Ethnic Nationalism, or Civic Nationalism.
Which ideology is superior, and why?
Ethnic Nationalism, or Civic Nationalism.
Which ideology is superior, and why?
If you like civic nationalism, there are many countries in Africa to check out.
They're all quite racist, very homophobic and extremely nationalistic. It's great and quite redpilled. I think you'd love it. There are so many countries in Africa to choose from, I'm sure you can find a good one!
Who cares.
I love my country and if you don't fuck you and your fat wife
We saw what ethnic nationalism brings in WW2, where the Germans took the concept to its logical and violent conclusion.
They were thoroughly proven wrong, and we've been better off since without them.
Civic nationalism is more logical because it includes all peoples, not just your own.
>that flag
Yeah nah mate nation and race are the same thing.
Biology is the root, culture is the flower
Ethnic nationalism for Europe, civil for North America is the only way it can work.
However in North America even though civic we can turn away from constant promotion of miscegenation and to race realist discussions of crime.
Civic nationalism is a joke.
Say Germany is invaded by Russia tomorrow. Are Abdul and Mutumbo going to defend Germany? Lmao
>nation and race are the same thing
Uhm, no. Nations are not lines on a map, they have fully functioning governments.
Not bad
Can we start by Making Europe White Again ?
Russia will never ever invade Germany, so your point is moot.
White people don't exist, it's a colonial term.
>White people don't exist
Achmed please
Way to miss the point, leaf. It's pretty obvious refugees and immigrants won't care a damn about the host nation's heritage and thus won't be inclined to do anything to save it
Not an argument, if your nation bursts at the seams along racial lines at the first sign of trouble it's not a nation but a transnational economic exclusive zone, this is why civic nationalism and multiculturalism are a fucking joke.
Well I have the exact same attitude even though I'm whiteskinned. So what does that make me?
An ingrate
A liberal of course. They are constantly accused of not being patriotic.
He said a nation is its people and its people are an ethnicity. Where do you get the "lines on a map" shit?
>civic nationalism
>"Wow you have the same passport as me! We have so much in common"
CivNat is just the pussyfied version of nationalism. They think that a beaner is awful but once he gets a passport he is suddenly their brother with a shared culture/history. They think that Reagan and some random nigger in Chicago are the EXACT same because they both had US passports.
It's fucking retarded.
You are stupid fucking idiot and a Canadian as well, try and think with that rat fucked brain why Ethnic Nationalisim is a good thing. Just try.
here's a hint Cancuck: One of the flags you replied to.
Civic nationalism is the most pointless ideology. I think its just lazy nationalism. Or its nationalism for people who don't want to admit they're Ethnic nationalists.
Thank you for clarifying
>civic nationalism
>"Wow you have the same passport as me! We have so much in common"
top kek
Shit he's done it now. He's angered the kiwi. Super rare.
Depends on what you consider civic nationalism.
Does it mean you're ok with some immigrants? lots of them? or maybe the "an entire replacement is ok aslong as the culture is retained!" utopian idea?
It's true. A Brit and a Greek are less genetically similar than a Greek and a Turk, but yet Greeks and Brits are both white, whereas Turks aren't. How does that make sense to you? White was a term invented during colonialism to distinguish between the colonizers and the natives. It's absolutely 100 percent useless as a racial categorization.
You just make yourself look immature writing something like this.
I don't like Spencer, but he put this perfectly.
Europe is in dire need of ethnic nationalism
Civic nationalism in the only way forward in the states
This is the only logical response
Deus vult.
Stop the mouth and engage the Brain. What can you associate with Malta? go on you shit skinned leaf think long and hard about their history.
>arguing over semantics
Europeans share a common, most often ethnic heritage that you wilfully ignore.
Complete minging twit
Uhm, no. This is a nation...
t. Multicultural scum
Go back to your roman/turk/norman/frech/brit race, faggot
... this is a people.
Yep magic dirt.
If I move to China how long until I become a raging Communist?
