Is Roger Stone Sup Forums's man?
Bill Maher BTFO by Roger Stone
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He calls Trumps family a criminal empire but then uses Cheney and McCain as example of republicans turning against him. Hmmmm ? Haha
Bill actual went full retard with the Russian conspiracy stuff here.
What do you expect? he's an ugly cuckling who no one except sheboons wants, and they take him to the cleaners every time.
I want to be like Roger Stone when I'm older.
Stone pioneered the sleazy lobbyist approach, he's an influential figure within the US political spectrum and all round bretty based
Stone really got him with the Democrat cricitism--"let's not get to where we agree here"...
Maher is kind of a man without a party at this point. The Democratic Party he supports functionally doesn't exist anymore so he's walking a mighty thin line where his career is concerned. Only his typically Jewish obsession with social values and his ability to keep insulting Trump convincingly are keeping audiences from questioning his loyalty too closely.
Looks like Bill won to me.
Can't see through your drumpf loving goggles Sup Forums ?
The audience clearly responded well to Bill and laughed at Stone.
I consider that a win for Bill in my book wouldn't you?
Oh that's right you guys have no logic.
I wonder how many of these people actually believe the 'Russia hacked the election' meme. Of course they tried to influence voters. Every powerful nation does that. Like Barack Obama did when he went to the UK before the EU referendum and threatened them to put them in the cuckshed if they dare to leave.
>that CIA response
based fucking Stone,
Kike got stoned.
You mean the logic of Bill misrepresenting a Romanian by using a Russia accent? And continuing to do so?
Also when did laughs = being right or winning in a political debate?
This is what 8 years of Obummer and people watching Jon Stewart as their source of news has brought us.
I didn't vote for Trump. And support just about half of what his agenda is supposed to be. But all you mother fuckers just want to be entertained, and if you are entertained by something then some how it comes out to being right.
all your post is lacking is emojis every 2 words
Bill and his crowd are a bunch of pretentious idiots this is the problem there is no exchange of information its one side giving info and Bills and his audience mocking and laughing instead of trying to listen and learn
>that collective pants shitting moment when Stone reveals the CIA's bullshit
Poor Bill couldn't even snark his way out of that one.
bill mahers audience?? wew lad
top fucking kek
Logic ha ok heres logic for you / you fucking lost and your in denial and think if you complain enough you'll get what you want. Well life doesn't have participation trophies shill.
Underrated, kek
>17 / 6 / 16 / 2
>link to video: 404
Direct link to the video:
Maher loses his footing at the 3-minute mark, when Stone brings up Podesta's dealings with Russia.
What a albatross around the necks of democrats Podesta has become.