What the fuck europeans?!?!

>lol the EU is cucked cucked cucked lol hey guys when you gonna stop them or do you like your children being raped by mohammedians?we need to stop the eu from cucking us!!

>oh no the uk left! quick lets all shill for the break up of the uk! fuck the USA also! everyone stop le penn winning

is it just me or are europeans backstabbing bastards? you moan about the migrants and the eu yet when a nation does somert about it you get mad????

if you dont stand with britain and trump,you stand with junker and merkel

the line in the sand has been made...

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Go mind your own business bong you have no right to talk about Europe anymore. I just feel bad for the people who are stuck there now.


Like rats leaving the sinking ship

>is it just me or are europeans backstabbing bastards?
>t. Anglo


literally who

What does Trump have to do with your shithole?

farrage said he would move to the usa if things didnt work out

many agree with him

but at least he was bold enough to take the plunge and at least there is a chance of success

all member states in the union are as good as dead,that inc eastern europe they cant hold out forever once they start sanctioning them

the fact he supports us and junker is threatening to balkanize america means we got a common enemy burger

That's kind of the core of this thing: Everybody whines about EU because people always whine about the current power structure.

It was only you brits who were so retarded that you actually thought this meant that there was some place in the world better than under the protection of the continent.

Enjoy your pakis and thank Murdoch and the Tory press for lying you into this mess.

I just don't like Anglos.

you want to control europe by any means,even if you flood them with muslims to stay in power and destroy their culture

you have not yet learned your lesson hans

lmao we will not only thrive but we will destroy your union

no 1 nation will never control the mainland

germans are just buttblasted becucase they think the eu is theirs and they own all the european countries

you dont and soon you will realize that

The protection of the continent? kek, the eu should be scrambling to make up the military deficit that the British took with them.

enjoy your currency crisis

enjoy your migrant crisis

remember to pay edrogan his cuck fee hans! you dont want him to turn that nigger rape tap back on :)

Stop moaning and leave already.

But gib gib.


lmao britain is the one that leaves the EU and you are now buttmad that we don'T stand with you and trump?

I don't get it

>is it just me or are europeans backstabbing bastards?

Says the Brit. The UK decided to be a petulant child and has left the club, you no longer get the benefits of being part of the club.

Now go along and suck off Trump's America, and sign that TTIP 2.0 deal that the tories have their eyes on.

After those nasty sinister tyrannical EU laws about protection of consumer rights, food safety, health protection, environmental protection etc, are lifted. You better get used to food laced with hormones, pesticides, chlorine and other tasty additives. Yummy!

The UK will still be a signatory to both the UNHCR convention and protocol on refugees regardless of whether we're in the EU or not, so don't even bother with that lazy argument, because it's completely irrelevant to the EU.

The EU has plenty of economic muscle and military industry. We just chose to save the money as long as the retarded Burgers payed the bill. One of the thing UK leaving will help speed up is the formation of an EU army.

And we will probably see it in action in our lifetime, either to the east, south or to the west.

Hope we will introduce glorious Hugo Boss uniforms again this time btw. I want to look good when I go murder chavs/roaches/durkas/russians

also i dare you to invade it,one of our nuclear sub bases are there

we will make barca glow for 10,000 years!

one min pol is anti eu and now you all suck merkels dick

you are all race traitors

"EU has plenty of economic muscle and military industry" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH "breathes in" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA TOP shit post famalam

the calle jungle disagrees with that m8

get out eurocuck

>we have plenty of economic and military muscle
>America pays the bill
That really activates my almonds.

dont you get it you dumb fuck?




You're a prick.

Be careful father, Hans might send in his legions of broom stick troops

not an argument you fucking paki

And your farts smell of semen.

Fellow Anglosphere bro here, fuck the rest of Europe, true Americans have your back.

We dont have an independent nuclear deterent. We rely on the US for targeting information.

If they yanks don't let us nuke, we can't nuke.

It's like going to a bar with your fat, retarded, mexican friend who is heavily in debt but always buy rounds to everybody to proove how great he is.

Of course we let the Burgers pay the bill as long as possible. It's the rational choice.

There will be a holocaust of the chavs though, either by our hand or the pakis.

No, I want the EU to dissolve as quickly as possible, that doesn't mean that I will forget that Brits are a plight upon the world.

we have control over half of the nukes

What the fuck why is there so many people shilling for EU? What happened?

so you want to kill white natives and let in more pakis?

That's ok we will send the special division, entirely comprised of transvestite people. Of color who have recently converted to Islam.

Germany won't fight back cause much racism, and Britain will win.

if you dont side with britain the eu will not disolve

who the fuck on /pol doesn't want Brexit and le Penn?

