Will the "great" British Pound ever recover from Brexit?
Safety in numbers is soon going to isolate the UK economy.
Will the "great" British Pound ever recover from Brexit?
Safety in numbers is soon going to isolate the UK economy.
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UK is a shithole similar to Ameridumb after they succumbed for populism and nationalism
roach detected
>Being so mad that someone from greece which isnt know for being in the best place right now much rather live here than touch your drumpf filled shithole of brexit UK
lol, sorry, you became worse shitholes than greece now
have you seen the results of the fall in gbp?
inflation higher but still on target and exports are up with last quarters trade deficit having been halved.
the pound devaluing looks to have had a positive effect.
I agree - it's cheaper for me to import things from the UK. SO yeah; your loss is our gain. I hope your currency keeps on sinking Britbong!
Maybe one day I'll come over and collect a waifu.
if drops like this were profitable you could have printed more money
you are fucked
Why u lie?
>"value" of a currency when compared to other bits of paper
I'll try to use small words with you. This might even help us economically if we can get more exports off the shelf. Also we get more dollar per pound then euroshekels. Get off the proxie hans
Literal shitskinned roach who lives in Greece lectures annons from nations far wealthier than him about nationalism while the EU bankrupts his home. You leftists are a fucking joke.
>you buy things from us
>we make a profit
>somehow this is "our loss"
mate get out the sun for a bit, it's not doing you any favours
someone provide the original
Can't build a ship for free.
cant be any worse then you gyro.
Pretty white, though unlike you i am not a failure to care about my skin color, nationality, past, culture and religion because you know, i care about my future more ;^)
MY future which unlike nationalists is not connected to a nation
And EU is a great thing, they helped greece move forward and it is only becoming better
And i am not sure an Aussie is supposed to talk, you are literally living in "a ton of ways to die" island, animals, spiders, floods D:
Seriously who stays in such a place
Yes, people who switched investments in Euro will go back for the pound after the next country leaves the EU
The pound is lower but it´s stable, the Euro isn´t close to be as stable as the pund right now with the french election, the brexit, greece and all the other problems
1gbp used to be worth 2usd
It'll be fine
Says the guy who thinks his currency dropping in value is a good thing. Enjoy your smaller and smaller Market.
I hope Scottland finds a way out, as that's where my heritage is from.
Moron. Like a dog you crawl on your belly towards your masters hand, a craven animal and a pale shade of the left of old that fought against imperial domination of their land.
pay debts
Your entire country is going to be a debtor's prison for Germany.
>$ increases
>higher export from GB to USA
So Brexit is even better than expected.
Germany is pretty based with Angela leading them or the other guy so i am happy.
Germany should focus on federalizing EU
Did he died?
Wtf is this?
pretty much every major country in the world purposely tries to keep the value of their currency down to give it a trade advantage
>with Angela leading them or the other guy so i am happy.
>Germany should focus on federalizing EU
Maximum kek
>The UK’s current account deficit was £12.1 billion in Quarter 4 (Oct to Dec) 2016, a narrowing of £13.6 billion from a revised deficit of £25.7 billion in Quarter 3 2016
therefore it halved q/q
>The United Kingdom’s (UK) current account deficit was £32.7 billion in Quarter 4 (October to December) 2015
therefore it more than halved y/y
The data is quoted directly from the ONS, available at these URLs
You're the liar here, you gypsy cunt
Probably crippled for life.
Stay mad drumfplet/brexiter
>Eurozone unemployment rate below 10% for first time in 7 years
>first time in 7 years
>7 years
>divorcing yourself from a union with the official policy "import more violent uneducated third-world browns"
How can Britannia even compete?
>GDP has gone up $6000 in 25 years
My fucking sides. GDP rose after 1991 anyway with the fall of Communism. It's a pity you don't have a smaller picture so you can see the actual numbers even less.
Just out of curiosity, which VPN do you use?
>the pound devaluing looks to have had a positive effect.