If I move to Mecca how long until I'm a jihadist?
So why would we expect people coming from there to magically turn into Jeffersonian Republicans?
People don't change their beliefs just because of where they live.
Civic nationalism is an easier pill to swallow and less offensive idea to push, but ultimately it's a lie that falls short.
Ethnicity and race make a nation.
>Well I have the exact same attitude even though I'm whiteskinned. So what does that make me?
(((I'm not sure)))
Ethnic nationalism. Arguing with shills is useless.
CivJewness promotes
It is practically the predecessor for communism. Dont fall for leftypols trickery. And for NIGGERS and halfNIGGERS, sorry your parents are degenerate traitors to their country, race and culture.
Nice going ignoring my objective proof that whites do not exist. Good to know I'm right, once again.
>t. someone who knows nothing about Malta
Also, I'm ethnically Anglo-Saxon
Makes more sense to be a civic nationalist in a New World Country.
Civic Nationalism is an oxymoron.
Nation has one meaning, and it is the people. It is blood. It is common ancestry. One person cannot be kin to all people, so Civic Nationalism has no basis. It is altruistic cuckoldry.
Ethnic Nationalism where sovereignty is respected is the only way for peaceful coexistence. You stay in your country and I'll stay in mind. We trade peacefully on mutually agreeable terms. No social issues brought on by trying to integrate conflicting cultures and their ideals.
The retarded leaf doesn't know the difference between a nation and a country.
Ironically I bet he'd recognize an indigenous "first peoples" nation without even thinking about why they're called such.
>using a word you literally do not know the definition and root of
That is a country
>civic nationalism
Nope. In the future the Republican party will basically become the party of white people and the Democrats will basically be the equivalent of the Africa National Congress.
This is a country you pleb
Actual non cuck definition means nation as a people
Merchant thread?
for the united states, civic nationalism.
for mainland europe, ethnic nationalism.
should be pretty self evident.
Civic Nationalism = undercover multiculturalism that the Kikes use to infiltrate White Identity Politics.
Mostly all Civicucks are shitskins btw.
Ethnic Nationalism = Homogeneous healthy white society where you can leave your door unlocked and not be afraid that ahmed or tyrone will break in and murder your whole family and yourself.
Also fucking
Exactly the opposite. Whites are becoming a minority in the USA and this should be countered by ethnic nationalism.
t. Shlomo Shekelstein
>Not we
Maltese people have no real ethnicity
This would be great. After a white blacks will seperate and America will have the same mentality as right after the founding, and the blacks will start South Africa 2, American Boogaloo
Fuck off Barbosa go romance some Ethiopians like your great grandfathers.
>for mainland europe, ethnic nationalism.
There is no question about this. The indigenous people of Europe must defend their homeland.
The US must not interfere or must assist them. Only then will we have any chance of addressing our problem.
Kek. Shills already giving up?
Go back to africa
but the entire constitution of these New World nations is based upon a constitution where the same laws apply to all peoples.
if you propose ethnic nationalism then you're advocating that certain groups of people are exempt from the law and do not have to follow the constitution.
Jamal can make up his own laws to counter rayciss whitey laws and shoot up the whites.
>directly from Latin nationem (nominative natio) "birth, origin; breed, stock, kind, species; race of people, tribe,"
leave this board plebeian
Thats why you get them out of your country.
Look if you think the non whites are going anywhere in North America you're out of your mind. We did alright here until the last 50 years
Do you expect an island that small to have one? It's kind of impossible
i don't even know how to respond to this. i can tell you're trying to insult me, but you've worded your response so poorly that there's really no way to reply. there's nothing to reply to. it doesn't really seem like you're genuinely interested in having a conversation about this. it almost seems like you're suppressing the conversation.
The clearest example of this is when Muslims are elected into a position of influence and immediately skew everything in favor of Shariah law. If Muslims our allowed to hold elected positions in government, we are done. No question. They have no regard for our Constitution.
