Be British Empire, heroically win a war against Germany

>establish domination over half of Europe
>rule the world together with American yankees
>join the EU to keep ruling Europe after colonies lost
>get Polish workers in
>atmosphere turns sour, all Brits want to leave Europe

Are Polish people to blame for Germany dominating Europe once again?

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explanation inbound

you're an idiot, right? the EU objectively serves to make Germany stronger. the UK leaving makes the eurozone weaker, making Germany weaker.

whoever wrote that piece of shit article is a cuck

You're missing the point, the Germans were right. Poland and the other Slavic nations are why European identity arose, the British and Yanks were just to isolated to understand. We fought the wrong enemy, we chose the wrong side. The we will forever pay for not having come to our senses and going against our own.

you are short sighted

EU was started as the convention for coal and steel - aimed to limit a next arms race after the WW2

with many strong members holding each other in check no single country was believed to be able to amass enough power to threaten the european peace

With UK gone and an actual possibility of Frace following suite if Le Pen wins - we are essentially back to the central powers block

With germany calling the shots and dominating the union through their massive economy.

Today their army is a joke, however, they would have the resources and the support to rebuild it in quite short order.

UK leaving was monumentally stupid for the balance of power here.



you're wrong here if you're trying to make a reasoned, coherent argument

btw, I'm really baffled how anyone should be afraid of the German military. Even if the German government one day should get it in it's head that they want to strongly re-arm and mabe even wage wars of aggression against other countries - there wouldn't even be enough people willing to join the army for that. The anti-war and anti-military sentiment is so strong in Germany and public opinion is so solidly against military intervention that it's practically unthinkable to wage a war of aggression against another European country

Are any of the British royalty/aristocracy actually smart or all they all drooling retards like this fag?

What an unbelievably dumbass fucking thing to say. Like what? It's been over 70 years since the end of the war.
>DURR stop being better dan us we wun war decades ago durrr

>or all they all drooling retards like this fag?

Really makes you think...about why you stayed attached to them for so long.

Hopefully we'll cut the chain

Germany will be angry, when Greece, Spain and Italy bailouts turn reality before 2025.

I do not believe the german politicians are going in their basements and worshiping hitler in secret shrines with nazi memorabilia. However with the push for rearmament and the decreased ballance within the union Germany is on the path of even further influence over the union and eventually EU getting perceived as Germany and satellite states. Even with no enemies as of today, such political entity is bound to start rubbing shoulders with the other world powers. Within few decades the mood can shift quite far from today. No one believed the great war was possible before it happened.

Looking at the european history, long periods of peace were the anomaly rather than the rule.

Literally no one is worried about Germans taking up arms; they're worried about your leaders' owners' plan of replacing the worthless stock of German numales with Turks

They can leave after they pay up , which they never will / can

Don't worry, a lot of us feel like giving pushing you out of our country. Quebec consistently needing handouts from the West. You are a burden economically and a blight on our society.

if france leaves the entire EU would fall apart, either disappear or go through major restructuring. do you honestly think, you god damn disgusting balkan-turk hybrid subhuman, that the union would stay with only Germany as the major player? i hope to god you kill yourself, i mean it

huh, maybe you guys should pay up your denbts to NATO already, fackin freeloaders

>posted from Austria
Top Whew.

>Austria starting another European war

> they would have the resources and the support to rebuild it in quite short order.

Actually we simply wouldn't allow that to happen. Ever, ever again. This is why Germany is so cucked.

The EU is an extension of German soft power. Why would anyone want to be a vassal state of Germany?

>Are Polish people to blame for Germany dominating Europe once again?
Seems unfair but the answer is probably yes.

>the UK leaving makes the eurozone weaker, making Germany weaker.
But gives them more control over the EU.
They get a bigger share of a smaller prize.

Just bomb Germany again, send them to the Stone Age or modern day Arabian age and be the dominant world power again.

Can't go to war with Germany again if we're part of their empire can we?

>whoever wrote that piece of shit article is a cuck
Judging from the colors it's from (((The """Independent"""))), which is ironically anti-Brexit and anti-Britain.

Slav immigration played a huge part in the leave vote. What Sup Forums doesn't quite get is that slavs have come in the millions and are far more spread out than Muslims who stay in the inner cities.

More of this country has been changed by incompatible slav cultures being imposed upon us than Muslims.

We're rather fed up of all immigration, white or otherwise.

Also like you said, it doesn't matter if you're white or not (which is an American invention). The problem is they are not British.

Canada was destroyed by European immigration
They brought communism
They changed our flag
They change dominion day
They got Pearson and Trudeau into office
Canada would be better if it stayed Anglo

It's rare for a yank to get this

Heseltine is long past his sell by date

You would know that if you knew anything about british politics

I didn't know Hitler was a (((federal socialist))).