You are 25% poorer now. That is positive? Seriously?
>not understanding how currencies work
No wonder you joined the Euro.
Nah don't worry. Londonstan will take up the slack.
She exports 100 billion to the UK.
Why would she kill her own export?
A drop from 1.45 to 1.22 is nowhere close to 25%.
And its a much smaller drop relative to the Euro.
That's just a momentary drop. 3-5 years from now, it'll increase again.
Dollars dropped the sharpest back in 2008-2013 and now it's gaining ground again.
I'm hoping that shit corrects though, too much volatility in the market as of late.
The value ain't coming back. It's only gonna go further down.
When the you've lost 90% of the reason your currency exists, and the last 10% is based on the fact that it's the only outside currency traded in the EU market, pulling that advantage out from under yourselves isn't exactly the smartest move.
Once the unwinding gets really underway, and banks start moving out of the country, the currency is gonna hit rock bottom.
There's going to a massive fucking crash in the next year or so that'll rival the 2008 one.
Banks are back to loaning trillions to sub prime borrowers on Credit Cards and Car financing.
It'll effect the world, and we shouldn't bail out the banks this time.
Oh no, my exports are worth more
depends on how deep. if it's just
Impressive list of establishment propaganda you got there, burger
At least our benefits system will falter and the leaches will fuck off to Europe then.
I'd rather have a worse economy and freedom than a better economy and no freedom.
America stands with The United Kingdom.
You know, establishment stooges always tell us drops are good when it suits their purpose. But you're not that smart you picked up on that, huh.
I don't play the markets. I have pretty bad anxiety and I reckon it'd wreak havoc on my nerves.
> entire german economy relies on UK exports
> entire german financial sector relies on trading through London
> german domestic security relies on UK intellegence
This brown sausage loving dog isn't gonna do shit.
When Turkey gets fed up with the EU and releases its millions of rapefugees into Europe were all gonna watch from Dover with lawn chairs and pimms & lemonade.
>being able to export stuff cheaper than competition is really bad for your country
Tell that to China.
Italian banks are fucking toast. Greek as well. And towering over them all is Deutsche, whose position, frankly, is terrible.
Amusingly, by shouldering more of the 2008 aftermath, American and British have emerged in a stronger position than European.
Anyway, i look forward to the Germans explaining to Club Med that bailing out Deutsche is OK, when they repeatedly refused to bail out Med banks.
You tell me.
After that shit happened to me, I can't sleep soundly at night because of too many shit happening at once and it feels like the end of the world to me. Then I bit the bullet and pull out of the bleeding market. It was the right thing to do and it gave me a sigh of relief.
when I came back when all the smart sellers are digested, it jusmped back in pretty fast. Maybe I should give props to the fed's stimulus package after that but it really did a damage on the dollar rate afterwards.
Undervalued currencies are good for exports you retard
Now compare it to the growth of other economic zones. Oh that chart didnt do that? I wonder why
>I look forward to the Germans explaining to Club Med that bailing out Deutsche is OK, when they repeatedly refused to bail out Med banks.
I too will be intrigued to see how that plays out.
I have to say, it's hilarious to see the UK Government's previous argument that Scotland would become a new independent state rather than a successor state bite them in the ass.
In the past, it was used to threaten Scotland with losing all international treaties and membership. Now it could potentially allow them to leave with no debt.
Its not for everyone. Key is to detach emotionally, and just look at it like numbers that you want to increase.
If youre emotional about it, you will make irrational decisions, when things go the wrong way.
Oh, and when using systems, keep using the formula. About a decade back, i removed some of my failsafes when options trading as i became greedy. I lost £15k explicitly because of that.
Just how important is deutschbank to the Germans and thus the EU economy as a whole? I understand it's pretty fucked at the moment and they have a lot of money to pay, if deutschbank failed would this spell disaster?
It's pretty much the keystone of the EU economy now.
