God that was painful. When can we gas the my little penis fuckers?

Other urls found in this thread:


C'mon that was fun. Im actually impressed with the MODS. It's good to see them interacting and having fun again.


Daily reminder that this is a warzone and manchildren who masturbate to cartoon horses are as fucking degenerate as one can be.

Agreed. This was the best actual prank. Other websites have been doing "new features", while this was a genuinely frustrating and funny prank.

Good job mods.

i jacked off to kids porn yesterday and i made a tiny crevasse in my hand to emulate the tiny pussy hole pretty smart right

I'd expect nothing less

Agreed but it was still fun as shit.

It was *interactive* and a complete antithesis of the way Sup Forums is. I had a fucking blast. And I know they got some BIG SMILES out of it. It was a win/win


thanks i really appreciate it

Welp, back to /reddit/ everyone.

come on man porn is porn dont be hating on me for my cravings and desire

ok fucking kill yourself

Friendly reminder fuck Slavs

We have the best april fool's don t we folks ?

Oh great, you cunts are back.

i had sex with a dead dog once it had a surprisingly tiny anus dont worry it was clean and i used a condom so its cool

I genuinely hope you do either get v& or gutted

>Fucking Iraqi's

You fuck family members too right?

>This is why we don't want you here...

its was fun for a while but do you really want to see horse porn every time you come onto pol?

what have i done to deserve that response ?


What the fuck is wrong with you? What's next? Homosexuality? Fucking kill yourself

actually we respect our elderly and our parents but we do have our violent tendencies but overall we dont have hipsters or stupid teens taking selfies or people protesting or dabing in the street so overall its good but it could be better

You should ask what haven't you done, instead.
Hint: Suicide.

Not at all, but for a day-a few days, it's different, and was kinda fun. And I kinda liked getting the chance to redpill people not in this board. /our way/ usually ends in a ban. We don't get too many chances like that.

hey leaf you do know that mlp is the least jewish show ever right?

>Shills and Reddit
I see that you are a part of the latter, so please, kill yourself.

you dont know me and i dont know you so lets leave it at that ok?

I'd rather play with the ponyfags. They were actually fun.

Agreed. Yesterday felt like old/pol/.


Great generalization there, fuckface. I'll take ponyfags over shills and reddit anyday, but are you honestly as retarded as to believe that if left up for a week they wouldn't just go there too? I rather have shills and reddit and no ponyfags than all three combined. Please, hang yourself.

>you dont know me
Neither do I want to.
Please do.

so are you gonna apologize for what you have said earlier ?

God I miss shooting you fucks, pls invite us back when you can't handle ISIS.

Itt was the best day on pol for six months. Now cunts like you are back.

>I rather have shills and reddit
Ok, sharialube, whatever you say.

Nah, they're our pals now.
Now kindly fuck off back to >leddit

>And I kinda liked getting the chance to redpill people not in this board.
You're an idiot if you think any horsefuckers got redpilled. They were just fucking happy to have a board where they could post pony porn and not be banned.

What are you gonna do?
Bomb me?
That is the only thing you are good for.

Hahaha get aids and die redditor

>making a tiny hole in your hand to simulate an underage vagina while you masturbate to CP

lol, its fucking amateur hour over here, thats beginner level shit user

aint no body stopping you or did you mean to shoot me?

> I rather have shills and reddit and no ponyfags than all three combined
I'd expect nothing less from a dirty Latvian.

>anyone who isn't into masturbating into kids' pony cartoons is a redditor
Again, hang yourself. Can't wait until we get merged with /lgbt/ and you fucks start kissing their asses as well.

I guarantee you people learned from us being there for 24 hours. Yeah they got to post their horse pussy...but there is NO WAY they didn't also absorb info. My entire goal for yesterday was to invade threads and drop truth bombs. And I promise you, at least 1 person learned something. And that's good enough for me.

do tell dear user how does one master the art of masturbation ? and do you have to use a zucchini

This, people need to stop deluding themselves that anyone was redpilled. You come to pol witht the intention of seeing opposing discussions, and getting mad or agreeing with them. Being forced into looking at that stuff isn't going anything

We have much more important fish to fry motherfucker
They're slated for the day of the rope anyway so it's not like they're going to get to stick around, even if they are lower on the list of hanged.
We've got liberals to destroy and America to win back not the time for revenge on those who didn't even wish it to happen in the first place
Kek is not pleased with misplaced anger

They're exactly what we're against


How about fuck them both



they are still here

The horsefuckers is what drove the unwashed nu/pol/ masses away.
Without them, they will be back, and the shills will follow.