Why does the Anglo sphere keep having to save the whole of Europe. It's like they are a schizophrenic woman that marries a drug dealer (Germany), taunts the rest of the wold and acts superior, only to beg for help when Germany starts savagely beating her.
I'm not sure they are worth saving this time.

it turns out they was just edgy larpers all along

they all shilled for the breakup...but the second a nation took a step into fighting the eu they all showed their true selves

i think many euro polacks actually LOVE merkel!

Of course not. Unlike May's "Truly Global Britain" we are working on decreasing the inflow of shitskin.

In the 50 word essay you guys have put forward as your Brexit strategy you go on and on about the brown wonders of the Commonwealth.

So in short, post Brexit UK seems extremelty pro islamic immigration and EU fights against it.

The EU is already finished, it's just artificially kept alive by ungodly amounts of money. As soon as the inevitable economic crisis hits it's over for the Union.

Schulz's goons

Just aim for the main land, let God sort it out , greatest ally

Oh shit Denmark is challenging us, what are you going to do? Throw danishes and unfunny comedians at us?

Get back to your mud hole swamp Faggot.

we want people who can earn over 35k and can speak english

we dont want human garbage just walking in like europe does

we are getting a merit based system like australia what you said is plain false.

Had no idea the US still controlled any British based nukes.

Implying your country or the EU had a metaphorical job or wallet to pay tab


You do realize we are part of a Union right, Mahmoud?

Ganging up on weaker neighbors is one of the many adantages of the EU. We will start exploiting you economically but it will probably go beyond that at some point.

some are on loan from you

that way no new nukes are made...we could make loads but we believe less nukes in the world is better

american loaned ones are under american control though...but not all of our stockpile are yours

its a safety measure desu

you didnt have to kill innocent poles

fuck you hans

Forget the part where Stalin hit Poland in the back of the head.

that's adorable , babby thinks it has teeth


The reason the jungle is there is because they are France's problem - and we are not part of the Schengen area while still being in the EU, so France has duty to keep them out of the UK.

Once we leave the EU and a deal isn't struck, there's nothing stopping France from letting them out of the country. It'll all be on us.

Sorry, facts make people Eurocucks and unpatriotic now, right?

>tfw us voting to leave the EU gave hope for Trump to be president

What a time to be alive. I'm praying Le pen wins

i feel like a colonial in 1776

a empire thinks it owns us and we aint got many freinds

we will prevail! give us liberty or give us death!

>murdoch and my Tory overlords promised me a truly white Britain

Yes, it's not like your upper class masters would ever lie to you and import brown muzzie workmen to replace your lazy asses at the bottom of the food chain, right?

Germans are more vile than jews. Seriously. Fuck germans. They're the most disgsting people that exists.

then we gun them down or deport them

what goes on in international waters is none of our business,that includes shooting their boats

we have a right to defend our border from invaders

> backstabbing
> calling other nations backstabbers

go suck a dick britfags

I stand by Juncker and Merkel, not fucking clowns like Trump

The Anglo empire shall rise

>you want to control europe by any means
yeah it's not like you faggots handed over half the continent to the USSR to stay in power or anything

then you will perish

such a shame,i always thought netherlands was bros


Not much Anglo about it desu

our cities was bombed to shit

our people was tired of bombs raining on them

our factories was smouldering craters!

we fought 2 world wars back to back and bankrupted ourselves

we was in no position to have another war with russia right after ww2

sorry but our own come 1st not eastern europe

Netherlands is a non-country , there, I said it

Respect the Anglosphere! Except Canada.

Here's some insight into the wonderful mind of the average Brittish voter: walesonline.co.uk/news/politics/brexit-means-can-reopen-mines-12809927#ICID=sharebar_facebook

Complete confusion

Haha, no the UK isn't.

I'm still waiting for somebody from any part of the leave side to give me something concrete* that is a single real benefit of leaving. They can't claim immigration as Davis has already said "as many immigrants as are needed" which is code word for "continuing as we fucking are isn't it".

*and vague "we can make trade deals" is not concrete. Trade deals with who? What makes it different to the EU and the rest of the world that we're already doing?

More money? nope (Let’s assume that import prices from the EU rise about 30% across the board. That’s a reasonable figure, given WTO tariffs for food are 22%, and the average person buys much more than that from the EU: electronics, clothes, cosmetics, cars, and so on, many of which have even higher tariffs.

If tariffs rise 30% across the board, the UK’s import bill to the EU will then be £290 billion. That’s a difference of £67 billion from the bill without tariffs. But EU membership costs only £8.5 billion? So how much is the UK going to lose from Brexit? £58.5 billion pounds.)

