Liars, liars everywhere.. How many fights have you been in, and where are you from?

I grew up with two brothers, so naturally we fought all the time. As we grew up our fights got more intense, to the point where we would destroy furniture and get quite abusive. I have many memories of me punching my brother in the face or getting punched myself ( over and over.. and over.. and over ), getting kicked hard while lying in the fetal position, attempting to reach his eyes and gouge them out.. etc.

In college one of my roommates and me just didn't get along. Tbh it was mostly him being an ass but whatever. One time he jumped me, we tussled a bit and I got thrown into the stove, breaking it, we ended up on the floor with me bashing in his face, but somehow he turned me over and did the same to me until eventually he just quit because he realized I was losing consciousness.

One time, I was at this party and I'm not sure what happened exactly but I was being a drunk asshole to cut it short. I got my shit wrecked, basically.

And one time, I was talking to this girl whose boyfriend, drunk, all of a sudden puts me in a headlock. I'm hitting him in the side of the head and get one really, reaaaally good smack in and that ends it.

That's all the fights I've been in and hopefully will ever be in. I'm from Mississippi. I ask because I'm working with this guy and it's really important I maintain a good relationship with
him, but tonight this man is telling me he's been in like an endless number of fights. Which made me wonder, maybe it's just that I haven't been in many. It really just sounds like he's lying out of his ass though. But I'm amazed, if so, at his ability to lie. Not just how well he does it, if this is the case, but how he lives with it.

I'm asking here because this is an anonymous forum and also, it's the most masculine board on Sup Forums. Which is pretty fucking hilarious.

1 fight when i was 15

Lots of fights when I was in school. Now that I am older I think fighting is stupid. You could only ever expect to fight a stranger in the street and there is nothing to be gained from it.

You or they could get seriously hurt.

If you got a knack for violence you can be in a fight pretty much every day
but most People are just lying to get some masculinity cred
you cant prove or disprove it, just nod and go on with your Routine
I was working in Prison and after that in the German Military and had at most 10 fights in that time

That's a lot of fights user. Are you sure
that you're not the asshole?

I've never been in a fight, I'm not a primitive savage nigger.

Can't count how many fights I've been in. Grew up in a very abusive house, scarred me and fucked me up. I still feel very violent, I wish I didn't.

Toronto btw
Lived in Turkey for 10 years tho

I used to fight a lot when I was a kid, now occasionally when I go out and I'm drunk but never more than a few unharmful punches. I don't know if I would still be able to get into fights when I'm not drunk, maybe I would but I never felt like I needed it

I knocked my older brother into the hospital when we were like 15. The faggot always won, until I had enough of losing. Hit him hard on the head and he fell, hit a table and went ko.


Describe what it's like to take a punch

I went through a phase where I definitely was, but that's irrelevant. This guy says he has been in more fights than he can count. "A fight every weekend". And the fights he describes are absurdly intense.

I have always been a weeb. I never connected to my southern culture but I recently moved back here and this guy is my first taste of it. I'm wondering, maybe that's just what happens here?

I really hope he isn't lying. I want a simple relationship with this man. Eh.. /qq/ I guess..

over 10, from Florida. kind of lost count but some were literally just me punching the guy in the face and it basically ended after a quick scrap, others were longer fights that lasted a few minutes. i'm not even a violent guy, just grew up in a really shitty neighborhood filled with ass holes

a half dozen maybe. Most were pretty minor. a couple could have got coma level
too old/don't care now, but had to pull out a sticker to back off some dude last summer

feral bronie detected

2 i one shot wondered two because im like 5'4and they didnt think i would fight back

# I picked a fight with a football player and wrestler and got my shit rolled.

Yeah user... tell it to the therapist. I'm not so good at it myself.

From the ages of 4-12 I got into about 1-2 violent fights per day. Whether that was with other school kids, neighbourhood kids, or my own siblings. After I got a stepdad I started getting into less fights, and after about a year, I got into maybe 1 physical altercation a year, although I wouldn't even call them fights by that time, it was mostly me trying to diffuse the situation, in some cases I let myself get beat up without throwing any punches.