If it gets fucked, it would be enormous. It's hard to estimate what the exact damage would be.
Quality not quantity.
This island can become more self sustainable over the long term, while Europe goes into Islamic wars for the next century.
Without the shadow of a doubt, a failing DB would require state intervention. Here is an establishment media piece, but reality is far worse.
I didn't realise it was that relevant, I thought after 2008 governments dropped the "too big to fail" mentality. Can't say I'd celebrate its failure because itd drag london down with it, I can see it being a major hiccup for inter-EU Diplomacy when Germany demands bailouts for Deutschbank yet 6 years ago refused to help Mediterranean banks that needed bailouts.
>itd drag london down with it
London would be able to recover much easier though. It has strength in diversity and not I'm not talking about the immigrants.
DB is interconnected to, not only entire European banking system, but also the American as it stands as one of the largest counterparties wrt OTC traded instruments. These are the unregulated weapons of financial disaster, one of which bacame famous in 2008, the Credit Default Swap.
Anyway, DB collapsing would mean all these instruments, a number of which are in effect insurance on assets of various quality, would be gone.
Read up on Kreditanstalt. Then realize that DB is not only much larger, but also far more interconnected.
Yes, following 2008, British banks were allowed time to rebuild capital buffers, and improve their balance sheets. Not so, for the European.
Also, several banks in Belgium are in trouble. And pension funds and banks in Spain were told to buy Spanish govt bonds following 2008, meaning that were they to crash, they would take their pension funds with them.
The only solution here, and the one that they will obviously use, is to crank up QE to patch these issues up again, just as was done post 2008.
You are seriously in denial if you cannot see how our dollar will plummet in the next 12 or so months
It did not drop so far.
What you are missing is that the waves of migrants bring economic failure.
I'll take economic hardship over cultural dissolution any day cuck. Fuck off.
Tfw you need to pick between having a shitty economy or having muhmet and his friends gang rape your daughters
You know, importing a large amount if people who may or may not integrate will for obvious reasons increase GDP.
But how about GDP/capita?
That was my worst nightmare as a child
I feel bad for being asian and not knowing anything about math/economics it must be the french in me ouo
>implying it matters
An economic crash would be a blessing for us, we could have an excuse to massively reduce welfare, make immigrants go elsewhere and not come here in the first place.
t. Fixed Income trader who was short 200M GBPUSD when Sunderland came in at 61/39
>Comparing 2012-2016 scale to a 1990-2016 scale.
that is just speculation garbage.
As American pulls out from financing Europe's military and her socialist roots are financially ripped from the ground a wave of enlightenment is going to set in across all of Europe just how expendable and irrelevant they really are.
>it's the only outside currency traded in the EU market
Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Sweden don't use the Euro
We'll slash taxes so corporations will base their headquarters here. A little tax from many companies will be fine, and we have a good financial sector looking to create new opportunities. Not everyone is going to want to move offices to Europe just because their company wishes to do so.
So what if it pisses off europe? It's their intransigence that led to this.
The Euro will cease to exist in 5 years and is on a terminal case towards 0
The Pound will rebound eventually, the UK economy is a diverse one with strengths in engines, cars, energy and has one bright spot that is unlikely to go away - the City of London, the financial center of the world.
[shareblues in greek]
[krautposts in greek]
You're defending the people who destroyed your home.
Pound was overvalued anyway. This is having net benefits for our economy and making us far more competitive.
>And EU is a great thing, they helped greece move forward and it is only becoming better
A-are you clinically insane or just lying?
yes. he fell 10m down.
jk he's completely fine (source is original video)
Make our product cheaper you twat. You wouldnt understand that because your only exports are kangeroo shit and annoying tourists
>Australian dollar much, much lower than British pound
>Australian economy outperforms British every year
hmmm, really makes me ponder
I wonder how long you guys can delude yourselves into believing you didn't vote for economic suicide to be edgy or because you trusted Nigel fucking Farage of all people.