Idiot it is about putting them in cages or they go back where ever they came from
>ib4 but muah constitutions
Text can be changed, no need to reproduce jewiness forever
You say that but you don't want it for Europe either and you know it
>Thats why you get them out of your country.
wow i never thought about it that way.
get them out, how insightful.
This is the problem with liberalism and the french revolution. In these constitutions it says all men are equal, but what is a man? There are frenchmen,englishmen,germans,negroes and they are not equal by any stretch of the imagination.
Lmao what? So countries are no more then economic zones? Civic nationalists are literally globalists.
Hi dad how are you today
It's a hypothetical you tremendous retard
you are going to see a crackup along ethnic lines once the prosperity ends just like what happened in Africa.
And yet you reply shitskin. Also you reply in such manner one knows this os probably your second week here sleepy Nigger
The people of a nation and their shared history and culture determines the nature and identity of a nation.
Just imagine if you swapped Japan's population with that of Ethiopia's. Japan has virtually no natural resources while Ethiopia has it in abundance.
In 10 years Japan would become shithole with niggers starving to death at a much faster rate than they were before and Ethiopia would be the fastest growing economy in the world.
A nation is not its borders but the people who live within it, which is why Civic Nationalism is retarded. Because it assumes that putting an Ethiopian in Japan magically makes him Japanese.
>Civic nationalists are literally globalists
Bing bing bong. It's true. And the globalist solution to waning economic growth is to stuff more bodies into the zone from elsewhere.
it doesn't matter what i want for europe, i don't live there and i haven't had family there for nearly 70 years. this is europe's choice, i just think europeans might be happier living and prospering with their own people. america doesn't have the same opportunity - the demographics don't exist and they never have.
In the US pretty much only whites were considered when the constitution was drafted. This is well supported by historical documents and precedent at the time.
Blacks were not equals, the founding fathers never envisioned mass immigration from countries where the people still lived in huts.
ok, I understand your point but if ethnic nationalism is imposed on a nation such as the USA it'd just splinter the USA into many different factions making it more vulnerable to invasion.
just saying, ethnic nationalism may be good from the perspective of the individual, but in the grand scheme of things its always bad news.
ethnic nationalist countries with large population and land areas always fail.
>tries to call me a newfag
>look at imagename
lol yeah okay guy, sure. is austria your parody account?
They're both bullshit:
Another britbong's bitch
So, most maltese people are from that shithole that is southern italy.
This makes you not ethically maltese.
Civic Nationalism
>Different people are actually all the same :)
Ethnic Nationalism
>Different people are different
wow such a hard choice
No, niggers hold almost no power and would be easily dealt with.
Fuck Civic Nationalism and the faggots that support that shit.
t. Albanian
Look I'm all for Nationalism, but I'm not racist.
The past is the past, it's fucking stupid to think that your country will be white only ever again at this point, you are dreaming.
I would rather take a poo in the loo which supports what I stand for, than a white person who is a Communist.
Just because people are white, it doesn't mean they are my brother and I support them. Like I would trade all ANTIFA for immigrants which support me ideologies.
How can an American be an ethnic nationalist? Everyone here is a mutt.
I'm half Colombian, half white and I look whole white. When I have kids, all that is going to get thrown in the melting pot. How can you have ethnic nationalism with so much different shit in that pot?
I'm sure you know all your neighbours hate you.
US founding fathers were intelligent wise men, if they intended the USA to be a purely White nation they would have made it clear in writing.
If they argued extensively about the paraphrasing of amendments, such a large and glaring factor such as "whites only" would be fairly clear.
they were not being consistent with their statements.
She do what she do
Blacks can't compete in a civic nationalist society and die off. Only American Civic Nationalism works though because freedom and guns are necessary.
>implying racist is a bad thing
Why don't you all go back to r/politics?
>I'm fine with living in Little Pakistan as long as they vote the same as me!!
blacks can't be racist
check and mate
It's mainly because 50% of albanians are muslim.
>being a free white person