This thread is really funny.
The EU the last effort of the White Christian People in this world to stay relevant is demonized at every turn
People on Sup Forums Claim that they want to replace us, yet they do everything and spend Billions upon Billions to study and combat the declining Birthrates of Europeans
You Claim the EU is shit
yet there hasnt been a single War in the Eurozone since WW2
(this is good you know since war means less White People)
And the biggest haters all Sport US flags
who are as we speak going the Road of South Africa like theres no tomorrow

Keep searching for one because I'm an expat Brit unironically attacking immigration.

What a time to be alive.

This is the real reason why the UK joined the EU


Bigger German control over the EU will offend the French and other European nations that were fine when the UK balanced Germany out so it's okay.

polish people are proxy for hating immigrants in UK who are also muslim and brown

the EU is like 15% Muslim and growing

If whites need foreigners to stay relevant.. they arent really relevant

How many nuclear warheads ?

It is like a drunk guy losing his key, not getting into his own house again
and being proud of that
And those 9 Million non europeans who have British citizenship ? they will stay
Have fun

I can't wait until Lord Heselcuck is dead
Same with Ken Clarke

>and the support
I'm pretty sure no one would support a German remilitarization

>shipping in millions of shitskin

>It is like a drunk guy losing his key, not getting into his own house again
>and being proud of that
What a terrible analogy. Germans are all autistic.

>Have fun
Your country continues to welcome millions of non-whites into Europe. Britain got off easy.

>yet there hasnt been a single War in the Eurozone since WW2
Yeah, because EU surrendered to the muslim invaders and told them to come settle by millions.

Not in the long run. Britain was the only other power in the EU that was serving as a check on Germany. France bends over backwards to please them just like in the 1940s.

>tfw the EU are the good guys when it comes to the tax dodging bookmarkers on the Rock who contribute nothing to the horseracing industry they profit from

Mr. "40 Million Niggers" is talking here, listen to him, great wisdom, much know

Consider this for a minute. We've had Indian immigration since the 1950s. We've had mass polish immigration since 2003.

Poles are now the largest immigrant group in the UK. The rate of displacement is insane, people have a bigger problem with poles than other groups precisely because of this.


That doesn't make any sense, are you a legitimate retard? It's more like jumping out of a car with functioning brakes. Sure Britain will get a few nasty bruises, but they'll be alive out of the whole ordeal unlike those who remained in that car which went off a cliff.

germanics are doomed

I would rather poles than pakis.

Damn it. I suspected as much

I meant malfunctioning, god damn I'm a retard. Time to sleep.

Pay your debts to NATO you fucking freeloader. You owe more than our NATIONAL FUCKING DEBT to NATO. Freeloading fucks...

I dont expect a nigger-rape-Baby to get a german joke, they are crafted for over 100IQ
France is a free Country you virgin, if you want to uphold it you got to have Kids
those politicians cant make you to have Kids
the Problem isnt with them, the Problem is that you morons rather want to Play vidya all day and not have families

>yet there hasnt been a single War in the Eurozone since WW2

I'm sure the development of Nuclear weapons has nothing to do with it

>i prefer one ethnic genocide of my own people to another

Wake up, daft lad. Slavs are doing far more damage in a far shorter space of time. Some of us would rather have neither 3rd worlders or slavs, but both are bad for this country.

Why don't you go back to your home country and improve it? Though you Brits are alright, would rather have you guys come here than the wetbacks.

Lord Heseltine is an asspained remainiac who is depserately trying to make people think Brexit is a mistake so it will be undone. He's trying to play to people's patriotism now that he realised that people who voted Leave like their country.

Yeah, that German Arsenal is truly formidable
How can Anglos even compete ?

France is not a free country, we're under bruxelles dictature. But not for long, we frexit soon and you''ll have to deal with your shitskins yourself, angela.

when has France not bent the knee and salivated at the thought of gargling hun cock
i want the Royal Navy in the Channel and the North sea ready to blow any incoming shipping not designated for import/export trade out of the water

germany has a vastly superior economic make up. it's only logic that they would rise to the top if they have peace for long enough

He's not really wrong in the sense that Germany will own the EU now. He's just wrong to be assmangled about it.

>flip is going to stop German rearmament
How, Duterte? With your giant fleet of crack dinghies?

Are you having a laugh? You do realize the racial origin of the Slavs right? Shitskins are monumentally worse for this country than poles, who are just a bit weird whites. It pains me that the UK is full of people who fistbump niggers and swarthys, and yell at old german ladys.

What's wrong with Germans ruling over Europe exactly? EUtards have clearly shown they are incapable of governing themselves. Submit to the krauts like you should've half a century ago.