You are insecure about how many fights you've been in, and are looking to an anonymous vietnamese knitting forum for validation... you got problems user

Single child whose never been in a real fight,
But I have sparred boxing and Jiu-jitsu with randoms at gyms and trained a few friends to fight. Mainly learned for self defense cases in the future.

You definitely have anger management issues. I'd see a therapist before you run into a chimp carrying a knife or worse.

I'm just bored and prefer to blog to the hivemind rather than Wordpad.

In my country town I pretty much had my shit pushed in daily for 8-9 years straight. Hid broken ribs and more from my parents with clothing because I was too proud to admit my position.

I was raised Jehovah's Witness, so the idea of fighting back was non-existent - the guys ended up spending half the time trying to provoke me to fight back, and one set of 'bullies' gained a strange respect for my resolve, we ended up seeing eye to eye and the bullying stopped from him and the group he was from, he even defended me against others in the end.

One day, I would have been 14-15, a guy king hit me, and I just fucking snapped, when I regained self control I'd shattered his cheekbone and he was out cold.

There were two more similar loss of control stories after that, and it scares me what I become desu, even for a country town where pub violence is the norm I'm different.

I ended up working for our version of the FBI here in Aus, and trained myself to a pretty fucking fit level now, and the various self defence classes I took, from Judo to Boxing I dominated without effort.

My best mate was a bubble wrapped kid, couldn't even ride a push bike he was helicopter parented so hard, he talks smack and ends up hiding behind me when he drinks, I've end up surround by more than 10 guys (all smaller than me - but drug fucked and possibly armed) so I let the one he started shit with hit me in the face twice with his rings on, then calmly asked if he was done and he left - after his mate randomly apologised and handed me around $50 in $1 coins from the poker machines.

And it's always like that, feels like time slows down, my heart and hands are steady - no matter the situation. Same when I race cars or I'm doing the crazy trials for the field work components of my old government job.

I should probably thanks the bullies, I guess they made me a monster, but they also gave me the strength and presence of mind to protect those I care about.


AFP please go. This is ASIO territory now.

I have genuinely never been punched in the face, just in the stomach and shoulder and neck.
I've been in a few "fights", one I called my sisters friend "weak as a girl" and he tackled me from behind. We were on the ground and I started kneeing him in the stomach (he was the tallest kid in the school and I was one of the shortest), we both stopped and looked at eachother and he says "Do you think that actually hurts me or something?" And we both laughed it off.

My second "fight" was with this faggot who kicked me in the ass when I was 6, it was a literal nigger. He was holding a gingerbread house he just made, nigger kicked me in the ass literally right up my ass for no reason, so I turned around and knocked his shit on the floor and threw him by the neck into the road and he started crying.

My third fight was with my fat mexican step dad when I was 15 and I just wailed on his spic face while he kept his head down and tried to push me over. I knocked him out and he didn't even throw a single punch.
(He was holding my kid brother as a hostage to draw my mother inside so he could yell at her, so the fag deserved it)

And that's it user

Two that i can remember, besides scuffles with siblings or dad.

First one i was punched in the face in the school bathroom. Apparently it was comical because the guy stopped and asked if i was okay.
The second one, it was the last day of school, some kid had been calling me a faggot the whole school year, he came up to me outside of school and said it to my face. Adrenaline is a hell of a thing, apparently i punched him in the mouth, but dont remember. He hit me on the cheek. His lipped swelled up and he was known as fish lips for the rest of his school life as far as i know.

Thats it really.

>theres people on Sup Forums right now who have never been in a fight

explain yourselves

Oh i forgot karate sparring.

I did karate like an autist when i was 13.
So i think to score during a tournament you have to land clean hits to chest and other areas. So tournament comes up, the only one my size is a girl. So they ask if im ok to fight a girl, for some reason i said yes. I was too autistic to know anything about girls. So i laid into her chest, each time she groans. The crowd was quiet. I forgot who won, i think i was too embarrassed to give a fuck. Apparently hitting a girl in her boobs is kinda like kicking a guy in the nuts. I was just trying to score points.

