Well this thing is back. Apparently race is a social construct now. She literally claims race isn't real.
>race isn't real
>racism can't exist
>no racism because no race, no more affirmative action
BLM btfo
Well this thing is back. Apparently race is a social construct now. She literally claims race isn't real
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm all for promoting this narrative
Does this mean people of colour will just state they are transracially white to claim white privilege?
Nationality also is a social construct. All of your illegals identify as Americans, that's why they can stay.
The US transnigger population is steadily increasing
I state I'm transracially PoC and that I have no white privilege
I just want to see her get fucked so bad. I can already tell she sucks amazing dick and can bounce her ass like crazy.
I agree. The whole point of identity politics is to give groups special treatment based on racial or sexual identity. If people can simply choose to identify as being members of any group, then that won't work.
Anyone who doesn't fully accept that she is transblack is a hateful intolerant transphobic bigot nazi.
My penis is a social construct.
Her book is coming out, she will fizzle out soon
we literally learned this in school. our textbooks said something like
>people in earlier times used to believe that it was possible to divide humans into races
>then they used this as an excuse to kill 6 millions jews with gas
the definition of a racist was that a person that falsely believes that human races exists
>people of color
She's gonna be dead or a crack addicted street whore soon enough
got some real good goys up in snoreway
nah she's just doing this to try and promote her book
This is good though. If race really is a social construct, then there's no reason this woman can't be black. This is an amazing troll of both BLM and anti-white Jews
Finally I can say I'm a nigger and get the college gibsmedat scholarships.
Tweet Drexel University and demand Ms Dolezal get hired on to teach African Studies.
don't get your hopes up chink you still have to go back
nobody will hire her now so you may be right
Oh yeah I know that user I just remember hearing about hoiw she was on food stamps not too long ago (actually living like a true nigger so she got her wish I guess) and I mean she's bound to end up homeless or dead if she keeps going down that path
>tfw transnigger
No wonder I turned out a NEET, I was being oppressed the whole time. I dindu nuffin [spoiler]with my life[/spoiler]
we need to help promote this.
Victimhood is the left's currency.
If white people can be black, and black people can be white, it destroys their market.
Niggers will hate whites, trannys and faggots will hate niggers, it will all far apart
Could've been milking gibs the whole time. Free college too.
He is right.
She's ahead of her time.
This is how our public schools justify pretty much everything.
>Race? The Holocaust, goy. Remember the 6 million
>Islamic terrorism? What about the crusades, kaffir? Remember the Holocaust? That's right whitey.
>9/11? That's what happens when there's class division and people are poor. Muslims dindu nuffin wrong
>"Defend Mohammed from the accusation that Islam is the most violent religion on the planet."
God I hated that shithole.
Why would anyone claim "white privilege?"
It seems that anyone having such "white privilege" is scorned, ridiculed and rejected if not legally punished by the current system.
Much of contemporary race politics is based on whites trying to escape the alleged "white privilege," as with the topic of this thread.
Sounds like a great name for a band.
I went to private school here in burgerstan and got the same experience.
For example. every year, at Christmas time, for some reason, we'd study the Holocaust. Ever since I've associated the Holocaust with Christmas, and seeing picture of concentration camps and dead Jews makes me nostalgic for Christmas.
I think the reason for it was to get us to automatically feel guilty about the six quadrillion during one of the most important Christian holidays.
File a complaint with the authorities and tell them the article is a transphobic hate crime.
The left destroys itself so well.
God Bless this woman! As a gay man I hope she is the final boss for trannies.
Humanity is a a social construct
Sounds like you're waiting for possibly the best Christmas present ever.
I have been waiting forever now I can claim Trans-blackness to get that promotion that I have been denied before when I was a honkey
But if race is a mere social construct, why is she dressing like a stereotype?