Sovereignty? nope (We will go from one of the biggest global players, creating framework for European economy and foreign policy, reduced to desperately seeking allies and trade agreements on the other side of the globe, bending over backwards for Trump. It's going to cede sovereignty bit by bit across the globe as we scrabble for rushed trade deals.)

Democracy? nope (The UK gets a say at every part of the democratic process, and the people who make these processes are decided at both a domestic General Election level and the European Election level in the Commision, the Council, and the Parliament.)

The opportunities offered by Brexit are either elusive or they were already there for the taking. A large sway of what the UK 'will now to be free do' after leaving the EU, it has had the power to do for generations, but consecutive governments have failed to address.

>hey guys lets look at one random person and equate that as everyone in the uk XDDDDDD

not an argument


>oh shit Denmark is blocking us from its lego and custard filled pastries, what are we going to do!!!

Kys faggot, you have no power.

No the Brits are the backstabbers, as usual. The UK was the first European country that started to recuperate former colonials


>sorry but our own come 1st
>our own
you seem to have misspelled Israel there, m8

so doing what every other nation outside of the eu does is a bad thing?

bending over for trump? he already said he wants to give a fair deal

governing ourselves is now a bad thing?

what fucking planet do you live on? lmao stfu

no i didnt

churchhills party regardless of how he was lionized was voted out after ww2

people did not want war

Nice pasta.

The EU was founded by Jews, for the betterment of the Jewish people and to encourage the genocide of traditionally 'white' races and cultures. It is a Jewish bueracracy, which trends towards globalism and slavery by complacency. In simple terms, the european union is the death of the individual. It is the modern embodiment of collectivism, in a political sense. It is opposed to the sovreign rights of the nation-state and the peoples of that nation. Ultimately, it is a scheme to gain power - the people in charge know this and naturally feel threatened when a member seeks an out. As they work in tandem with the liberal media, it can only be expected that the EU would use their relationship with the far left aspects of media, to demonise, attack and destroy a dissenting voice; an escapee.

so anyone who supports the eu is a jew lover?


You're goddamn right.

too bad whenever you anglocunts win a world war, you're only really setting the stage for the next one

>(((((((((((((comedy central)))))))))))

fuck off olav just becuase you are too cucked to fight back you are salivating at the mouth to destroy us

you will learn the hard way lol

how many millions of europeans have you killed hans for the sake of controlling europe?

at least we killed niggers and abos

you killed your own kind

While Brexit isn't a left/right issue, this just solidifies that many Brexiteers regardless of political opinion are downright fucking insane and out of touch with reality.

People like Arthur Scargill thinking we could leave the EU tomorrow, and this insane belief that we can bring back industries that our government decimated.

>so doing what every other nation outside of the eu does is a bad thing?

Not every country is in Europe, take a look at Norway, Iceland, Switzerland, and Lichenstein. They're not part of the EU but they know that refusing to be a part of the EEA is fucking retarded.

>bending over for trump? he already said he wants to give a fair deal

He can't even get a law regarding immigration through the houses, what makes you think he can live up to the "fair deal".

>governing ourselves is now a bad thing?

As already explained, we had full input within the EU at all stages.


Everyone has a say. Every nation. At every stage of the democratic process. It also is not automatically law, if we don't agree with it, then so long as it isn't an international standard, it is discussed and amended etc. and then signed into law when it is deemed an acceptable piece of legislation by ALL member states.

If I hear one more retard claiming today that "at last we can make our own laws!" when we've been doing it for the past 40 years I'm going to choke someone to death.

>what fucking planet do you live on? lmao stfu

What is it with Brexiteers and their insults when hit with an alternative opinion or counter-argument? Fuck, they do it even when show empirical statistical evidence against their claims.


That because you can never behave yourself, you krauts are retards, start shit get beat up, surrender, become enraged about your inferiority, have shit fit, get beaten again. Just learn from your mistakes, it's getting really boring having to kick the shit out off you.

Anglos and Americans desperately trying to justify their idiocy

It was about taking back West Prussia from Poland but you autists had to declare war. Europe went to war because you wouldn't mind your own bussiness, we had no quarrel with you.

>join the void

The European's natural place is under the Anglo boot.

we civilized the savages and tried to turn them into men!

before we came they was cannibals and raping kids like it was normal!

even after we left those nations that embraced it are much better off

look at south africa and then look at the congo

look at australia and america?

we didnt try to kill and control fellow europeans

>has only one potato.
>has large stocks of inferior potassium.

UK is the biggest shithole I have ever lived, USA comes second

Glad to be a European. Once we establish a democratic union of sovereign countries, reunite with Russia, and kick all Anglos out, we'll be the worldpower. Only then can we make America great again. Because America was great when it was European

last I checked you just declare war, retreat to your island and wait for daddy murrica to do the work