How does it make you feel to know that the WHITE MAN WILL AWAKEN within your lifetime?
How does it make you feel to know that the WHITE MAN WILL AWAKEN within your lifetime?
feels nice
But who do you consider white?
stupid piece of shit americans.
all you think about is your white color instead of PRAISING GOD and awaiting the awakening of Jesus.
it doesnt matter
no candidate will actually further your 'muh white master race' goals in their actions in government and policy. they will just use your white anger delusion as a selling point for their campaign so that you vote for them whilst they further globalism and serve themselves and their friends.
It's great. For most of my life I've forced myself to become a libertarian since I thought far right views would never be viable in America or much of the Western world. I'm so glad I was wrong.
I wanted to live in peace. But the people who want my blood, my bones, my future, my children, my heritage, my civilization couldn't let things alone.
Now I look forward to the fight. Revenge will be a cool glass of water on hot day, while I bury the Progressives in their own blood.
already doing my part went and fought on june 26th to awaken my people and on july 4th i will do it again
That would be great. Please send some of these mysterious white men to Germany, we don't even remember what they look like.
White supremacy is self-evident and everyone understood it up until very recently. We're living in a strange period of time that's something like a fever dream where people can't see what's right in front of them. Sanity will return and this insane fever dream will end because it has to end. It either ends or everything collapses.
Go to literally any part of the non-white world (possible exception of Japan) and you have to be retarded to not come back as a white supremacist. Everything is just shit. Nothing works properly, everything is disorderly and there's a constant sense of low level ambient chaos, corruption is painfully obvious, everything is run as inefficiently as you can imagine, nepotism is fucking every where and it gets to the point that you have people working in important positions who have literally no idea what they're doing, etc. This is just what it's like in non-white nations.
Whites cannot continue to deny the obvious truth of white supremacy for much longer.
Sumerians --> gone!
Mesopotamians --> gone!
Babylonians ---> gone!
Romans ---> gone! No direct modern descendants either.
Whites ---> extinction guaranteed! give or take 50 years
People no matter how great go extinct. That's a FACT. Question is, who will replace the Whites and their civilization? It's either the brown Muslims or the Yellow Chinese.
Most likely Chinese
I hate muslims
>Not white
Civilizations rise and fall, but the white race isn't going any where. Even ancient civilizations like the Sumerians were just Indo-Europeans, which isn't white but it sure as hell isn't shitskins either.
we better. i'm sick of nigger culture.
It's pretty good.
The ones getting fucked over right now.
>corruption painfully obvious
>what is trump administration
>what is trump administration
>what is trump administration
>people working important places with no idea
>what is trump administration
Go to some non-white shithole and deal with your internet and electricity dropping out randomly on a regular basis because the entire thing is operated by some shitskin's fucking cousins and uncles and then talk to me about Trump
Feels good man.
how does it make me feel?
I love white men
Depressing because it's probably too late
Do you really think the corruption won't filter down?
Too much waiting if you ask me
I've had that phase too.
>Desert kike is more important than your blood and people
Okay, Francis
The corruption in non-white countries isn't the result of some kind of social issue that trickled down from the top. It's biological. These people have very simple minds and only understand force, so if there isn't someone there to literally beat the shit out of them every time they do something illegal then they will be as corrupt as they possibly can be.
I can only hope
But I don't buy it, nor do I buy the muh conservative Gen Z meme
Romans aren't White.
One's race dictates how one thinks. How one thinks is reflected in his language. White people language are disorganized and creative. Romans' Latin language is very rigid, logical, and strict. Therefore Romans aren't White.
There is also a meme going around that Gen Z are the smartest generation because they have smartphones. I just dont buy it.
but he wont though. lol
meh, I'm rich and I honestly don't give a shit about rural peasants.
The reason non-white countries are the way you describe them is not because of biology or race, but because of White meddling. White people keep messing up non-white countries and preventing them to be successful.
