what happened with this? it was supposed to be this week, right?
Dictatorship referendum
it is in 2 weeks, refusal is ahead in the polls
Ask your whore mother
>refusal is ahead in the polls
so we can expect a lot more granstanding/provocation against europe. could be entertaining. ty m8
Come on Mustafa, no need to be upset.
What happens if no wins? And what if yes wins? Is a civil war looming in there?
>refusal is ahead in the polls
highly doubt he's gonna lose, they'll just take all the çomars for a ride in their buses for voting, just like they always do for the sake of """""vote participation"""""
Yanma ekşici cuck
What are the odds of AKP supporters chimping out in case of No?
Ask your whore grandmother
>Is a civil war looming in there?
>Kurdistan has been receiving arms from the west for a long, long time now
there's no way forward that doesnt involve war
>dictatorship referendum
This is the level of absurdity you guys have with the western mainstream media
Erdoğan is an elected leader. He was elected by people.
He will go by election thus you can't call him a dictator. Period.
look at those """civilized""" sandmonkeys :3
it's not like he has means of manipulating public opinion, like manufacturing a diplomatic crisis or outright threatening expat turks sverigesradio.se
Yeah and so is Robert Mugabe, right? right.
Well I think that's a yes then. Why so mad Mehmet? :^)
They will chimp out if they are told so, and they will be.
>civil war
>against k*rds
lel no
best korea is 100% democratic, it's in the name lmao xddddd
I lived in Turkey, I saw votes being burned in the bathrooms. (((elected by people)))
Every single politician out there manipulates his/her subjects. Manipulation is essence of politics.
Erdogan became the mayor of Istanbul back in 1994, Then he became a MP, then he formed his own party (AKP) in 2002, he became the prime minister, then he was elected by people to became the president.
He didn't use brute force or violence acquire that seat. He was elected and won the elections. He will leave when he can't win elections.
Siktir git solcu ek*sici piç
according to cia consultant stratfor founder george friedman's book named next 100 years,
turkey will become a world super power by year 2040. president referandum is the first step in becoming a super power. nobody is able to stop rise of turkey and islam. allahuakbar. we will rule the world again.
let's hope it passes and we never hear again from these mud monkeys
>lel no
you don't think the Kurds will just go "well actually, we're armed now, so fuck right off Turkey"? I bet they're going for becoming a coherent oil state
We will conquer your country again
>Every single politician out there manipulates his/her subjects. Manipulation is essence of politics.
you should kill yourself m8, you're useless
I hope the fuckin jihadi psychopath wins because you guy are incopetent so you are broken up into 3 smaller countries
kamalist, secular dogs would chimpout if that was true.
pls no
Nah half of the Kurds in Turkey Islamist for them Islamism > Nationalism they wont rebel as long as islamist piece of shit ruling Turkey cant say same to Syrian Kurds tho they will suicide bomb us as usual
you couldn't beat some isis fanboys with rusty ak47s.
assad's aging airforce bombed the shit out of you.
It still hurts that our religion was saved from you goatfuckers by holy soldiers
Your butt still hurts eh ?
>you couldn't beat some isis fanboys with rusty ak47s.
We did
We killed 3000+ NATO+EU+USA backed terrorists and captured Al-Bab
Besides, Romanians are Christian and arguably white, so you're an easy target unlike ISIS for us.
>Nah half of the Kurds in Turkey Islamist for them Islamism > Nationalism
aight, interesting, hadn't heard that
Nah you are finished,it was fun,it lasted far less than the Byzantine Empire
you couldn't stop the kurds from linking their territory with the help of assad.
your "operation" in syria stopped because your sponsor left office.
that pic makes no sense
why do we have so many ekşici cucks here
>i'll just be a reis larper that'll put em down XDD
Also I love how you portrayed turks as aryan,the only reason you even look like Europeans is because your Genes are partially Greek
ne yandın be ekş*c*
Calm down and put that tv down. You gypsy thief
Sven El-Azzouzi, who honestly cares about what happens in that filthy roach country?
>rapebaby screeching
Only thing you will rule is goats. Goat fucker.
Nice family tree you got there cousin
>world super power
Bends over to Orthodox overlord Putin in order to stay relevant.Piss off Turkfags
I fuck european girls. believe it or not. this is my reality.
Every dumb Turk on welfare that barely speaks our language after 20+ years (or even born) in my country supports Erdogan. Every intelligent Turk with actual education and a job is a Kemalist or Kurd. That says enough I think.
>roach hissing
You know that NATO considers the quality of your military a joke right? Al-Bab was a tit-for-tat clusterfuck and Kurds are still gaining ground. What did Erdogan gain from his little incursion? It's also hilarious how Turkey did nothing with ISIS literally at their border for years but flip the moment Kurds drive them off. Yet you have the sand to call ISIS NATO guys!?
>this is your brain on AKP
One day the marble empire will be restored,in thename of the lord and you roaches will fuck off the face of the earth
I fucked your mother
what's that, like some kind of low-iq pleb or something?
Kek, if king roach is stupid enough to piss the wrong people off weapons and Toyota pickups will magically start appearing in Turkey like they did in Libya and Syria. I'm pretty sure the CIA has an entire playbook ready for immediate rollout.
Pay you debts first then talk about Empire
Its a dog name but also a meme. Non akp supporters calling Akp supporters Çomar and Çomarist
both turkish though.
>NATO+EU+USA backed terrorists
You bought their oil for years you dumb roach, you funded them more than anyone.
something like that
if you support akp either ironically or unironically, you deserve to be gassed
also, being a retard on Sup Forums = retard irl :^)
This is how average Turks look like in non meme way i mean LİTERALLY
lel mad shitskin detected
false flag incoming
Hitler was also "elected".
>Failed coup beaten by unarmed peasants
>Rekt by Kurds everyday
>Can't take a small town from isis for 4 months even with the help of US and Russian
>Only in 1 week lost 40 roaches and 10 brand new tanks
roach army is a joke :)
No thank you
>Have the help of Anglos French and Burgers
>Still lose to bunch of Turkish peasants with rifles
I guess that makes your people worse than us
you're never going to be a member of the eu because turkey is in asia and is part of the broader middle east.
the eu would border iran (a terrorist state), syria (terror kebab haven), iraq (terror kebab haven), liban (terrorist kebab state).
and because turks are not white.