I assume this is fine with all Britbongs.
UK - tax heaven
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Yea, why not
Wow this will surely devastate their economy
Britain should move to have the highest tax rate to signal their virtuous funding of government programs for their refugees
The question was if this is fine. We are talking about corporation taxes. British income taxes stay level - which means after inflation they go up as tax brakets remain the same.
no problem.
do they even teach economics in hungary i mean come on
Anything to hurt Europe
One. That's terror.
This will be very good for their competition in the global market.
We took hardly any refugees burger, which is why Germany and France are so butthurt about having counties dominated by sand people
>do they even teach economics in hungary i mean come on
What in income tax bands and rates did you not understand?
Band Taxable income Tax rate
Personal Allowance Up to £11,000 0%
Basic rate £11,001 to £43,000 20%
Higher rate £43,001 to £150,000 40%
Additional rate over £150,000 45%
Those bands have not significantly changed for quite some time and will not change in the next 10-15 years, while inflation is 2-4% per year. You do understand what cold progression is, right?
If she combines it with actually collecting the tax that is owed to us by the multi-national cunts of the US. It would be excellent. Time to check the small print.
>We took hardly any refugees burger, which is why Germany and France are so butthurt about having counties dominated by sand people
Interestingly enough, you took 40,000 in 2016 and 30,000 in 2015. Pretty fucked up, really. You also pay 3 times the amounts of money to your illegals that we pay for ours.
While we got a shitton more illegals, it is actually amazing that 40,000 illegals manage to come to an island.
No. Explain cold progression?
Bands are purposely set not to change frequently. That is why they exist.
>If she combines it with actually collecting the tax that is owed to us by the multi-national cunts of the US.
Collecting the 0% corporate income tax won't be that problematic I guess.
Asylum aside. What about normal migration?
What 0%?
Great news.
She was a terrible Home Secretary but hasn't done a thing wrong as PM
Here come the millions for the NHS that they save after Brexit!
The corporations save, that is.
>Explain cold progression?
Really? Ok then. Let us say someone makes 50 grand in 2010. So he is partially in the 40% band. He pays a certain amount of taxes. In 2020 due to inflation over 10 years, the equivalent of the 50 grand in 2010 is about 65 grand. If he earns those 65 grand in 2020, he will pay a higher tax rate. This is cold progression - hiking taxes by keeping the bands the same for a long time.
>What 0%?
The 0% corporate income tax May wants to implement.
German, French and other wester Yuro companies are about to flee FUCKING KEK, many of them are planning to but ususally seek out the US, but this way they won't have to be far from their areas of business. Brilliant move desu.
This does not mean they were successful. Half of Calais has an active UK asylum request and they've been sat there since Blair was in charge.
>West Pakistan intensifies
>What about normal migration?
Over the last 10 years, a lot more non-white immigrants got to the UK than to Germany.
None came as asylum seekers, though. Unfortunately they were allowed to emigrate here.
The UK agreed to take 20,000 Syrians over five years in stages, from the UN camps. Families only. We've ended up with less than that, because surprisingly there are few genuine ones and most would rather go to Germany.
You are saying that 50 grand becomes 65 grand because of inflation. How?
Basically you are taking a very simplistic view of how money works. Banding is there for exactly that reason. A person remains in the same tax bracket as his earnings will buy the same goods. Changing the banding is detrimental to this.
What a joke, she knows the UK now has to agree to more shitty deals with India and South Africa because the EU would rather bleed than giving the UK a big trade disadvantage. Otherwise other countries would also jump shit, damaging the economy of everyone. She's just virtue signalling that corporations are welcome in the UK. Who gets fucked is the common worker.
> applications
We actually took in around 10,000 look it up.
Nobody wants to go to Hungary because it's a total shithole and is poor as fuck. EU will soon change that though, when Turkey refuses to keep its promise to medley and releases its 1.5 million rapefugees. Hope you like kebab, stay cucked m8.
O% for who? Not everyone? At least explain it properly as I expect you are talking shit and know nothing about economic policy.
Over the past 3 years a lot more non whites entered Germany.
*Train station clapping intensifies
>This does not mean they were successful.
Sorry, but the number of deportations of illegals from the UK is less than 1,000 a year.
You have to deport in secret because of your SJWs blocking the deportation flights.
>You are saying that 50 grand becomes 65 grand because of inflation. How?
I am saying 65 grand in 2020 is worth 50 grand in 2010.
So if someone earned the same in 2020 (by PPP) as in 2010, he will pay a higher tax rate.
>Over the past 3 years a lot more non whites entered Germany.
>*Train station clapping intensifies
That is correct, about 1 million non-whites entered Germany between 1 Jan 2014 and 31 Dec 2016. But in those 3 years around 700,000 non-EU people also came to the UK.