The number one reason is resources. Whites steal non-white countries' resources. But when a non-white country gets a leader that tries to fix the country instead of handing the resources to Whites, White people interfere and destabilize their nation so they can install a corrupt leader who will let them keep stealing the resources. Example is the Iranian revolution and BP oil.
And many others. It's still happening right now. When a leader is non-corrupt and genuinely tries to fix his country, he is portrayed as evil by the Whites, probably so that they can replace him in the future.
Another proof that it's got nothing to do with race or biology is Korea. North and South Korea are one people, but North Korea is a mess but not NK. Why? Because Whites restrict NK's movements, while they treak SK differently. It's not race, but rather White meddling.
There are non-white countries that are kinda successful, that's because White people don't meddle with them as much, such as Japan and SK. The reason is because Japan and SK don't really have important natural resources that Whites covet. If they had important natural resources, trust me Japan and SK wouldn't be the way they are now.
South Korea and Japan are successful because of "white meddling", and this is especially true for those feral South Korean dog eating freaks.
Look at Japan prior to Commodore Perry coming and forcing them to open up to the white world. They were chopping each other apart and the Koreans at this time were basically fucking jungle people.
Non-white nations are like this because non-white nations are like massive cargo cults. They're just mimicking white civilization and hoping that it somehow will succeed, even though they invented none of it and have no real understanding of how any of it works. It's like looking at how rich people wear expensive suits and then dressing up in an expensive suit and wondering why you don't magically become rich.
Look up videos of the South Korean parliament. These people are savages in suits. They're beating the shit out of each other, throwing chairs at each other. It's a joke, but luckily they're propped up by a white nation so it doesn't descend completely into chaos and anarchy.
Whites don't treat Japan and SK the same way they treat Iran, NK, and other resource-rich countries. Whites don't need to, they have nothing to steal.
That seems to be the formula for success. 1) Have no natural resources. 2) Whites will not bring you down. 3) You become successful
Whites were savage animals too (savage and killing each other off when others already enjoyed civilization for a long time), but thankfully they've inherited the knowledge and culture of the Romans, who aren't White as I've proven above.
Savage Whites inherited the culture and methods of more civilized non-White people. And now, White people are using ROMAN alphabet and HINDU-ARABIC numerals.
Fool. Look around. Look at our youth. Their brains are full of brands, flicks, toons, vidya. They know Batman's origin story better than their own country's. Their very soul has been colonized by the consumerist fake reality (((they))) have put before their eyes.
Try to find a single message of hope amongst all this garbage, for instance:
It's like a screenshot of their minds. Notice the all-seeing eye reddit included as a feature. Notice the amount of degeneracy, advertising, branding, stupidity.
We sleep. They live.
You seem to be under the impression cultures rise and mature at the same rate.
this is the fucking truth
>but thankfully they've inherited the knowledge and culture of the Romans
Northern Europeans were still savage long after coming into contact with Romans. They became civilized because of a combination of ruthlessly executing murderers and a downward social regression where the wealthiest people in europe had a far higher fertility rate than the poorer and more savage people.
>from around 1000 AD to 1750 AD, about 1.5% of the male population was executed for some sort of crime, either by court of by mob. Over 30 generations, this adds up to 45% of the males, or just 22.5% of the population. But the effect on whatever genotypic correlates with criminality will be greater than this.
>This is an important point. It is not merely that those criminal individuals got removed. It is that their genes got removed out of the collective genetic tumbler. And so it is not merely that a few bad apples got removed each generation, but that those genes then couldn’t spread throughout the rest of the population. Each criminal can thus be seen as vessel in which a cluster of more criminal genes. And so when executed, those genes got removed throughout.
>who aren't White as I've proven above.
Your argument that language = biological race doesn't make any sense.
>tfw you know you will eventually be purging Muslim/black scum from your cities
>feels good man
In my lifetime, probably yes. But not my generation. I'll be too old to take part or do anything significant, most likely.