Year 1071:

Year 1071:
>W-We are sure going to stop Turks from invading Anatolia, our army is bigger than theirs! Turks will lose
Year 1176:
>W-We are going to retake Anatolia back from Turks, Anatolia will be christian again, deus vult!
Year 1396:
>W-We are going to stop Turks from conquering Constantinople and Balkans, also save the Christians in Bulgaria, Deus vult!
Year 1444:
>W-We are going to save Byzantium from Turks, we've created a very large Crusader army, Deus supports us
Year 1453:
>T-Turks can't conquer Constantinople, they don't have the technology for this. Walls of Constantinople are thick
Year 1526:
>T-Turks can't invade entire Hungary, HRE backs us! Also god always supports Christians
Year 1593
>O-Okay now we have Safavids and entire Christian alliance on our hands, this time Turks will lose!!!!!!!!!
17th century
>why is this happening
18th century
>HAH! Now we are going to destroy the Turks!
19th century
>We will remove Turks in 20 years, i guarantee you that
>Turks are fucked up now, we're going to retake Istanbu- i mean Constantinople and give Anatolia back to Greece

When will you Giaour subhumans accept Turkish supremacy already? Allah created us to tame you wh*te subhumans so bow down to your overlords who's been kicking white ass for 1000 years. Turkey is eternal, the sooner you accept this truth the less butthurt you'll be

Other urls found in this thread:

Stop breathing.

An earthquake will achieve what we failed to do.

Good luck, your capital city is a death trap of old buildings that is overdue for a massive quake.

*earth rumbling intensifies*

Your colony has been torn into pieces. And some of them NOW belong to us. Enjoy admitting it.


>invaded by an alliance of France, Armenia, UK and Greece
how do they keep doing it?

Shut up Özgür.

We wuz ottomans und shit

Turks are so easily angered because they are the most insecure people on this planet. They call it pride but it's actually hairy manlet insecurity

Allah is on our side

>Be backed by the Soviet Union with gold and guns.
>Have lots of roaches with you.
>France and UK withdrew not too long after that started.
>Greece was in turmoil.
>Made the strategic mistake of marching THROUGH A FUCKING DESERT.
Ayy lmao, I don't know how you managed to win this Osmanli


Whatever bruh. I like the Turks that made mount and blade.

>Made the strategic mistake of marching THROUGH A FUCKING DESERT.
there's no desert in Anatolia, retarded rapebaby.
>Be backed by the Soviet Union with gold and guns.
you had more guns than Turks
seriously, why do rapebabies always come up with the most hilarious excuses? must be your inferior genes that come from your maternal side.

good read user, i enjoyed it

I lived in Turkey for a while.

It's shit.

>get some backing from a war ravaged nation
>have a lot of poorly trained and armed civilians with you
>fight so hard two great powers decides it isn't worth it
>greece still can't it's shit keep together
>enemies walk through a fucking desert
turk supreme

>had all the tatars in the world as allies
>invade backwards Muscovy
>fail miserable, loose crimea
>hundreds years of failure against Russia, until eurocucks interfere and beat Russia
how is it even possible to fail so hard since 17-th century?


>T*rk supremacy

Nice meme,roach,it took you 400 years to destroy a weakened Byzantine empire,even if you outnumbered the greeks in every war you fought against them.

Against actual european powers(not tiny countries of the Balkans) you got BTFO every fucking time.

Also : panturkism is a meme,and panturanism is an even worse meme.The Ottoman empire is dead and it's never coming back.

desu we should of not had overextended.


You were lucky to have such coward neighbourds as bulgarians, romanians and other filth.
Whenever you put a foot on austrian territory you got your roach ass drilled by christian dick.
Had you been neighbour with us we would have Reconquista'd the fuck out of you and we would even retain infidel territory just like we do right know with various territories in Morocco.

>Moor rapebaby
>The only war we ever won against the Turks was an ambush battle
>le Andrea Doria face
go be a christian arab somewhere else plx

Pest control is being mobilized, the end of the roach is near.


That is because there is nothing in anatolia you goat cucking roach jew

Does he even need a shirt.

His hair is his shirt.

>When an Austrian ruled Spain , Spain were superpower

> When a Spanish ruled Spain , Spain became shit

Austrians deserve all of the credits without the Austrians/Habsburg leadership Spain is just raw manpower. Austrians deserve all of the credits Hispanics is just olive monkeys

>Saying the battle of Lepanto was an ambush battle

Wow roachy, now i understand your delusion regarding your shitty country, you are completely retarded.

>Turk calling anyone rapebaby

Seriously you dirty fucking asian hun scum?

Year 1565:

>W-We're going to take over Malta!

then the Greek captain dies and Ottomans go back
Just like siege of wien by Mongols

>Roach calling people rapebaby

Yep. Easy to win wars when you pay off neighbors to back stab neighbors. The entire Balkan region STILL hates Bulgarians to this day, traitors to Christianity.

When a Spanish ruled Spain (1492) was when we did end the Reconquista and after that expelled 250,000 of you muslim scum.

>Eternal muslim butthurt by Spain

Feels so good to know you still remember how we btfo'd your ancestors ;)

>Let's side with the Turks against Hungary, that'll show them!
t. Wallachia, Moldva, Serbia

Actually the siege took too long and lasted long enough for reinforcements to come so the Turks fucked off before they got wrecked from both sides.

I hate Greeks because they've been begging and sucking cocks for centuries to fight against Turks.

Fight your own shitty wars.


Your forefathers just beat little sultanate and you olive niggers still glorifying it. Your history actually history of Austria

>forgetting reformed Hungarians
Let's backstab our christian neighbors, that will hold back the turks

Are you completely retarded?
The Reconquista was not only Granada you turkish inbreed.

The Habsburgs were divided into the Spansih Habsburgs and the Austrian Habsburgs, we used to go to wars together, but it was the Spanish Tercios who defended the HRE you retarded, Austria was always the junior part in the Spanish-Austrian Habsburg period.