Nationalism will die

Nationalism is fucking stupid and its a matter of time when "nations" are going to lose its purpose.
It was invented by people only 150 years ago by degenerate European liberal revolutions and as the world is going to shit (or even technological develepment) there will be no purpose on having nations, borders, religions anymore... We will all be "humans" as we colonize other planets and make contact with other species. The time will come when we will all put our differences aside in a togethers goal to survive

I am a citizen of planet Earth first

who's with me my Sup Forums friends?

If whites mix with the other races we're not leaving this planet, we will descend as a species like that movie time machine. This is why nations matter.

noone is your friend cuckboy

Fuck off, cuck.

You're a poof, m8, a smelly little poof with muslim cum dripping out his arse, Serbs should have killed you all, GTFO

Kys faggot

Always kill the ustase so the schimtar has no friends.

Races will adapt to its new enviornments and mixed (new) race will eventually become a majority in this world.
But dont look at it badly, as in; "whites will die out".
Our species have been mixing since the beginning of our existence and to some part; white race will always exist.

But I get what your point is. Its a fact that statistically black people have lower iqs than whites (and whites than asians). Meaning mixed race will bring us down to this goal.

I disagree. Smart people that will lead us to our technoligical discoveries will always exist. Just see how much the world has developed in 20-30 years, imagine 20-30years from now that this development will be even faster

Our differences really dont matter.


>Yeah you would know about being a "nation" you little ustase

I agree. You don't get to choose the country you happen to be born in. It's essentially a lottery. The average person has more in common with other proles than their boss, regardless of ethnicity or nationality

Good for you, pat yourself on the back, but you're still sitting in a pile of subhuman goo, and now it's running out your mouth 'coz your arse is full.

The earth must be united by the sword. Humanity must advance past this squalid flesh - we could be gods, but collectivist trash like you want us to be held back by society.

Are you saying Israel won't be around for long??

Nigger kill, rape , rob and loot and dont have human capacity for empathy.

>our differences dont matter.

So iceland and zimbabwe are the same...they both have a huge population of ethnic natives.

I agree with op.

Nationalism was good in the middle ages, now it is backwards to stick to it

I bet you get mad pussy, lmao


...said a paki shitskin

What about the niggers and commies who will leech of our democratic government?

>he doesn't realise nationalism is the intermediate stage
>he doesn't know that the establishment of widespread ethno-nationalist sentiment is the bases for a new Roman Empire

...presuppose an insulting poster

I agree that today some humans are "superior" to others in many things. However, with our technology we must and will lower these differences in the future

I mean, the future scares me a bit. India will soon become the most populous country in the world and look at it. Its a fucking shithole full of low iq subhumans

This is a problem. But I strongly believe that we will find a way out of it and that "nationalism" will die out in a meantime.

There are people who profit out of the worlds hunger, economical/technology differences, wars and hate and one of their weapon is nationalism

Year status: Current

>Nationalism is fucking stupid
>there will be no purpose on having nations, borders

who cares what that kike plagiarist says?
That hypocrite loved israel though.

Today, borders and its laws are definitely necessary to keep the balance between the 1st and 3rd world countries (immigration, trade..).
But I believe that as the differences between those worlds will change, our borders will globaly lose its purpose and will eventually adapt the system that EU has.
Nations and its cultures will also always exist, but they will also lose todays purpose

>It's a good thing Whites are dying out
>It's a good thing we are devolving into literal shit
Thanks Jew.
(Image is average IQ's by country)