I made a post about this the other day. The Dolezal case is great for our cause, there's no argument for transgenderism that doesn't also apply to transracialism, yet liberals all denounce Dolezal. All you have to do is keep asking whats wrong with transracialism, then ask why that doesn't apply to trannies. I've caused more liberal cognitive dissonance and asspain with this in the last few days than any other story. Spread the word, kek demands it.
because mental illness like hers sometimes obfuscates normal logic
Can one be transjewish?
This, if they want to say gender is a thing you can change, why not race too? Look at Michael Jackson, he was a never-black and suffered greatly for it.
We need to push this up on tumblr and all the other retard pages, they will turn around after finding no rebuttals for trans-racialism without sounding racist.
contemporary biology, anthropology, genetics, etc., all reject the concept of race as a scientific concept. academic fields consider race as a social construct (meaning it's highly dependent on contingent factors like culture, period in history, etc., - what it meant to be white has changed considerably since the 1700s). although race is a social construct, it still has real world consequences -- for instance, the irish weren't considered white in earlier eras and that impacted their political capital and power, disqualifying them from certain jobs, ranks., etc
You're telling me i didn't have to pay for college?
Speak American commie
The left has become so psychotic they are more likely to accept transracialism than they are to stop believing in transsexualism.
We may think we're going to snap them out of it by promoting Dolezal but we're more likely going to make them even crazier.
>race is a social construct
why cant niggers pretend to be white then and you know...STOP BEING NIGGERS?
i identify as a ancient black transgender transableist, can i get lots of Gibs ??
Bring white and ugly does not make you black, does it?
>the definition of a racist was that a person that falsely believes that human races exists
That actually is the real definition of racism. Back in the 60's there was this big fight in some American uni, can't reemember where, between the Cultural Anthrapologists, and the Biological Anthropologists. Basically the Culture people won. 3 Guesses as to what tribe led that group.
If Anyone wants to learn more, you can read about a culture of Critique by Mcdonald. He talks all about it.
After that battle, biology played no part whatsoever in how we create civilisations, the US then had it's gates opened and flooded with trash. Of course the Biological anthropologists were/are right all along, and the US, the western world, will pay a mighty price for wanting to be besties with niggers and pakis. Ugh..
Here is a link because OP is shitty
Not necessarily a bad thing, as they get crazier
the average person will be put off by them.
Keep Pushing and people will stop supporting
>contemporary biology, anthropology, genetics, etc., all reject the concept of race as a scientific concept. academic fields consider race as a social construct
Everything is a "social construct" you mong.
Do you really think that birds and amoebas were giving each other taxonomical classifications before humans came along?
Then how do you explain Sweden? There is no end in sight to the extreme craziness in that country.
The science of biology is a hate crime now, haven't you heard?
She just needs to swallow her pride and admit how ridiculous she's being, or maybe this is her ego telling her she's starting a reveloution . Either way it's stupid
has she got nudes?
The Swedish have always been extraordinary stupid,
it's not really a surprise that they sold out their country on behalf of the jew.
there is no "real" definition of racism, it's still highly contested among academic fields and is constantly being reformulated.
biology rejects race as a biological concept because it's a sociocultural phenemonon and its meaning was in flux since it came into conception along with european colonization (and because of how highly the history of colonization and race are interwoventogether, many agree that racism produced race, in a sense, instead of the other way around). but biologists still believe in human biophysical variations and genetic basis.
>Apparently race is a social construct now
Welcome to like two fucking years ago
except many people on Sup Forums believe race is biological fact and not historically and culturally situated in an epistemic sense. the concept of race is isn't the same as the concept of an amoeba (which hold very little social meaning and is epistemically ahistorical).
I don't understand why the left doesn't defend this.
Is it so we can't all become Jewish?
What if we all became Jewish?
We need to encourage people to do this so that when no one does, it will be harder to deny that "white privilege" is not desirable or actual privilege
Only a matter of time before this came up and launched a new series of PC pretzels.
And it's their own logic thrown back at them in such a perfect way. Gender is a social construct, why not race? Sure you might have the sex of a man and the creed of afro, but who's to say that should stop you from rapping the n-word while you dump out in a ladies bathroom?
