Just accept it you hypocrites.
Other urls found in this thread:
you mean "YAAAAAASSSS"
i can confirm that mentioning fat sex week as a pickup line to a fat chick does not work
Well, come over here and do your part. I've been waiting to get laid.
It's a week long because that's the average time it takes to find a fat persons junk.
My bad
>the only subset of women who can't always get laid with every single man on earth with 0 effort
>true victims in the single market
Should last a millennium
Translation: fat landwhales want to fuck hadnsome 10/10 men.
>/mlpol/ ends and this is one of the first threads to be created.
I warned you Sup Forums and you didn't listen. To purge a greater cancer you need to soak it with an extreme form of cancer and autism and /mlp/ was just that. Bring them back Sup Forums if you want to fully purge this board of shills and ctr cancer.
Das right
T. 260 lb Pole
Actually did it just because of that. We got the day off but have to work twice as much since the board is online again.
That gave me diabetes
*sniff* is that...dare i say....mcdonalds big mac?
I am 5'8"
I don't want to give HuffPo any clicks. Its just about fat chicks, right?
Ummm.... sweaty I don't think you know what you're talking about
Fat bitches are lonely and sad.
They should all kill themselves
The only reason we have fat acceptance threads on Sup Forums is because you guys read Sup Forums, learn you're supposed to hate fat acceptance, and reply to these threads in predictable ways.
Stop replying, be like /mlp/, and you won't see these threads again. Argue with OP, and you're saying, "please make more threads like this"
The people replying and criticising OP aren't the people that want these threads to disappear, they're people that literally have nothing better to do than argue with insincere trolls and preach to the choir. Get a life. The trolls are at least trying to get Sup Forums to break their habits, you guys replying are stale as fuck.
And your reply is different in which exact way? I'm spamming those stupid threads all the time in hope that people will get bored and return to actual discussions.
So, all the fatasses on Sup Forums get laid this week?
>shills return immediately
wow that didn't take long
I have NO PROBLEM with shitposters. Shitposting forces people to stop making the same posts over and over and over.
I have a problem with people that keep replying to them. We both want people to get tired enough of these threads to stop replying.
I am just telling people, if you don't discuss politics, and come to Sup Forums to make some inside jokes, and repeat the same points everybody else makes, and reply to trolls, die in a fucking fire.
I don't care about having any sort of hypocrisy pointed out, I just want people to know that those that repeat Sup Forums memes, that repeat the same low effort replies to bait threads, nobody fucking likes them, they're newfags, and should kill themselves.
Maybe there's a chance Sup Forums could lose its virginity during far sex week.
at the grocery store I notice lots of guys these days have fattie or asian girlfriends
>fat sex week
>fatties get laid
>5 minutes of squirming
>6 days, 23 hours and 55 minutes of catching their breath
Good point but at least sage.
don't lie goyim.
you totally would.
no stamina for a whole month
>be man, take off clothes, get a hard erection in front of a crowd
>get arrested
>be woman, take off clothes, rub clit and breasts
>people applaud, post to social media brave woman, stronk, smrt, power to da women, down with patriarchy.
Wait, so they're killing fatties off? Because a shitload are going to die of heart attacks if they have sex every day for a week.
>Fat sex week
A what.
What the fuck is this?
But they deserve it. Deserve it!
This is legitimately fucking disgusting.
Also these same women would be out for blood, large fries and a coke if there was some kind of thin sex/petite sex week.
Ahhh fatties piss me off. Just exercise and don't eat like a retard fuuuuuck
I think the fastest solution is stop making obesity a disability so they don't have gibsmedat in the west.
No free money and healthcare = fewer obese.
>fat sex week
It's like I'm living in a parody.
>the only subset of women who can't always get laid with every single man on earth with 0 effort
Any woman can get laid any time they want
Now that is sexy! I'd climb that like an illegal over Trump's wall!
I totally have and it stinks. Seriously fat pussy stinks and fat girls are physically tiring to fuck.
The thing is fat birds treat you so nicely, also they are good to practice on
>Worthy of love
You're not the one that decides that, shithead.
Pretty sure in the future kids are going to be laughing at this shit and wondering why people tolerated it.
fat slobs are worthy of love, sure.
worthy of the love of other fat slobs.
I'll repeat
>can't ALWAYS get laid with EVERY single man (chads) on earth
They are whining that SOME men turn them down sometimes
Do fatties really think this is something good? Do they get self esteem?
You only think that because you're sexually frustrated.
It doesn't apply to men.
>I don't need to improve, you just need to love me because I said so
>fat sex week
Never been more happy not to be fat
>Fat sex week
But I'm out of breath and in pain after three hours.
>fat sex week
to be more specific is Fat Women Sex Week
according to those fatties
this was prob. written by some 6-8/10 white women who herself is not fat.
>so progressive
>so inclusive
the truth is this is how they make sure to destroy more potential competition
natural selection is a bitch and VERY effective
poor fat women thought. i am sure there are a lot of qt amongs them if they werent so fat
oh and fuck you
we should be sterilizing the fatties, not encouraging their untermensch genes
nice bait, have a pony
Well worth is relative, there is always someone who is worse off, he can love the degens
A whole week of this yes please
>there will never be an awkward nerd sex week.
Most fat people have this weird denialistic selfish attitude and it shows.
Why do lesbians find this horse so attractive?
>pic unrelated
This is all I needed to know.
Yes bro!
i can never tell if you guys are being serious or not
you brits are fucking retarded
>people need to know that they are worthy of love exactly as they are
>not men though lol, quit being so entitled, nobody owes you anything : ^ )
This applies to half of all problems perceived by Sup Forums.
I didn't know "fat" was a sex...
Very serious indeed
Shes fucking essence m8
>high angle
>can't see massive stomach/legs
>hiding said beauty because it's actually disgusting
Confirmed working as rejection line. Thanks, user.
who ever said that fat people didn't deserve love? the feminists are making a straw man. We say fat people are less attractive, which is obvious, they can't deal so they say we hate them.