Exactly. We get these ponyfags for a day, a single fucking day, and we have half of Sup Forums already kissing their ass.

it was both of them when they made the merger you fucking brain dead individual

youre talking to people from mlp

at least its what i decided to believe


your point is?

Why haven't you killed yourself already? It's about damn time.

>being an internet toughguy

Sup Forums was infiltrated and generally buggered by the rainbow warriors last year. That is why pony was so much better. Go back to being a church mouse ELVIS.

>not 5 mins into normal Sup Forums and it's already filled with shitposting and offtopic shill threads

Pony's = Part of Sup Forums history, in fact older than Sup Forums

Shills and Redditors = Enemy

>I'll take my chan-kin any day over shills and cucks

>Dude they totally actually looked in the political threads instead of enjoying their one day pass to post pony porn nonstop
You're fucking delusional if you think even a fraction of them read anything besides pony posts with porn and them erping with each other


you truly make me smile by thinking your absurd and pointless insults will invoke anything in me i feel nothing and an imbecile such as your self will not make a difference

CNN and Onions.

We just got our board back. Give it a couple of hours ffs.

How about you get a real fucking job instead of teaching English? Doesn't surprise me the weaboo is on the ponyfags' side.

Who the fuck cares. There's a reason we have separate boards.


Pony's are only a part of Sup Forums history because they are so fucking autistic they had to be given their own containment board because they shat up multiple boards with nothing but pony posts, and would go into on topic threads and erp with each other as ponies.

Fuck off reddit, i would take horsefuckers over you any day

All of which was too much for the shills to handle

You must be new here. Lurk more.

Then kindly migrate over to /mlp/ and go fuck yourself.

>We just got our board back. Give it a couple of hours ffs.
yeah i can't wait till we are fully back to only having a max of 3 Sup Forums threads and the rest DRUMFT BTFO HOW CAN WHITE BOIS EVEN COMPEATE BAN ANIME LEAF POSTING shitposting/shilling

can i also fuck my self ?

I'll take 3 Sup Forums threads over 1 Sup Forums thread and 200 MLP porn threads

Hmmmm....what is that's why I was shopping facts into their cartoon horse porn pics for 500 Alex.

To say nobody learned anything is retarded. Yeah they got to have more fun than normal and they did. BUT that fun was also intertwined with facts. It was unavoidable. I made the most of it. And I do hope somebody learned some shit they didn't know

>wikileaks docs show that CIA employs bronies
>bronies constantly insulted on Sup Forums
>CIA bronies take their revenge

>LEAF POSTING shitposting/shilling
Sup Forums tried to get rid of leaf for the longest time but it s still here there is no point in trying

MLP are tiny minority compared to Sup Forumsacks.
Did you pay any attention yesterday?
Mayority of threads were political, and about 1 or 2 horseporn threads.

my cousin works late nights he once let me have sex with a dementia patient it was hot as hell

Good to see there's still some real Sup Forumsacks around here. The horsefucker worshipping that went on today was fucking nauseating.

Honestly having those fuckers on our side will do us more harm than good. I can already see the headlines:
>Meet the community of white supremacists obsessed over children's' cartoons

As always oblivious to the cancer you bring to this board.
How does it feel knowing a bunch of manchildren are better than you?

Correct, but are you also implying we should have a /shill/ board because their pretty fucking retarded as well.

>Like I said i'll take chan-kin over shills and cucks any day.

>200 MLP porn threads
half were Sup Forums threads the other half were /mlp/ threads and mods were banning porn
again i too can't wait for old Sup Forums to come back i haven't had my fill as to why white bois can't compeate or how this will be the end of trumps campaign

well good for u for being immune to pony dicks pussies and anuses

To think I used to oppose America bombing you.

The majority of the threads were pony-related. In either case if the change was permanent we would've been flooded by shills/plebbit soon enough anyways.

These "real" Sup Forumsacks came from reddit.
Also, how are the DRUMPF and WHITE BOIS threads not degenerate?

crikey mate i fucked a kangru last night


I didn't vote for Donald trump

I've been here for four years. Do "real" Sup Forumsacks like you come from great boards like /mlp/?

>horsefuckers is ok
>goatfuckers is bad

What is the difference?


Fuck the media! They DON'T understand Sup Forums and that's why they get EVERYTHING wrong! If they do some dumb shit like that i'll spam them pony porn mixed with facts.

>Give them a reason to cry harder
>And their audience a reason to laugh harder

The difference is the ponyfags kissed their ass, and the goatfuckers want them dead.

Can anyone give me a quick rundown? Seems I missed the prank

>sorry for breaking your wall