So Sup Forums, this April fools was it a mere joke? or a full fledged malicious attack on us?
/v-int/ was fun, /sp-a/ was fun, /c-an/ was perfect since Kemono Friends just finished airing, the rest were 2 semi-dead board merger or 1 big board + dead board.
But no other board was shit on as us, it was non-stop shitposting and mocking.
It also surprises how many bronies are outside Sup Forums.
So Sup Forums, this April fools was it a mere joke? or a full fledged malicious attack on us?
Other urls found in this thread:
texas, this was Sup Forums's best day ever
fuck off shill
>But no other board was shit on as us
What is Poor fucks
It was actually pretty funny watching everyone lose their shit over nothing.
It was actually a fun merge. I had a shill and Canadian free day.
The calm on the surface isn't indicative of a healthy relationship.
While it is true that many of the boards that were merged had a very positive and calm relationship, there are boards like /fap/ where that calm was merely dreadful co-occupancy. Literally zero contact, like two loners in a room.
The only other chaotic merger (/outsoc/) was merely a result of universal disdain for /soc/.
The combination of /mlpol/ was amusing beyond anyone's wildest dreams, and ended in overall acceptance from those whose skins were thick enough to care to remain.
>implying /mo/ wasn't GOAT
Learn to take a joke, you loser.
Also, I'm pretty sure the only board that really got screwed was /r9k/. They weren't good enough to get their own board merging. What does that make them?
Nigger literally only /outsoc/ was bad
How many boards were put together
>a mere joke
No, it was a mare joke. I know, I know, that was foal.
Look pal, this was the best thing that happened to Sup Forums in a long time. Sure you can say the ponyfuckers are degenerate, but they are redpilled as FUCK and they scared the normies and shills away for an entire day. Spirits were high and things were generally fun as fuck. I'd call that a win.
>overall acceptance
I raged against you ponyniggers all fucking day. I have come out of this with a new burning hatred for you horsefuckers and I haven't gone anywhere.
You have to be fucking retarded or projecting your fucking thoughts as if they're reality, meaning you've lost your damn mind.
It was very a very distaseful joke, can't believe how many horsefags there was. Almost seemed like a coordinated attack
You should probably go somewhere that caters to your easily triggered personality. Tumblr sounds like a good choice for you.
/out/ has been dead since it was created.
/fitlit/ was the best merger.
I report all instances of horsefuckers treading into other boards that I browse the moment they happen.
I have followed a zero tolerance policy for years, refusing to even let them test the waters by posting ``innocuous'' pictures inside of threads.
You can't argue with results. You had a whole day where the bane of Sup Forums's existence was utterly ignored because of the influence of a greater power.
Clam down, reddit. Today was actually really nice. No shills, hardly any donaldcucks, and some surprisingly good conversation with horsefuckers in exchange for porn posting rights
I, I want it back.
And /outsoc/ the worst
>redpilled as FUCK
>Sure you can say the ponyfuckers are degenerate
Are you a nigger?
Do you even think about what you say?
Sup Forums doesn't need horsefucker slide threads and extra fucking shitposting that has nothing at all to do with politics. We have more than enough bullshit on any normal day. Sup Forums is not Sup Forums fucking Sup Forumsnigger.
You do God's work friend.
reddit is based
im back now
I spent my day on /spa/ it was amazing
The only combination besides /mlpol/ which wasn't either pure bickering or co-occupancy was /fitlit/, which people on /fit/ and /lit/ both loved
You didn't spend any time on the board at all during the day, did you? The horsefuckers were almost constantly talking about gassing the Jews, hating on SJWs, and how they voted Trump.
Not to mention R.I.P bots.
That too. It was fucking glorious.
the saddest thing is, I can't even tell if you're joking or not. 4/pol/ has really gotten that bad. and all the other Sup Forumss are either so paranoid that they're scared of their own shadows and thusly divided, or fucking ded due to lack of traffic
I wish there was a better way.
