What does Sup Forums think of her body of work?

What does Sup Forums think of her body of work?

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She's kinda boring and seems to just use the alt-right topics to gain views.

So far, so good. Seems to still be finding her way.

She comes across as incredibly vacant and clueless. If she didn't have guests her channel wouldn't last a week.

Keep your filthy paws off her you stinky mulatto

Listen to The Corbett Report or you're wasting your fucking time.

Not sure how she went from literally who to one of the prominent alt right personalities within a year, while also being jewish.

Just another reminder that being a woman with strong opinions is enough to gain popularity.

Pretty good.

I jerk off to her ASMR.

Yeah, I've only watched her vids for the interviewee. She's a bit lifeless desu.

Wait, she has an asmr? That seems like it would fit her much better.

All her output is ASMR


Oh, hahaha, I can't go to sleep to it unless it's boring though. I wish she would just talk about nonsense so I could listen to her when I'm ready to go to sleep.

>e celeb garbage

You mean you're not going to give her money for being a bandwagon cheerleader?


>1/4 jewish
>1/4 Indian
>Her cousins are all black

Race mix goys! Listen to the Daily Shoah!

gotta make them shekels.
typical jewish tricks

>body of work
I see what you did thar

To you literal autismos, she is farther to the right of Lauren "antiwhite is right" Southern and gives really good guests a solid platform.

She is good looking and allows redpills to be distributed to gullible or confused women. She is lifeless at times, sure, but she makes it easier for women, who NEED to feel part of a clique and not to stand out too much, more prone to race realism and other things.

Also she is the final proof that a woman can have below average talent and high fame as a result. Being a pretty woman is easy mode. Her taking advantage of that helps us.

Don't trust her, something I cant put my finger on but it has to do with her appearing vacant but she is internalizing a lot of everything while remaining very emotionless the whole time. Cannot trust anyone like that

What does daily shoah have to do with it?

A+ she is going to redpill normies so softly & gently, they wont see it coming

Kek has spoken

Double standards of the alt-right.
