What are the Sup Forums approved games?

What are the Sup Forums approved games?

Mental games

a job



>What are the Sup Forums approved games?
12D chess.


capture the flag

pic related

Wer hat Angst vorm Schwarzen Mann?

or "Who is afraid of the black man?"
Kuka pelkää mustaa miestä? in Finnish
It's a traditional Finnish(other countries too perhaps) kids school yard game

You have to basically reach the other end of the yard before the "black man" catches you and everyone caught turns into blacks and as you repeat in rounds the number of those caught grows and in the end there's like 99 blacks and 1 left. We also had it in p.e

twister with women

>playing chess.

Blades of steel

We played that as well.
Probably banned now cuz rayciss.


hardcore autist games ONLY

if you don't already know then you can FUCK OFF

killing jews

for fuck's sake
I haven't played that in like 25 years

collecting rare flags on Sup Forums and Sup Forums
pic. related

Sup Forums hates games because they think you can't get girls and enjoy games at the same time
t. tinder whores lick my balls while I play dwarf fortress


>plays game no ones ever heard of
>claims ball licking


It turned into who fears the ice man

The Nigger Game


saw one like this yesterday



Ice hockey

4d chess

that's the one!! That's where I got it from, I just love collecting flags call me a fag or whatever but I do.

It's for the Vatican City which has a population of 451 so you can imagine how fucking rare it is.

oldschool runescape

Victoria 2

Love runescape, have 100s of days on it and it is basically always open in the background and it has been since about 2008-9

free market
and everybody on the game has Sup Forums humor
rs3 has nigger humor

League of Legends.

CSGO and Overwatch are for subhumans.

fuck din mor
LoL sucks dick just as much as csgo and overwatch

>and in the end there's like 99 blacks and 1 left

Why are Northern Europeans obsessed with acting out their future?



LoL is for faggots and you know it.

>64 Dimensional Backgammon
>Hearts of Iron:Darkest Hour
>Red Orchestra 2

Step up your game



>Outdoor sports depending on your country of origin
Reminder that playing video games after the age of 17 is degenerate





Fug, i used to play this shit some 25 years ago

Triple Triad

It's a proxy or maybe at best a Swiss guard

nuff said

I spent a very long time clone-stamping that water mark off. The least you could do is use it.

Also, Go is a game of the gods.


Best game for removing kebab.

>Have to play as a woman


Thanks man, your autism is appreciated, its a good pic

Garry´s mod