Well, Sup Forums. You got what you want.
The board is back to normal.
And you know what "normal" is here?
It's slide threads, blacked threads, drumpf threads, and shareblue larp threads ALL DAY--24/7.
Well, Sup Forums
>old/pol/ larping as nunu/pol/ complaining about nu/pol/
we can change
>implying the board merge wasnt a shill op
Fuck yourself OP
Drumpf threads are pretty based
We should go black, I mean back
pony memes are the best way to b8 shills now
>slide threads
mlp was amazing at sliding
not worse then horsefuckers with horseporn
>drumpf threads
content sucked but they could not spam 91 posts by this id in a ptg thread or 115 posts by this id in a mlp thread
>shareblue larp
not larpers, but still; content sucks but spaming does not even compare to mlp
I think the content improved, (ignoring the ponies) because bots didn't change that domain to /mlpol/.
and you would rather have horse fuckers?
still exists
wow rly makes u tink.....
At least they hate too.
I'd personally take horsefuckers of the superserious christfags & moralfags any fucking day.
deMete tHJs
>It's slide threads, blacked threads, drumpf threads, and shareblue larp threads ALL DAY--24/7.
they were all there during the merge retarded fuck. if anything there was more blacked thread than usual
You just described what Sup Forums used to be
funny racists who are above average intelligence mixed with autist and cringe
Finally can use clover again on my phone
t. nunupol
>used to
: (
first poe's law post best post
Obama is weeks away from arrest
>horse pussy is somehow a clear improvement over nigger dick
>reveals he secretly missed the hell out of nigger dick
Today was actually pretty interesting, if you look at it from that perspective.
>implying the shills weren't just posting horseshit
>implying anything actually got discussed
>implying threads were being slid like never before
It was shit. Thank God the nightmare is over.
Blacked shit is already beastiality and you faggots just decided to go all the way with it. It's not redditfags that you're running off but the fucking antidegenerate oldfags because you're drowning out politics with horsefucking.
>antidegenerate, superserious christfags unable to take a joke
Good fucking riddance, not just from Sup Forums, but the world
as an experiment it was interesting
letting bots spam every thread in a board forever with blank picture posts is basically the worst thing possible
literally 91 posts by this id in one ptg thread
shills and slides are annoying but at least you can function in your thread
You have to go back.
To where? I'm a natural born citizen, dipshit.
Fuck blacked threads. We should make more yellowed threads
To your shit hellhole of a website fedorafaggot.
You know damn well where you crawled out of.
kek I was in pol well before it started.
>the fucking antidegenerate oldfags
This place was made for degenerates.
Exactly. These people ruined this board because they take things way too seriously.
Yeah and some of us grew the fuck up
and some didn't.
What the fuck happened to nu-pol?
>pic unrelated
>grew the fuck up
Is that what you call it?
I call it being a pretentious, miserable dick.
If he truly grew up why is he still on Sup Forums?
>tfw you realize all the pretentious miserable dicks are going to flood back in soon.
Yeah, I tried to post something that was reasonably original and it was shut down in three minutes. I think Shlomo circumcised a moderator and sucked the blood out of his weenie.
He wants a safe space every bit as much as the "degenerates", just doesn't want to admit it's that.
Seriously think /mlpol/ is going to become my home board, if it really is permanent. Sup Forums is shit & after seeing the REEEEEEing earlier, can't into Sup Forums desu if they're going to return.
Thank fucking God. Sup Forums needs to leave.
You need to go Sup Forumsack
At least fucking lurk
You know, I think I might stay after all, to fuck up your safe space. Thanks for making my decision.
And still nobody is mentioning the loopchan hack at all I haven't seen a single thread on it
You know, you ought to go choke on a urinal cake.
that's what the r/the donald plebbitors like. they get so trigger by obvious shill threads, not realizing or caring that they're bumping the shit out of them creating the slide.
>Implying the pony raid wasn't a massive slide project.
Hell, if that's suddenly a possibility, the world is my oyster? A urinal cake would still be superior to trying to talk with God's dick in my mouth all the time. I get why you're humorless, it'd make it hard for me to laugh at anything too; taste of the Lord's smegma.
1/10 You got me to reply.
Try actually twisting the knife if you want me to get pissed. This shit is pathetic.
Wasting my time is a low goal since I've got time to waste.
>t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m
go ack
>Finally can use clover again on my phone
I told everyone this is why there were less plebbit faggots and shills
Fuck right back off phone posting faggots
Only reason why I'm here.
As hard as it is to admit... yes