Ignorance being strength is seen with their "safe spaces" and refusal to accept harsh realities, such as their glorification of communism and socialism in spite of the fact that every attempt at those have ended in failure. Now, we get to War is Peace.
When women got the right to vote and equal pay, did feminists say "mission accomplished" and went back to daily life? No. A political party will never just give up power. They just moved onto another issue. And another. And another. But, as more time passed, there were no more issues that could be fought for.
We gave gays, blacks, women, trannies, and every other group equal rights. By the 2000s, the liberal think tanks realize that they'll disappear into the annals of history unless they did something.
So, they decided to create a war that would never end. They decided to back an ideology so horrific, so backwards and antithetical to western society that conservatives will not concede to them like all other issues. With Islam, liberals will NEVER be at risk of no longer being relevant.
>Can you explain to me why western liberals love defending Islam so much?
Islam is anti-Christian.
>believe in what I say or you go to hell
Christianity is very political. Heck the fact that Catholic Popes can't shut up but talk about abortion, gay marriage and other issues is proof of it.
Religions are usually political by nature since telling people how to behave reflects on politics. The differentiation between ethics and politics is nonsense. A politician must behave according to his religion if he follows one. This affects politics.
Most big religions are political in nature.
This doesn't make any sense. Liberals and Muslims living in the West are inconsequential.
If you believe God is all powerful but you don't believe God can be the best deceiver, your theology makes no sense.
Also if keeping certain knowledge unknown to man "deception", then you believe God is a deceiver since humans haven't been given all the knowledge. The fact that the average human doesn't know everything means, according to you, that God deceives.
Evangelicals are so retarded.
This isn't a real thing. It's just something conservatives are obsessed with accusing liberals of.
>you don't hate X people for being Muslim?
>you must love Islam and want to wear a burqa!
No Sven, everyone is swedish remember?
Pretty much this. Liberals are very anti-Islam, they just don't prioritize it due to Muslim low numbers in the West. Muslims can be kicked out of the West, Christians remain. So the liberal atheist will always be more worried about Chrisitanity. Liberals also don't believe in focusing on Muslims because they're more vulnerable being a small minority.
Far leftist are the ones more open to Muslims. Sup Forums is too dumb to differentiate between leftist (socialist, commies) and liberals (centre left to centre or centre right in some countries).
Leftism is secularized Christianity.
Because it is Alpha
And mostly because Muslims are chill in the West and people who know them are liberals so they defend them
In a world of objectivity and true egalitarianism it would do the same to Islam. But the Leftists of today are cowards at the behest of their party Masters that want for them to glorify similarly anti-Western ideals so it is preserved in all its savagery until they build populations enough for the problem to become unsolvable through diplomatic means.
I disagree, modern liberals either tow the line or they are ousted. You CANNOT treat Islam with the same level of scrutiny as you would Christianity in the West or you'll be blacklisted.
This. Islam wants to destroy Western civilization so leftists see it as having a common goal with postmodern leftism. They are way too short-sighted to care about what will happen when there's no-one left willing to protect them from the muslims.
older ethnic group than arabs