that if you don't have a beard you are a degenerate manlet
Daily reminder
Other urls found in this thread:
Beards don't help pay debts.
regulations ain't free, the seals of gas masks gotta be littered with the stubble of shaven facial hairs
t. incel with shit tier jaw and chin genetics
>hipsters failing at being men and resorting to coping mechanism.
I've got a beard but it looks like public hair
>implying dont paying back the jewish bankers is not the ultimate redpill
Really??? Beards are for sandniggers and hipsters... either way they earn you a shower in Dachau
>tfw no real beard at 30
t-thanks estrogen
Pay denbts though.
It's not the ultimate redpill, it's only where the redpilling begins. If you try going further than that the bankers will manipulate the entire world to declare war on you though.
Kikes, Mohammedans and nu-males all have beards.
They are also degenerate as fuck.
found the weak gened nu-males untermensch who can't grow a beard. kill yourselves you genetic wastes.
>Mind blown
The Jew banking system would collapse if everyone did this.
in that case Greece, allow me to congratulate your women for not being degenerate manlets
>Calling anyone a genetic waste
What did he mean by this?
im 30+ it just doesnt grow
I can grow a full beard, but I shave it, because I'm not a subhuman sandnigger
Beards are mainly for overcompensating beta males with weak chins, fuck off chinlets.
don't be mean. he's obviously a nigger. nigger beards are no different to oily pubes. very sad.
Beards used to be cool but now they are as "trendy nu male" as you can get.
Skinhead & shaven face masterrace
if what you do is determined by whether it's a trend or not you are a huge faggot
t. nigger
No. Lots of people will die in artificial war if anyone did this
hipsters and hajis ruined beards for the next 20 years
Filthy greek cuck, kys
I can't grow a full beard.
What do.
>t roach
Grow a French Beard.
Fuck that gay muslim fashion.
Real men rock the stubble look.
Dude stop posting this
Growing a meme on your face doesn't solve your problems.
Barış kardeşim
This guy is actully pretty funny irl.
>t. roach
kek nice pro pkk lefypol meme there
Most of the time the OPs of such threads have a shit tier patchy beard barely covering a quarter of the area, which they assume automatically makes them a part of the ubermenschen KEK
t. An actual full-bearded person
Jesus Christ the roaches are active today. Did king roach command you to be pissed off again?
It is just a way for coward, slutty millennials to appease to rabbis and imams at the same time
It is also extremely faggy since it needs more grooming than a shaved pussy
everytime I see one I cringe
>t. abu giorgi bin mohammed al-pederasti
That tragic try hard beard.
Hi Mr Panos!
He means you have hairy women, and he's bloody right. You lot could all use full burkhas frankly.
Wooky as fuck.
unironically and literally this.
only a moustache is acceptable since mudhammedslimes dont allow to grow moustache and hiper beta numales wont wear a "pedostache"
even the jimmy neutron looking freak cant grow one, moustaches are the only redpilled facial hair, sadly sideburns dont make the cut due to jewish forelock kikery
you greeks are indeed boylovers
Man should be judged by his actions, not the by lenght of his hair
Also, sorry for not having enough mudslime genes in me, Im only blueeyed blonde
>blue eyes blonde hair
yes you have nigger blood.We know
Only overcompensating fags have beards and foreskins
weak bantz pretty much, its all you can get:
>pay debnts
manly man
Is that right
No thanks, I like being as far from Muslim as possible.
Depends on the man.
In some cases it makes you look like a numale hipster faggot.
In others it makes you look tough, rugged, and genuinely masculine.
There's no one perfect answer to this.
>Caling any non-Bong woman ugly