Was she the worst Presidential Candidate ever? If not who?
Was she the worst Presidential Candidate ever? If not who?
yeah, she was real good at lying to the faces of others. I suppose that really does make her presidential. cool.
this guy was much worse. he used fed troops to kick WWI veterans off his lawn
also, le great depression
Yes. She set a new record for campaign spending and still got completely blown the fuck out.
I wouldn't call him the worst presidential candidate, since he won.
It was Donald fucking duck, this piece of garage had to steal the election and is going to get impeached within months
She was a terrible candidate.
She had...
- The entire MSM cover he ass 24/7
- The DNC collude with her campaign against her only Democrat apponent
- Still president Obama and the living former presidents supporting her
- The Establishment from both parties on her side
- Every "Poll" forecasting her landslide victory
- Every leftist troll calling her opponent a bigot, racist, sexist Nazi 24/7
... and still lost.
Don't forget that illegals with CA issued driver's licenses were allowed to vote for her.
>muh popular vote
Yeah, because of Mexcrement parasites.
bush and romney.
hillary also stole 5 states and somehow lost....
hey remember her "press conference?" it had been over 200 days since she had a press conference; so she had on one her plane. filled with nothing but shill reporters and still did a terrible job.
It was indeed a very bad campaign because she really only managed to appeal to ultra high IQ, extremely educated, wealthy coastal democrats as well as some other insignificant groups, but really that was the core of her supporter base.
Bernie and Trump did a much better job rallying up the most subhuman, low-IQ, blue collar, uneducated, white trash, fat, disgusting, inbred, flyover state living rural and suburban retards. Yes, people laughed at them for having subhuman, low-IQ supporters but so what? There is far more genetic waste on the planet than there are ultra evolved, elite Hillary supporters. And as a result their movements were far more impressive in general and garnered much more attention from the public.
Pretty much. She was on playing easy-mode and still lost.
She opened a pickle jar! Prez material right there.
Enjoy your pansy Trudeau, bacon maple leaf
She had everything going for her. Fake polls. Violent riots. Goybook. Money. Actual foreign interference. Establishment politicians.
The list goes on, how the hell did she lose its insanity. She was a terrible candidate what a joke. Any other terrible candidate from the past can't compete because hillary had modern technology which is real mind control on her side
How about Al gore or Howard Dean? Asshurt leftists still cry about Al Gore losing and unironically believe he would have ushered in a new age of clean energy.
>Trump had a hat and weaponized autism and won.
but she lost to him.
She's a three times loser amongst a thousand other faults!! MAGA
Kys faggot.
this guy was worse
cant have a bald president
>clean energy
"muh carbon feetprints"
Reminder only rural and suburban retards voted against her
It's true that Trump had the secret of weaponized autism on his side to wage battle with shills across the ether, and I do honestly believe that is what edged out his victory.
But it's very whitepilling to me that the bulk of his voting base were just people tired of the bullshit.
I have high hopes for the first meme president, but no matter what happens, it isn't possible to be worse than fucking Shrillary and it buys us a lot of much needed time to turn things back around.
This was a small but important turning point. Didn't get anymore obvious than that phone trade moment.
Howard was a bit unhinged but I think even John Kerry is worse than Howard. These types are just your run of the mill candidates. Fun to party with but stay the fuck out of the Oval Office please.
>High IQ
>Hillary supporters
pick one
When your campaign makes Mondale and Dukakis look like machiavellian masterminds, then you are truly the absolute worst candidate in american history.
Best female candidat tho.
Do you think the elitist attitude of her campaign and supporters had anything to do with her lack of popularity?
Outside of meme's and satire crap her downfall was her own undoing when she declared Trump supporters are irredeemable. Who in their right mind goes full retard like that? Oh wait thats right Hillary does by swaying even neutral parties into voting for Trump.
Would Jeb, Rubio or El Rato won against her or she would have demolished them ?
Trump should have been the worst candidate, which is why it's so delicious to se the carnage now. The guy really doesn't seem to know what he's doing and isn't very diplomatic or moderate in his approach to anything. He spends his days on twitter slagging off the media and individuals that have angered him.
Maybe he'll grow into the job. I think it's hilarious that Hiliary lost to this, that's why I suppose he can't be the worst.
You can go back to /mlp/ now
>presidential canditates sould NEVER wear a hat
>lest they look silly like this joker
>trump pulls that off too
Jeb couldn't win against anyone
Rubio broke after Christie which showed how weak he was
Rao maybe could have beat her with his rat tactics
Nope. people didn't want another Bush. Hillary would've exploited that. Ugly wife & family. just a total mess
the best chances of the 3. but lacking in any real accomplishments
Too religious to get elected. Would be spun as a gay transphobic bible humper. Too far on the right. Also very ugly, wouldn't have been able to win Rust belt states.