If you look at Migration to the UK. Sorry I do not keep shit pictures on my computer. You will see that year on year it is about the same. It has been over the last 10 years and before that. Migration is different to asylum and people should not mix the two. The UK gets about 500 thousand more people each year when you combine migration with birth.
If I could enlighten you further,
His point is that while wages rise and prices rise due to the inflation spiral income tax brackets stay the same. You can just lose. Get paid more and you'll go into a higher tax bracket. Get paid the same and you can afford less goods for the same money due to inflation. This is the cold progression.
Prety much this .
If European union acts like bullying dictorship which punishs people for democracy and freedom.
Then eu deserves be hit hard back.
I wI'll be supporting the British extra and buying more there goods from now on.
Screw the assholes of Brussels
You can put in an asylum application anywhere you like from anywhere you like.
>every uk asylum applicant is successful
>everyone from outside the EU who entered the UK isn't white
>everyone in the EU is white
Got any more knowledge for us?
No. You need to prove that through proper calculation not speculation. Policy of this type has to be at least in 10 year cycles to create stability. You need to prove that out in your argument. That is the difference between a white paper and a law.
Yes. From the USA, China and Hong Kong, across the Overseas Territories, Australia, Canada and New Zealand.
Not everyone from outside the EU is an illiterate African.
That sounds pretty racist if you, seems like the only way you can hope to compensate is to keep increasing taxes, probably double or triple will do
>Bracket creep, or what the Germans call “cold progression”, results when pay rises only compensate for inflation but still push their recipients into a higher tax bracket. The effect is that taxpayers can buy less with their net income.
This is only a concern if there is full employment in a country. As the UK does not and will not have such a situation it is not a concern for the UK.
>You can put in an asylum application anywhere you like from anywhere you like.
Not really, you can only make an asylum application on British home soil - you cannot even lodge on in an embassy.
But the point was that you guys get 40,000 illegals in a year despite being an island. Pretty fucked up. Just a few years ago Germany got less than 40,000 despite being in the middle of a continent.
>From the USA, China and Hong Kong, across the Overseas Territories, Australia, Canada and New Zealand.
Actually, 85% of non-EU immigration to the UK comes from Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Nigeria, the Dominican Republic and other non-first world nations.
Immigration from Australia, Canada, NZ and the US is pretty low and on a net basis is negative (meaning more people are leaving the UK to those countries than people from those countries entering the UK).
don't know if you're the same pole that was complaining about the UK in another thread, but still...
You are implying that every single immigrant from outside the EU is an African or a Muslim and every one from the EU is white Christian.
Along with your woeful understanding of economics it makes for mind numbing reading
Normally you need to claim asylum when entering. An application once entered is less likely to be taken seriously. This is for asylum. The immigration rules to the UK need a person to make an application outside of the UK first. They may need to take an English exam and pay national insurance in advance.
Those people from the EU with EU passports are different because they can just come.
Obivously. Only sane thing to do, they have to outcompete the EU so I expect more steps in that direction.
>You are implying that every single immigrant from outside the EU is an African or a Muslim and every one from the EU is white Christian.
No, I am saying this sentence applies to the vast majority. 95% of EU immigration to the UK is white Christian and 85% of non-EU immigration to the UK is Africa, Asian. Middle Eastern and many of them are Muslim.
The UK has about 2 millions EU residents and 1 million are from Poland. Is Poland 95% white and Christian.
>The UK has about 2 millions EU residents and 1 million are from Poland. Is Poland 95% white and Christian.
The UK has over 3 million EU residents and yes, over 95% of them are white and most are Christian. 99% of Polish people are white and Christian.
The 5% non-whites from the EU are Spaniards and Southern Italians and Greeks.
From 2013. Things don`t change much over the years.
Holy fuck! I thought you were all pro-EU nigger cock loving T*rks
Still no source?
The ONS has all the numbers, mate.
>But the point was that you guys get 40,000 illegals in a year despite being an island
Simply not true, why are you trying to make Britain look bad? Don't you have enough problems?
>Nobody wants to go to Hungary because it's a total shithole and is poor as fuck.
Budapest is beautiful and amazing, hungary may not be attractive to migarnts but it is far from a total shithole you dumb cityboi cunt.
I think he means that it won't help your common person. The cost of goods go up while they have to pay the same taxes.
>Simply not true
... just look it up, mate.
Japanese u r dumb. Brackets that dont change with inflation that affects currency value comsiderimg price change can shift a lot of people. With same bracket limits a guy who payed first bracket and now on paper makes more will be by the amount 8n second bracket. Therefore paying higher tax. What proof do you need? R u dumb? Governments do that for years. Omg i think u r american expqt in japan and thats it.