You dont really feel it in the heat of battle. The next day is when youll really feel it.

I've taken some martial arts with sparring involved, and participated in a few basement scuffles (just a few fight club like sparring matches between drunken friends)

Old AZ guy here. Have no idea how many. Got into fights all the time growing up in the 70's and 80's. Pretty much stopped in early 20's. Had violent altercations while working in prison but I don't think that's quite the same. Nobody messes with me on the street now and if I do lose my temper they always back down. I don't think people have a stomach for it as much as before. I can't imagine being a young guy and never being in a fight. Win or lose, it will help your confidence to face down another man. You young guys need to just do it. It doesn't hurt that much to get hit in the face once the adrenaline kicks in. Once you face your fear it just gets easier.

I quit that shit mate, it's all garbage filled with self-important sociopaths.

The only good thing about Canberra was the upwards of 10 weeks per year holiday in a 6 figure job, and the unlimited ANU/UC FOB East Asian virgins - my looks are like a flame for a moth when it comes to Asians chicks, and back in the country there aren't so many, and the ones we do have are fat.

I'm working as an engineer for a start-up about an hour from my hometown, will be in Shanghai this time next year - I lived there with my Ex once before and it was great.

Now that I'm out I'm free to contribute a whole bunch more to a few efforts you cunts around here will appreciate, even if anonymously.

Bouncer from MS here, some assholes do fight every weekend, but they get their asses handed to them a LOT, how scarred up is this guy...easy way to tell

Write it in a journal and go to a therapist. I feel bad for you, fix yourself.

No scars whatsoever.. I think he's just lying. I didn't really expect this thread to be productive but meh. His nose looks like it's maaaybe been broken before but that's it. Iunno, like I said I'm a weeb. The fact that I ever got into any fights is still crazy to me. I was kinda hoping I would see more Americans getting in fights, not that it's good but as old AZ guy said everyone should get in at least one. It's true, getting hit usually doesn't hurt that bad with the adrenaline pumping, unless they really clock you. Even then it's just numbing.

Probably lying then...even if you win, if you fight a lot you get scarred nose looks like hell came to breakfast..

you know the rules, user. Nose or gtfo

Are you a 12 and taking female hormones?

I punched a 4th grader when I was in 2nd grade.

Post feet

both my brothers are race traitors. the one is okay because his gf is cool and only sort of mexican looking, the spawn shouldn't be mongoloid looking, but the other is fucking a teepee dweller liberal. don't know how my dad lives.

the only time i was ever in a fight was cause this one kid was a faggot bears fan and i was a born and raised packers fan

You don't feel a damn thing you start vision becomes blurry and narrow depending on how hard you get rocked you might start hearing a werid sound kinda like dull binaural beat sound. You feel a cold burning sensation, time feels really slow. Shits starts hurting after you've calmed down and the adrenaline passes

i've been in a couple, most have been with siblings, the greatest ones i got my nose broken, he got a rib broken

they almost always build up to stabbing, but we hold ourselves back, and just throw down with fists.

then afterwards, we just hang like the fight didn'nt happen.

he still a bitch, but i'll kill anyone who harms my family tho.

blood comes first

no stabbing, but close to, we just pull out knives

When I was younger I used to get picked on a lot and would get into a few fights. Both my parents were teachers at the school I went too the only school in town. I've only had a few minor scuffles since I've turned 18. Muay Thai has given me confidence, I started doing it when I moved to Canada on a working Visa.

I'm planning on hitch hitching the USA soon and I'm a tad concerned.

Get out of my country and stay out

Depends on the force and point of contact. It's like having a hard stack on a motorbike, skateboard, snowboard and other contact sports.

I've heard that before man and it's still funny. I come from a rural community of around 200 people. The majority of us are fairly bogan in the broad scheme of things and we say that kind of shit all the time. It's funny to be on the reviving end.

The step dad is the reason for the decline in fighting?