Sup Forums deserves all the shit it gets. Nobody likes you.
>looks a porn
>looks at cartoon porn
>looks at cartoon horse porn
>red pulled as fuck
What the fucking cunt just came out of your mouth faggot?
Fuck off /qa/ntifa scum
And most of Sup Forums secretly looks at trap porn. How is this any less degenerate?
Yes, and no one knew anything about anything going on throughout the day. Just a day full of shitposting and slide threads.
Shit happened today and no one fucking had a clue.
Talking about gassing the Jews, voting for trump and anti sjw is just role playing to them, something they are most likely pros at given how much time they spend in chat rooms pretending to fuck each other as their favourite horse when in reality they are 300lbs of beckbeard
>t. schizoid Somali
The reality is that nobody likes Somalis.
What did you think it was, Texas? Of course it's April's fool
Pretty much this
>horse porn keeps the shills out
>horse porn keeps the canadians out
>horse porn keeps me out when I'm in public places
it was a pretty good merger unless you're some whiny tryhard shithead from r/the_dipshit, which most of you probably are
Speak for yourself faggot. Get the fuck off my board and stop roleplaying
I always knew Sup Forums was full of us from /mlp/. I know i won't be going anywhere.
>or a full fledged malicious attack on us?
This is why people make fun of you. You don't get how not relevant Sup Forums is.
Proof, the fact that you are still here posting seriously instead of having fucked off years ago to a place where real political discussion happens.
You're no doubt one of those people who seriously think that Sup Forums is 100% responsible for every politically relevant thing that ever happens on earth.
You are an idiot LARPing as a political activist.
It's true, why do you think Sup Forums was merged with a universally despised containment board instead of something like Sup Forums, /biz/, /his/, /news, or /lit/.
Because Sup Forums is a universally despised containment board.
>reverse psychology
> y-you're not r-really r-right wing unless you accept that masturbating to cartoon horse cock is a good thing
Stop it you're fooling nobody and your argument is full of fallacies, you're worse than the BBC posters
I thought /mlpol/ was an attack at first. I still think it was an attack. An attack that failed. For the first time since the election, the shills were replaced by something I could enjoy. Not out of actual enjoyment of the pony content, but laughter out of the sheer ridiculousness of the situation. Does that mean nothing to you?
and that still won't fix your nigger stupidity and chimp outs
>all the other Sup Forumss are either so paranoid that they're scared of their own shadows and thusly divided, or fucking ded due to lack of traffic
>thusly divided
Don't tell me... Shia divided us...
>not relevant Sup Forums is
get on our level, norman
/outsoc/ was also a nightmare are they equally as terrible boards too?
/out/ is dead and /soc/ is Sup Forums 2.0
Because Nazi ponies are funny.
>Universally despised containment board.
No, There is such a wide reach of people that visit pol, security, industries, public sector whatever, so i don't know where you get this garbage from.
>No references in vid description
Nice effort Emiliano. I'll watch it later if I need a laugh.
No, the mods are just leftist hacks who hate any opinions to the right of Stalin. They hate Sup Forums for being conservative. Same goes for you, commie.
shut the fuck up and find logical phalluses to suck on somewhere else you whiny faggot
>it was an attack on us!!
take a joke it was literally the only day you have no excuse not to have a sense of humor
/mlpol/ was throwback to 2012 when peak Horsefuggery infested EVERY board.
>So Sup Forums, this April fools was it a mere joke?
It was a mare joke. Unbridled fuckery.
Out has comfy posting and i like the speed soc was way to fast for it
can these just be permanent?
Because they know that putting you with brownies will trigger you.
sums up the day well
neck yourself Jebz!
They may very well be.
Join /qa/ in being hidden boards
Thank you. Also, nice flag
you know what to drop when shills and leddit comes back.