Tbf if the polls constantly predicting her winning was intended to generate more votes for her, it was a dumb fucking idea
That's a redditor.
/mlp/ already is right-leaning except they're horsefuckers. They are at MINIMUM highly receptive to right wing tenets as demonstrated with /mlpol/
She is worse than jeb bush, and that's pretty sad...
>Ugly wife & family
It took me awhile to actually believe that his wife was a legit goblin, I thought those pics were just shopped.
Just think of him as an American Mar Roxas
Sarah Palin was a pretty bad call.
A doofus, over-the-hill, idiot woman. Wants to be the vice president, doesn't have a passport. Preaches abstinence-only sex ed, has a pregnant teenager walking across the stage with her. Totally quotable, chock-full of idiotic sayings. Also a tea-partier.
In a Trump vacuum Rato could have won against Hillary, yet he couldn't have won without Trump because he just aped his rhetoric +2 week delay
What would you prefer from a former Presidents brother, a Billy Beer or a Guac Bowl?
>sweating little Rubot
>best candidate
Is it simply because he's a spic?
Yes. The left could have run lenin and won against trump and won.
An option between an overheating liar and a cocky, billionare orange. I'd choose the orange.
Now, I wish I had an orange instead of a drama teacher that has sunk our economy even further
Definitely up there, and I love how all the underaged libfags tried and act like she was a great person not knowing her awful cunt political career. No one liked her back in 93' either
Definitely Bernie.
Hillary might be more evil, but bernie would be 100 times more destructive to the US.
Says nervous man for the 27th time...
All she had to do was not collapse in front the entire country and be on tape getting thrown into an ambulance conversion van like a fucking sack of potatoes. Not a lot to ask of a presidential candidate right? Wrong. Not when your candidate is Hillary Clinton.
And this is the kind of visceral sort of image that goes straight past people's frontal lobes and right into the amygdala or whatever. People have a primordial, lower brain stem kind of reaction to this. Its repulsive. This one little webm alone was worth a billion in 'targeted smart ad copy' or whatever. Its the one thing you can't do if you want to win an election. She shit the bed. Period.
>Is it simply because he's a spic?
Yes and hes good looking. democrats wouldn't be able to play the race card. being younger helps too. but even with all those advantages he fucked it up
>Too religious to get elected. Would be spun as a gay transphobic bible humper. Too far on the right. Also very ugly, wouldn't have been able to win Rust belt states.
His head looks like a sweaty pale rubber mask. It always got that oily sheen and looks like it's about to melt. Plus he's actually Canadian, born in Calgary Alberta. Shoulda been DQ'd right from the beginning.
Come on guys. ROSS PEROT.
I agree. Hilldawg would just continue the deep state but Bernie would actually make a big deal of america more socialist. And once u get the socialisms you don't go back
this is convincing, i think you actually believe this
I agree. Having people's sympathy after getting publicly screwed out of the running, and repaying your supporters by utterly selling them out, right to their faces, and scuttling away with the money. Absolute filth.
Doesn't change the fact that Drumpf divided America, when she could have united the country and make it safe for muslims, LGTBQ and POC.
she shouldnt have been allowed to run. They should've went with biden or something but muh vagina card.
>phone trade moment.
What happened exactly?
>which is why it's so delicious to see the carnage now
yes... just yes
>Ross Perot
Scored the highest percentage of the popular vote of any third party candidate in us history.
He must have done something right.
ITT people with no knowledge of history.
She should be in prison
And then Pence will be president, won't that be a fantastic improvement.
Didn't Bernie endorse her after she threw him under the bus?
Another shilling like begging for a helicopter ride
you're a faggot
Yes, she was.
Trump was close second.
Yeah but that's the sort of candidate you'd expect to lose, especially when you consider you had the cure of George W. Bush hanging around her and McCain like a bad smell. Hillary on the other hand everything on her side, literally everything, the serving president at the time was popular and from her party and did absolutely everything he could to help her win, and she still lost. There's no dispute, Hillary's it, she spent over a billion dollars and not only did she lose the democrats lost overall, they were supposed to take back at least one house of congress weren't they? Sad!
Yes she was just too smart
the media would have been pushing unity if hillary had won.
all of them right now would be calling anti hillary protests to be terrorists. ive already dropped the tv media because of their obvious liberal bias.