>Critique by Mcdonald
excellent book, required reading for all Sup Forumslacks
Does that mean we can run the world?
>biology rejects race as a biological concept because it's a sociocultural phenemono
No it does not. Biology and medicine fully recognize real differences between people. Race-based medicine is a fast growing field. Black men are much more likely to get heart disease and need to be treated younger than other men for it.
fortunately we have you here to dispel that notion!
you mean like the irish, the Italians, the slavs, jews, etc? the notion of whiteness at any given time is based on what the predominant economic groups conceive it as. in the early days the irish were given white status so their working class/indentured asses wouldn't join with niggers to disrupt the slavery economic system at the time.
as i said in my post, biology rejects race as a basis in biological sciences but still accepts human biophysical variations and their genetic
Bitch trying to avoid homelessness. Of course she's going to make this some sort of bullshit SJW category she can suck some money out of.
You can't have it both ways.
The left has a tendency to ban any science that refutes the left's delusions, and since they have a stranglehold on colleges they possess the power to do just that.
>as i said in my post, biology rejects race as a basis in biological science but still accepts race as a basis in biological science.
I started this "Race is a social construct" thing as a joke in 2000 and I'm surprised how it has taken off.
That's not true. Don't repeat talking points.
it's not me saying this, it's contemporary science and social sciences. race is ineluctably connected and produced through contingent social meanings, and not biological facts. you can read about the genealogy and the historical meaning of it in many books including - ivan hannaford – race: the history of an idea in the west
audrey smedley – race in north america: origin and evolution of a worldview
michael omi and howard winant – racial formation in the united states: from the 60s to 90s
nell painter – the history of white people
joseph graves – the race myth
thomas gossett – race: the history of an idea in america
I'd call her a nigger t b h
It would affirm her delusions and she would get a kick out of writing a blogpost about it on tumblr.
also highly cited essays by anthropologists, biologists, sociologists on the meaning of race:
audrey smedly - race as biology is fiction, racism as a social problem is real
howard winant – race and race theory
ian f. haney lopez – the social construction of race
michael hardimon – the ordinary concept of race
sally haslanger – gender and race: what are they? what do we want them to be?
ron mallon – ‘race’: normative, not metaphysic or semantic
ian hacking – why race still matters
donna harraway – race: universal donars in a vampire culture
stephen jay gould – the geometer of race
unesco – the race question
ashley montagu – the concept of race
frank livingstone – on the non existence of human races
sally haslanger – you mixed? racial identity without racial biology
michael hames-garcia – how real is race?
michael bamshad – does race exist?
derek bell – racial realism
ian hacking – why race still matters
thomas h. ericksen – the term ethnicity
This is what immediately came to my mind, it will backfire.
Don't worry. In medical science race is routinely talked about as existing. Different races have different risk factors for disease.
surely this bitch is an undercover Sup Forumsack
She simply has a black brain in a white body
Those books contain more cultural Marxist ideology than science.
Sweden gets it.
Sociology was debunked. It's quackery.
What the fuck? It wasn't this bad in our textbooks, at least not when I was going to school 16 years ago. It, of course, was HOLOCAUST HOLOCAUST HOLOCAUST for at least a year straight but that was to be expected.
This black lady is right you fockin racist
society doesn't construct small scale
Yeah, let them go ahead with this madness. Worse case scenario, they won't be able to complain about police killing more blacks than whites, since there's no race.
You dumbass you don't realize the media is shilling AGAINST this?
(((Who))) do you think drives the narrative for contemporary science?
The jews in Canada literally shut down a study conducted by doctors and surgeons into finding if there was negative psychological effects on a baby who has undergone circumcision. Turns out they did but the kikes shut them down because it went against their narrative: "circumcision is good for you, goy." Recently they've also been trying to bury a story in New York where infants were getting hepatitis from circumcision rituals.