Seriously guys, I'm puzzled. Do leftists just spawn by binary-fission like some sort of bacteria?? I suppose that would make sense, but still.
Why do people come on to Sup Forums, the Official Internet Hate Machine, and post liberal bullshit??
Shills like you ruining the board with random off-topic non-political drivel in order to subvert the chaos, dub$$ and the will of kek as to try and stop the very real cultural impact we have on the world through indirect memetic warfare.
(((OP saged)))
Libertarianism is leftism in my book, too- a pothead conservative is still a fucking leftist in my book.
Perhaps, I'm a bit drunk, and back to half/pol to fuck with normies- this is our rightful clay, whether or not I make any sense at this point- I am pissed at the condition we left this place after Jewt faggoted out.
because maybe this board is supposed to hoard people from all sides of the political spectrum?
No, it's politically INCORRECT, and it allows debate from all sides- which means National Socialism is proved to be the one true system of governance repeatedly, and libertaritards, commies, and leftists are stuck only with "mu.. mu.. muh feelings" as their only argument.
So you know what's become of this place, you lurk cripplechan like most of the real anons to switch from shills posting random shit and spam on 4/pol/ to shills LARPing but atleast the board is on topic most of the time on 8/pol/ yet you come back to post Sup Forums-tier threads, kys.
Redpilled Jew here AMA. Friendly reminder: you shouldn't generalize an entire demographic based on the actions of a few. Also Israeli girls have nice tits.
No, I figure out exactly how cancer this place still is, after drinking heavily and laughing at triggering the entire moderation staff of cripplechan/pol to the point they shoah the site and redirect related boards (like cripple/polmeta) to /loli/ and /zoo/, kek.
Forgive me for being drunk and sleep deprived, user, this is my only place of refuge at the moment.
Fuck you, I'd gas the shit out of your entire kind based on a few- do you expect sympathy from those you have dehumanized?? Besides, I got the nicest pair of tits I ever saw, all to myself- don't need your saggy jew pancake tiddies.
I'm sorry kike but your people have caused too much trouble all throughout history to be trusted anymore and this reeks of a jew marxist plot. Go back to Israel because supposedly that's your homeland and stay out of the western worlds business. Invade every sand-nigger for all I care we don't want you here anymore, who knows when you'll start kvetching, giving out loans and trying to subvert the government again if we let you thrive. Leave or we'll make you.
What happens when the nazis come home after three years of training?
Right on brother, your transgressions are forgiven just sage your thread which I don't even know works or not on this retarded board and let's get to better topics.
Watching at the savage behavior of Sup Forums anti-Semites these postulates look quite correct.
we shall see, brother, we shall see...
Thanks, I'll sage it if I can figure it out real quick, otherwise it's off to bed, which I suppose with this speed, is the same thing as a sage.
Cause it gets you mad.
Don't make you right, commie. This is the beginning of a new, volkisch era for 4ch Sup Forums Leftism will not be tolerated.
>Official Internet Hate Machine
Only sjw would say somethin like this
It's because you cuckservatives get so mad when we point out how fucking stupid you are
What are you, fresh from krippleredit nazi hugbox? Sup Forums has always been freeforall funfest, where everybody trolls and triggers everyone else. Begone to your politically correct politically incorrect safespace please if you don't like it here.
Isn't Liberalism hate against nature itself?
I am perhaps a little too open minded so when some one starts spouting bullshit with conviction I hesitate and consider it.
Like when holohoax people post debunked claims. It is like a vaccination sort of. Like a red pill pill.
National Socialism is hardly cuckservative, kek
Nah, haven't been here much since /n/, due to all the chinese cartoon faggotry. I can talk shit here, just as much as you can talk shit here- and if I win, I win, faggot.
Precisely, NS is for the environment and the people, as both are one and the same. Liberalism means denying both Darwin and Malthus, just because you feel bad since niggers can't into growing food for themselves and have to rely on gibsmedats.
>Official Internet Hate Machine
Sup Forums is a board of peace
That's ideally what it should do but most of these kike, shills and niggers ex.
Don't give a fuck about the logical conclusion they're abiding by with their stupid bullshit, they're completed self-aggrandizing, upper middle-class LARPs that believe they'll be the commissar instead of a corpse in a ditch just like the "Neo-Nazis" LARP "Aryans" think that going on a genocide will happen somehow and that their side will get the backing of the majority of whites, the government etc when in reality the situation is precarious and allies must be found where ever to enstill the white majority that needs to happen for western society to prosper also they perpetuate falsehoods created by the jewish media to slander Hitler a man who never wanted to exterminate any races in the first place, he wanted to rid Germany of the Jew but that is a just cause if you knew what they've done.
>not a bait
I wish you suffer horrendously before dying
That's actually pretty much true, from a personality standpoint. Liberals are high in trait openness, low in conscientiousness and high in agreeableness (specifically compassion). Conservatives are low openness, high conscientiousness, whereas libertarians are basically just liberals with low compassion (but *generally* higher intellect).
I'm not sure if I should call you a faggot or congratulate you, you're certainly right, but not all people that are privately NS larp in public- I suppose we hope for an opportunity for a genocide, while having tons of children- as opposed to expecting it right now, we make sure we and our descendants are ready.
It's liberal bait, and 4/pol is liberal now somehow- if it don't look tasty, don't bite.
interesting, NS is still master race however- nobody would simultaneously be open about it and be retarded to answer any personality tests honestly.
Even if things reach fever pitch, the idea of a country founded by revolution of political ideological differences and tyranny with many different cultural backgrounds will somehow because of issues in largely the south (because that's where niggers and spics are mostly) will band together the majority of whites which are in the north and don't face this issue everyday and succeed in a genocide in a combined population of over 200 million that would fight back with total war, it won't happen and wishing it will is LARPing, what will happen is when the country is so destabilized by the Jew and their yam-cult and they trigger the civil war to save some shekels and maybe attain some power in the balkinization of the US the whites in the south hell bent on genocide will be massacred or completely entrenched in their surrounded enclaves (which the (((federal government) has been strategically doing through government housing and white flight) while the US to save face in the international community will back moderates and fight "LA Raza" and the black supremacists trying to carve out the south for themselves. This give the US two options, they can now kill indiscriminately all feral niggers and spics, which don't get me wrong is most of them and still look good in the eyes of the people and the world which will be important as the economy crashes and burns - in general there are so many nuances here and we need political and ideological unity because the communists have that, we don't, just because I'm a shitskin spic, doesn't mean I'm inherently the enemy I want to kill feral niggers and spics just as much as you do I know the country needs to be majority white vastly to save western civilization and I know what the kikes have done if we join sides that over 10-20 mil people added to fight against the communists that have orchestrated this future.
>former liberal here,
They operate under the notion that we're ignorant and capable of being swayed by their propaganda, which they have been brainwashed into believing to be the truth. It's easier to understand their point of view if you imagine leftism as a cult or organized religion rather than a political ideology.
Exactly right. That's why they say things like "but it's the current year" and expect it to sway people. Why make an argument when you can say a couple of propaganda one liners and say you've won?
Because Sup Forums isn't a person and this is not your safe space.
May I suggest you to, dare I say, /fuckoffbacktoreddit/?