>using poo in loo numbers
lmao I think I'll stick to my white numbers thanks.
>using poo in loo numbers
lmao I think I'll stick to my white numbers thanks.
How do you multiply 2960 by 2719 with these?
>roman "numbers"
fuck off paedophile.
fuck off ice cream sandwich
Fuck off Aquafresh
>pedo as an insult
Good goy
pedo IS an insult you hairy fucking roach
adhom every poster.
What a shit thread
Fight me.
Poos might not have come up with much. But come on Roman numerals is beyond shit tier.
Daily reminder on how celts have been brainwashed hard by romans
>not using roman numerals to reply
You don't use those numbers in math , you use them to write down centuries because they look better
Poo in loo numerals are superior in every way for arithmetic, user
At first I thought you were making a joke about muh western supremacy but looks like you're serious about this:
Multiply two large numbers with it and we'll listen, k?
X x X = C
kys faggot
>Multiply two large numbers with it and we'll listen, k?
>Multiply two large numbers
>two large numbers
>large numbers
Try not to use a calculator either. Go pen and paper, user, and make sure to take a photo.
Do it in paint if you can't be arsed to get a pencil out.
C x M = c(bar)
kys yourself my man.
AFAIK no celtic writing has been found in your island because you savages were still in the word of mouth and memory age.
The only celtic stone inscriptions have been found in Italy and Spain. Oh, what a coincidence, the places were Roman were!
Agree completely, and so does kek.
But Dissidia = best of all time
>playing computer childrens games
>over 12
>excusing pedophillia
You know what they say about assumptions, desu family