See it as a productive social experiment.
sup Francis
>when your "containment board" is the most popular board on the site by multiple orders
kek, containment board is a funny meme at this point
it's still there if this board isn't to your patrician tastes
Go back to Plebbit. Srs
Even horsefuckers are more tolerable than you cunts
Oh and on topic, notice how concerted their effort is to play the "hurr durr we secretly hate drumpf you guiz, id was breddy cool how those ponieez got rid of them with le plebbitors rite guizzz, lets start hating le drumpf cause plebbit and ponies and stuff"
You /leftypol/ fags really thought this would work eh? Thought you and shareblue could use this to create a "narrative change" you want so desperately to happen on here
God damn watching you fail is hilarious
Most of your thread are about Trump, HAPPENING or pure shitposting.
Sup Forums is popular because you can shitpost as much as you want, mods are lazy.
Nothing to be proud of.
How involved is Sup Forums in /qa/? Meta discussion boards everywhere have unleashed cancer everywhere on the internet from SRS to FYAD. The pony shit was funny once but if the idea came from there more tad/pol/es should probably lurk to see what's up.
>waaaah you guiz like Trump and we can't win arguments against you, just stahp it already, and stahp discussing happenings either, just talk about feminism and how great it is you guiiiiiz
You are like a little babby
your'e fuckiN gay dude
>/r9k/ is still forever alone
Also, /vint/ has scarred Sup Forums forever. They now know 90% of the shitposting on Sup Forums was BRfags all along.
>He doesn't even understand the argument
And you still don't get why people don't take you seriously. You can only win an argument when you make one up to argue against. Do you actually not see how pathetic you are?
You know what, Sup Forums probably should have been merged with /r9k/. Then we could have gotten to see two pathetic groups of losers all pretending to be superior to each other while not realizing they were just putting on a show for everyone else.
You're aware that nuance exist right? I consider myself as a Republican btw.
I know it trigger you to have a board this popular with only a few caring about your "redpill" memes but you must face it.
See all the video about HWNDU to understands that.
Lel not an argument
Pic related.
>When you are terrible at making funny memes
>>waaaah you guiz like Trump and we can't win arguments against you
it's because you literally can't, because there are lots of retards here who live in a reality distortion field just like the libtards we bitch about, they'll just call you a shill or a kike or come up with some ridiculously contrived, confusing counterpoint that's so pulled straight out of their ass that you can't even disprove it because it's so irrational that no rational argument can counter it
/x/ and t_d both need to go in the trash
>people thought it drove the shills away
>they don't realize the shills are here to slide or change public opinion and that's unnecessary when the board's filled with horse porn
The shills won for a day when the two merged and those retards think they'll stay gone.
>/v-int/ was fun
Maybe for the first hour,after that it became atrocious. It all became a shitflingling fest on who caused the most shitposting.
>le containment board xd
That's a hella big containment board you got there, making up a large percentage of this site's traffic.
Basically the pandoras box.
Nothing is static, we should be careful, against everything, either the alt-rightfags or SJW.
If my opponent doesn't make an argument why should I waste the effort to make one for him? The ball is in your court. If you want to adress the matter being discussed instead of accusing everyone of being feminists then maybe I'll have an argument for you.
Funny you don't like getting called a kike either, who would believe you came here not to shill
>French republican means anything to an American
This, and you can see from these idiots in this thread and others that they're hanging around trying to use this moment to use the merger to "shape the discourse", its not working kek
So that's your argument?
Just because I'm nice enough to give you my political views by using American standards?
Sup Forums is becoming Sup Forums2.0, sorry.
It was a joke you autist.
>most of your threads are about the US president, major political events or people shitposting
How is any of this supposed to be bad?
His argument was "you guys post about Trump, and happenings", both of which are news and current events, which is in the descriptor of what is an acceptable post here, and yet the mods frequently don't delete posts that clearly violate the rules "What does Sup Forums think about x"
Posts about Trump (and Hillary and Bernie and Ted and Jeb) and HAPPENINGS are by the boards own RULES, what it was meant for
>people don't take us seriously
We help change the politics of the world.
Fuck off shill nobody's buying it.