Anyone notice how the Drumpfkins have mysteriously gone quieter over the last few weeks? Are they waking up to their delusions?
Anyone notice how the Drumpfkins have mysteriously gone quieter over the last few weeks...
S a g e
most of us went about our lives while commies sat on the internet wishing for white genocide
Slide threads my dear shill, slide threads. sage
For fucks sake, you people literally couldn't wait twenty goddamned minutes?
Bring the horsefuckers back! The shills were waiting for them to leave!
bot thread
no you're just delusional
Here's what this shill is sliding:
>the end is near for the Democrats. Obama spying on Trump VERIFIED
The only replies to these threads should be sage
Well, Trump is a huge embarrassment.
>$0.02 has been deposited into your account
Living in a Donald America just feels safer now.
Every time Trump isn't throwing hail marys or grand slams, this fucking thread shows up until the next week when Trump shoots from down town. Then you faggots fuck off
>thinks it can discern what is embarrassing
i've just stopped coming here... literally every post is a shill or autist, you're both
Shills back off every now and then to collect data to adjust their shilling.
>Grand slam of not getting muslims banned or repealing Obamacare
It's a bot you dumb asshole.
Because we won dipshit. We have jobs snowflake. Here's your (((you)))
Anyone notice how the Hildabeest groupies are still holding onto the false hope that if Trump is removed, she can just waltz right into the White House? Do they still have their head up their own ass that far?
SAGED, you cuck.
>we have jobs
They woke when they got kiked out of their mom's basement because of Drumpf politics
it's spelled costanza.jpg you spider raping faggot
being that butthurt
being that triggered
that's delightful
Rage more faggot, you're a fucking loser
>All these (you)'s
thanks guys I really enjoyed smelling the panic in your posts as your world comes crashing down. I can imagine how humiliating it will be when Trump resigns or gets impeached and all your family and friends will forever remember your autistic screeching for Drumpf
>being that butthurt
>being that triggered
>that's delightful
Ask for a raise, faggot.
15$ an hour isn't good enough, you piece of shit.
Get fucked you commie piece of faggot
You will always lose. Commies genetically lose. You are pure trash.
back to /k/, psycho
Instant reply, faggot
Fuck off
Here we go with this shit again. I miss /mlpol/
>moronic shill fishing for confirmation bias
fuck off. If you had legitimate ideas you would be here trying to use persuasion and brainwashing to get more leftist zombies on your side.
The FBIAnon bullshit is also a shill psy-op.
They're probably trying to slide the Farkas discussion.