>entire platform was basically nothing but a brainless smear campaign against her opponent and most importantly the common American people who supported him
>took advantage of media bias to incite mass hysteria, polarize American politics and attempt to deligitimize and marginalize significant concerns with the current system and government policies
>personality of a brick covered in shit and glitter sprinkled by tasteless talking heads and other out of touch elitist shitheads
>champion of everything many Americans believe turned their lives to shit since the early 2000s
Absolutely. What a piece of shit.
>be maple faggot
>thinks opinion matters
Go suck the sand nigger cum out of your girlfriend's cunt
>Drumpf divided America
When did he make a speech talking about how half of Hillary's supporters were deplorable and irredeemable? When did he completely divide his party by taking part in a rigged primary?
Bernie was never a presidential candidate.
Yep, he really was the cuck of cucks.
*you had the curse of George W. Bush
>tfw to smart to win
I couldn't agree more, coming from a 121 IQ Hillary supporter.
Hillary lost because she couldn't dumb herself down to the level of the average rural high school dropout meth head or suburban office slave. That and the media kept pushing the email shit that was debunked ages ago.
neck yourself leaf
t. 127 IQ shill spotter
>121 IQ
You are aware that's pretty low for a white man, right ?
She really was though.
Its funny but I can't imagine a worse candidate.
Wanted to destroy borders
Increase Muslim immigration 500%
Amnesty all illegals
Talked about making an EU style organization with Canada and Mexico
Her VP said Whites should become a minority as pay back for racist crimes of the past
She got on stage with the mother of a crazy thug and treated him like a martyr while demonizing cops and saying White people need to apologize and have alot to learn about invisible barriers or some shit
Got an ambassador killed on purpose.
Openly supported the Muslim brotherhood subversive Islamic Supramicst organization
Her personal assistant has strong ties to really bad Muslim groups/players and was continually in contact with them
I mean fuck... and thats only like 10% of the shit I can remember off my head I know there is plenty more.
Jesus Christ. The fact that some American's actually like this treasonous psychopath makes me lose hope in any potential future for this country.
>That and the media kept pushing the email shit that was debunked ages ago.
When was it debunked when the FBI director came out and confirmed basically everything that people had suspected live in a press conference.
She did store classified information on that server and she did delete a whole bunch of public records, that all turned out to be true. Shame she turned out to be too mentally unfit to actually be held responsible for her actions (go check with the FBI if you don't believe me).
Oh and of course ban all guns... probably put restrictions on hate speech (speech the elites don't like), fully corrupt any institutions not completely and utterly corrupted and made fully obedient to the cabal under Obama, mandatory feminism classes and forcing businesses to hire the way she wants who knows what else...
to actually give this discussion some depth, Al Smith running against Hoover was a disaster, he was intensely liked by some factions and just as intensely disliked by others, and coincidentally, it was thought that it was time to put religious prejudice behind, It Was His Turn.
great bait leaf, made me kek. still not saving you on the day of rake tho.
newfags got jebaited.
What about the whole pay for play scandal?
Is openly using Government power for self-enrichment legal now?
and I mean its not like it was an occasional thing where she tried to make it look semi-legal it was in many instances blatant give me the money or give my husband the money and give my foundation a fat check and ill do this and this for you as exposed in the wikileaks.
and regarding the emails if anyone else had lied about turning over all the relevant work emails and then scrubbed all their devices clean they'd be in a fed prison for the rest of their lives.
don't fool yourself. this is banana republic type shit.
not to mention 100 other times she lied about email shit or did other illegal shit.
Racists, bigots, sexists, homophobes, xenophobes, and islamophobes resent being called such names. They do not respond by thanking thoughtful liberals for pointing out their errors, and then resolve to worship diversity.
Instead, they are human, and the non-reflective reflex is “f___ you.”
She was essentially treated as if she was the daughter of a King in some old times monarchy.
Only way she could face actual prison time in this corrupt farce of a Democracy is if she shot a child in broad daylight and even then they might try and make some excuse for her... or give her some Epstein type sentence.
I've begun deep dives into the job candidates' applications I review. If I find info indicating they support Trump or the GOP I just veto the application.
My sincere hope is that Trump voters wise up, until they do my plan is to just make their lives as miserable as possible, with the small amount of power I possess.
Welcome to the new Cold-Civil War, shitheads.
She had everything against her. She had the entire Kremlin, Vladimir Putin, Russian oligarchs, Russian propaganda from RT and Sputnik, Russian hackers and racist suburban retards rallying against her. She was the under dog the entire time.