China is best country can you even compete?
China is best country can you even compete?
Kinda but we still need to up our communism.
China is dog shit
Coming from a Leaf? I can see you think that about China.
by supporting taiwan
I'm french and Chinese actually ouo
Taiwan are a bunch of fucking Buddhist degenerates that need to die
>mfw china embraces competition except can't speak english
I speak great english thank you
That rude word
We can do it ourselves. We don't need your pretentious support
Yes don't accept help
no. i'd educate you, but you're a commie.
yeah maybe in 50 years
>pretentious support
lol nice projection faggot
Tfw an Americunt wants to teach you english
Southestest point of south China Sea reporting in.
Yes comrade
>i no eat cheezburger. where dog meat? i haz cancer. give canadacare!
>Where dog meat
I'm not korean?
punctuation fail
You spell words with no you
do you even know that china's ppp gdp is bigger than usa?
as a country, china have the biggest and the most prosperous economy of the world
in term of comparing country's strengths, you should use country's gdp in stead of using gdp per capita
don't forget that china has been the the king of the world in most of time of human history
China is going to collapse and most of them will die of cancer from their over pollution
You're a fucking retard.
That's why we are buying your real estate leaf
keep dreaming
china will be the king of the world again in 10 years
yeah you are buying it because your currency is going to collapse.
i have heard this kinds of things over 100 times and it did never happen
But it is an awful place to live, which is the point of the thread.
Best country in the world =/= an awful place to live.
How's it feel to be a waste of Chinese government resources?
yes i agree with this
china is strong as a country, but, it is still developing country
How does it feel to see your people dissappear into a wave of arabs Latinos and niggers
China gonna get BLEACHED during the next redpilling of the west.
how do we stop Ch*na?
White people are attractive and I'm mixed eurasian I see no downside to this
How does it feel to get b l a c k e d
retarded burger still doesn't know how china operates
>never won a war with a foreign power
>fucked 2 civilizations into oblivion
>"""han""" chinese is as pure blood as curry
That's my point.
They will be bleached next time Turner Diaries with strategic nukes and gas and recolonized with billions of whites instead over a century or so. Maybe we leave a couple useful elliots as a servant race but dunno if that's a good idea.
Not that bad when you can shoot em too.
>be african "we wuz kangz" american
>get shot
You already did lol.
it happened to japan to a lesser extent
you'll still missing something
>Maybe we leave a couple
this won't happen
in the year 3000, all han chinese are 5-30% anglo
there are no more anglos or it's a hyper-minority, like current day mongols
The English are really hot omg are you blonde? I love blonde guys ouo
Won't happen
We don't need to compete, you're going to kill yourselves off here in the next 20 years.
Didn't I BTFO you already, Lee?
china will bow before makau
White people BTFO by Asian greatness.
T-thats not me
Try harder
Delet this
That's korea
what the fuck is this? holy shit
>in the year 3000, all han chinese are 5-30% anglo
>there are no more anglos or it's a hyper-minority, like current day mongols
They won't stand a chance.
Fucking African militia smacked their "elite" peacekeepers hard
See 0:46
Not a good look, and their super commie hierarchial society is literally committing social suicide by poisoning their air, creating a stupidly huge economic debt bubble, and chasing out their best and ruining their own innovation.
>Canadians pretending to know what's Chinese and what's Koreans
>Ruins the OP test
You know it's korea because she can afford hair dye
Also?? I don't understand
China sucks.
Yes we are mixed with northerners all eurasian that's not an insult it's not like if you told a Spanish person he's likely part nigger
As expected of a leaf.
Shut the fuck up Americunt Canada Vancouver specifically is better than anything in your shit country
Nigger I drive by this scenery twice a week. It's fucking glorious, and no smelly chinks around either. Fuck your Vancouver bitch.
>We don't need your pretentious support
Okay den fren. Don't fucking come sobbing and begging us for help when China invades you
So your telling my you prefer hispanics lmao
>part French
>part Chinese
Where's Bellerophon when you need him?
t. Anglo Canadian
Get out
OP is right about Eurasian being master race.
Although he is way off about China being a good country in any way
E u r a s i a
God please.. please eliminate ALL china and Chinese.
Shut the fuck up them you'll be stuck with niggers and Arabs and there'll be no other race that's not degenerate
I'm quaking in my boots Chang.
No pajeet he won't
Shut up muhmet
Your probably from fucking alberta kys
China is amongst the worst plagues the world is facing right now. A country filled with hypocrites, subhumans that don't care if their own brethren have a stroke and die right in front of their noses,superstitious little shits that still believe in magic methods to grow your penis 5 inches bigger and compulsive liars that do whatever to get the most profit.
I've never actually been to China but my mom and her family said it was great so yeah I'm gonna believe her thanks
They have to go back.
That's fake as fuck
It's less fake than you are:
How is a country full of hivemined zergs with no souls the best?
t. Landsknecht
Maritimer actually.
I'm sorry Wang but you have to go back. It's Kek's will (pic related).
Omg my dad's from NB. Kys tho
Newfies raus!
>China best country
They fucken wish cunty chink fucker
Have you seen this shit, mate: ? Go to around 8:00.
Why is that allowed?
Fuck i actually do have that hair colour bye
Your dad was to beta to get himself an Acadian girl so he had to buy a dog eater from the other side of the world. Sad!