UK economy is going to take the fuck off as Yurofag rich hide all their money their. I guess that's what happens when the EU elects an incompetent retard as their president. Oh wait, EU citizens don't get to vote for their president...
Why wouldn't they be fine with this?
Do you have an argument to present?
EU-fags on suicide watch
Nigga it not like (((they))) pay tax anyway
Yep np. More people each paying less tax can sometimes equate to more tax. ...Also Fuck EU.
What on earth happened in the late 90's? I mean, I know it was Jews obviously but what's the story?
They don't even pay it now anyway so why not
As long as they actually pay it, instead of exploring all their UK profits to Luxembourg and Ireland.
>It's another 'only corporations pay corporation tax' thread
I'd be happy if I wasn't taxed so much. Is this going to lead to VAT getting lowered? Maybe income tax? National Insurance? Council tax? Forced pension scheme? Road tax?
Fucking go away and never post ever again. Can't you understand we don't fucking want you here.
>I assume this is fine with all Britbongs.
They do this in Ireland already.
The flawed circular logic required to make this a good long term strategy is amazing.
Treating it as a competition: It will end in a race to the bottom.
>race to lowest tax
Treating corporations as if they want to spend all their profits is naive at best, completely misleading at worst.
>shareholders from Saudi Arabia and China will get that "extra profit"
Tories sell public services to foreign investors.... drops corporation tax so they can take maximum profits out of the country.
She's retarded or a shill.
>brexit isn't an excuse
People who want to pay less tax tell you there will be more tax collected if they pay less.
If you still fall for that bullshit propaganda, you've seriously got issues.
>blue pilled by shills
jesus that is diabolical. You know what this means? The tax havens in the EU will be under threat.
Well done uk. The netherlands especially who provide the jews with some form of embezzlement will suffer for it.
I wonder how the jew will react. Because if the jew doesnt react it means the white companies will thrive more than them.
backup, coincidence thread from elsewhere
>may never be
Because media these days are such a reliable source or real information not onsourced speculations that fit the narrative.
>race to the lowest tax
You act like this is a bad thing.
Its not like the biggest corporations pay it anyway.
>Google paid £36 million in tax on UK revenues of £1 billion, reports show
Why would go argue against lowering taxes?
This literally destroys the EU. EU is build upon extracting money from it's members.
They won't be ever able to compete. EU countries will go bankrupt or EU hopefully will collapse.
>Treating corporations as if they want to spend all their profits is naive
And you make no argument why it's bad? Because taxes only increase prices.
I lower tax environment regular people will have more money to spend.
And since it's a good place to make businesses when there are low taxes competition should be plenty.
without tax capitalism as we know it would fail hard.
>tax to pay government to protect capitalists from workers and threats
Last thing we need is that shit. Robots and automation is already hitting us hard. It's going to be a struggle for capitalism to adapt as is.
>Blinded by greed is no excuse for ruining it for everyone, even yourself
> understand mathematics.
> more red pilled than you'll ever be.
Gibs back Gibraltar bongs
Good, this is basic economic supply side policy, it will cause an increase in LRAS (long run aggregate supply) and thus reduce inflation and increase GDP. The downsides might be less money to finance debt however we are making cuts in other areas.
>lower tax environment regular people will have more money to spend.
So is tax lowered for everyday people? NOPE. It will trickle down, promise. yeah.
Tax and growth would be linked if your fallacy that the shills fooled you with is true.
>it's not
Eh... How will you guys pay for the NHS now?
Good luck funding your military and NHS and shit.
Didn't read corporate part. Still changes nothing. Competition lowers prices. Cheaper goods. More for people.
Also nice unsourced graph. Scandinavian countries had one of the freest markets in the world. Sweden was marked above USA.
That's the source of their wealth. I like how conviviality timed it is too. I bet totally not cherrypicking taxes from 2011 and comparing to growth from 1989.
NHS is increasingly charging non-UK passport holders for using the service. We can do that a lot easier once we are out of the EU
Well Britcucks are such retartds they belived Farage, that lying rat. I quess 350m will not go to NHS XDXDXD
It's apparently how the retards think "investment" works.
Investors want shitty roads, shitly educated workforce, shitty healthcare, shit laws and the families of workers need to be fucked too.
>who wouldn't want to invest in a country like that
> Competition lowers prices.
Tax competition doesn't lower prices. Lower corporation tax is international competition. Foreign "investors" benefit. You're basically saying
>oh foreign share holder
>pay me less
>I'm your cuck
>pay me less
>take your profits that we made for you overseas
>now take more away
Second part of was meant for you
How are they going to fund all that?
retard what we have is worse. They have fresh off the boat mudslimes but we have 2-3rd generation that knows the place and have taken over towns and villages and apparently have all the same rights as us