Yeah sure, and YOU cant have a Family with at least 2 Kids Because ???
Is there a French Police force that will take White Kids away ?
All i hear is excuses

the Germans want the EU because the Germans are retarded and have an inferiority complex
they want to dominate Europe and have spent every century since the fall of Rome trying to
and they've failed every time
they blame Britain for the EU falling apart instead of the jews and German communists they let rule over them

Poles and slavs are literally subhumans

>The anti-war and anti-military sentiment is so strong in Germany
Im sure that will change if there is a real threat of a defensive war against peer opponent.

Yep, it's autism all right.

Godspeed, frogs

Even when it comes to conventionals, scarcely a single military expert think Germany would win a war vs the British.

Because I'm 20, and I wait until I get my degree and a job to start a family.

Not your business anyway.

>Is there a French Police force that will take White Kids away
theres a German police that takes white kids away if you post insensitive racial or political comments on facebook

>The EU the last effort of the White Christian People in this world to stay relevant is demonized at every turn

Rapefugees welcome much? Mutti "all-eu-must-host-the-goat-fuckers-that-i-invited" Merkel much?

>yet there hasnt been a single War in the Eurozone since WW2

Gee a mutual defense pact between the countries defenately couldn't have yield the same results

>And the biggest haters all Sport US flags who are as we speak going the Road of South Africa like theres no tomorrow

To the stark contrast of EU who claims that 10s of millions of shitskins will arrive here and we can do absolutely nothing but accept them


pic related is you

name two things that brussels has withheld from you

>I want my people to be genocided by slavs because slavs are "white"

The doublethink is real in you lad.

I suspect when a slav ghetto sets up shop in your town, it'll change your mind right quick.

You're an idiot, the EU has been called the Fourth Reich for years for a reason.

The "Greece is white" meme has to end

You're not white and you shouldn't even be in the EU

well for France
being able to create legislature in France for France that overwrites EU law
and formulating their own refugee/immigration quotas

EU is cancer

Typical Anglo, Even in peacetime he is thinking about murdering other Whites
Lol, excuses
France has the biggest shitskin Population in all of Europe
And all i hear from you is excuses
how do you manage to not fall from the earth in australia ?

>and formulating their own refugee/immigration quotas
they were chock full of shitskins before anything that has happened recently, and that has less to do with the EU and everything to do with their colonial past.

what is a relevant law that the EU has stopped from being made reality in France? what did France want to do but the EU said no?

>t. alboshit diaspora

Even in the most powerful countries, you are still an albanian. Cry moar

>"Brexit lets Germany become dominant"
If he really means that, then the Brexit happened really years ago. UK hasn't had influence in the EU for at least five years now due to them always demanding exceptions for themselves. When Cameron was still PM, nobody in the EU wanted to talk to them because they all knew that whatever they would say, Cameron would be against it.

Long story short: UK was like that autistic child in the EU that nobody could get along with and thus lost influence a long time ago.

>Jihads come from outside of europe
>Lets close borders inside of europe t hanz

Great plan, maybe you should just fuck up Turkey instead

>Why don't you go back to your home country and improve it?
I already voted Leave. Also I will go back, obviously.

Uh pretty sure that I can waltz into your 3Rd world nation with these American dollars and buy every woman in your family right now you sand nigger

Lol Greece, pay debts you poorfag

hes probably a pole desu

>they were chock full of shitskins before anything that has happened recently
yeah you can blame De Gaul for that
but the numbers have seriously inflated in the last few decades
>what is a relevant law that the EU has stopped from being made reality in France
I dunno you'd be better off asking a Frenchman desu

>Is there a French Police force that will take White Kids away ?
No but there is the tax service taking the money from white people, money that should go for a family but instead goes to welcome shitskins.

Take our sovereignty away ? Decide loads of shit without any democratic legitimacy ? Tell us to take millions of shitskins ? Forbid our shops to buy local products because it's "unfair competition" and our shops must buy cheaper products from eastern europe. Lots of things, actually.

Play the fool, eurozone will collapse when we're out. We'll see who laughs in the end.

The reason why refugees come is cause they know that once they've reached the EU they can go everywhere, including the fat welfare states

This man orchestrated the betrayal of Thatcher so fuck him.

>including the fat welfare states
But Germany is one of the fattest and best paying welfare states in the entire union. Are they going to have a hard time deciding between Germany and Sweden?

You're not leaving the euro zone though

Your little welfare dump isn't going to survive on its own. You have a shit culture and an inferior people. Hence why Germans trounced you in six weeks

I cant find the German one but heres a Norwegian one
similar thing happened in Germany but it was because their father was critical of the asylum policy

Uh pretty sure that an albanian is still spat on even when he's on the other side of the atlantic. You goatfuckers are a joke. You are the prime example of discoloured niggers

Also: even if somehow you made it to be Trump-levels ritch, YOU ARE STILL A FUCKING ALBANIAN.