SLAV Thread

SLAV Thread

Guys, I've been talking to a Slavic girl for the past year. I'm going to visit her next month in Eastern Europe. I see a lot of chatter here about Slavs. Can someone give me a basic gestalt on what I'm getting myself into? I may end up marrying this girl.

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She doesn't want you. She wants America. Wake up goy.

They love Mayonase,Squatting,and communism

Has this "chatting" involved payment?

For once in his life, a kike isnt steering you in a wrong direction

Get out now OP

Post pic of her

Which country.

Also this

no payment. Met her on tinder when I was in Europe last year.

100% This. Though it could be a fair deal.

not posting pic. could compromise her. She is very Melania Trump'esque. Ukraine.