>the_donald already flooding back in
The_donald already flooding back in
Other urls found in this thread:
it was nice while it lasted
fucking normalfags
I'm very confused.
Are these posters too liberal? Or too conservative? Or too syncophantic to Trump?
xxxxdddd le pony was keeping out le reddit
god you fags are sad. the triple reverse shill.
oh nooo... what are we gonna dooo... this is so important...
fuck you dude we're all on the same team working for the same goal, don't cause tension we're in a very sensitive timeline and we need to be organized and focused if we're going to win
xxxxdddd le pony wasnt keeping out le reddit
god you fags are sad. the quadruple reverse shill.
too reddit
Finally I can discuss civic nationalism in peace!
Jesus, it's like night and fucking day. If there's any proof of shilling it's yesterday. The minute regular Sup Forums comes back, the same spam as always returns.
"omg guys i just talked to a real nazi he said the holocaust never happened what do I do?"
fuck you
Fagddit a shithole and will never not be a shithole
They take shit way to seriously and don't know how to have fun.
Remember this is a weeb website, for weebs.
>Horsefuckers are literally less cancerous than plebbit
wew, fuck reddit
>actually defending horsefuckers
Too low IQ. It's like Gaia newfags to Sup Forums.
I hate how Reddit isn't even aware of why we want them gone. Go back to your safespace you autistic pansies
Fuck off you pathetic waste of life horse fucker
>browsing reddit
>posting on Sup Forums about browsing reddit
>bragging about posting on Sup Forums about browsing reddit
>screencapping the reactions to the bragging about posting on Sup Forums about browsing reddit for ebin upboats
sort yourselves straight into the trash """"centipedes""""
>unironically defending redditors
>Actually preferring the Sup Forums filled with shitposting and DRUMFF LEL threads with R_D POSTERS over the Sup Forums that ACTUALLY had /pol threads for a whole day just because MUH HORSEFUCKERS
Just read this.
hi shareblue, i see you are trying to make people think horsefuckers are acceptable in anyway to weaken Sup Forums
Too reddit
Hello based pedes! Praise kek M A D M A N nimble navigator
b-b-but Hillary...
>Sup Forums wasnt actually all shit today
>horsefuckers scare off all the redditors
>instantly back to shitposting when the horsefuckers leave
really making me think
Yes only TRUE Sup Forums posters prefer how it is now, that is only 1-2 Sup Forums threads and the rest DRUMFT BTFO, HOW CAN WHITE BOIS EVEN COMPEATE, TAKE THIS RIGHT SIDE threads
i see i was wrong now thank you for showing me the light R_D poster
I can't believe that a day where horsefuckers flooded half the board with actual horse pornography was 1000% more fun and enjoyable than a regular day here
Already there are threads in the catalog saying "thank fuck those ponyfaggots are gone xDDD". Yes, thank god. We missed out on our regular barrage of BLACKED and BLIMPF BTFO xDD redditor spam
>hurr durr imma kill all ledditors
>waaaah they b& me
really fgt
>anything I don't like is a shill
Donald trump spreads his ass for cuckservatives
Can sp,epme explain to me why exactly it is regular Sup Forums posters find those who frequent reddit repulsive?
I'm completely lost.
You guys are pathetic, not saying now is good, but the pony stuff was fucking pathetic
Would you get banned for posting the reverse on Sup Forums?
>Oy vey, finally those equestrian rougepillers are gone, start up the orange zionist shill bots Schlomo!
Your mentality is identical to the current raping of Europe.
Fucking kill yourself.
they are literal children with no actual passion in any subject, they are just here to be 'in' and get it on with kewl memes
watch any of the hewillnotdivideus streams and you see the type of teenager / child that posts here now.
I would rather read the autistic ramblings of a total idiotic 35 year old horse fucker who actually believes his crap than the 15th post on how Trump is stupid/good by fuckwads who just repeat whatever they read on here and attempt to mirror the culture to fit in and obviously they fail because they are a mock of the real thing, they are too stupid to understand it
I have this horrible, sinking feeling that one day we'll all look back on Trump stuff and think "Man, that was the Project Chanology of our time. What were we thinking?"
You guys turned the board into an ideological dictatorship where any criticism of Donald trump is called a shill. You also brought Reddit mentality and your repetitive copy paste memes. You bump retarded threads that have nothing to do with politics to the top while real old Sup Forums content gets bottom paged. Mlpol was the least Reddit I've ever seen. It was fucking great.
I agree I don't care if Sup Forums is a dedicated shitposting board where you can't talk about anything, as long as those DANG OLD HORSEFUCKERS ARE GONE IM FINE WITH ONLY 2 /pol threads on the catalog
hey at least we found the kryptonite for all of our problems.
Sup Forums has been reddit since it reopened after Gamergate.
You can get b& for any ol fucking reason on Sup Forums, doesn't really matter if the janny is a cunt
I've never gotten a B& on leddit cause I don't go there
It's already happening user. We sacrificed our home for the good of Western Civilization.
Samson option was always there, chinkmoot just activated it """unintentionally"""
I'd prefer horsefuckers over disgusting redditors, gas yourself.
It already is, all the more reason why Sup Forums is the biggest cancer on this site.
Did we even save it though? Did we even do anything?
Or was the illusion that we could do anything what caused all this int he first place?
They didn't read it there and will ignore it here. Horse gore and porn is the final solution.
yeah but that's because you're a complete fucking loser dude
go look in the mirror, think about where you are in your personal life-- you're fucking garbage kid
That poster is pretty much exactly on point, they can't be as autistic as us without getting kicked off reddit and banned
Stay plugged
>Reddit spacing
You've overstayed your visa t_d
They actually criticize SRS, the only other place that's nearly as cancerous as they are.
lmao you're dumb as fuck
stay pressed, you're never going to amount to anything because you can barely defend any idea or position you have
fight me faggot, stop calling me reddit and telling me to leave-- CHALLENGE ME
No (((we're))) not. You idiots can't even identify the problem yet think somehow you are going to help us fix it. You're not wanted here and after yesterday you are hated more than ever before. we don't even want you lurking, leave never come back.
Go home
whelp my little sensitive socially stunted friend, we're here to stay so deal with it
oh abd shut the fuck up cuck :^)
>being this assblasted over reddit of all places
Back you go
you like guns? aight dude go get a gun and kill your parents (or probably in your case, most likely parent, you're single fucked up mother) and kill them for failing to raise a decent man who can't even articulate himself
>falling for a forced meme
>giving shills and trolls quality bait material
>barely defend
Sup Forums was always natsoc and libertarian. Was before the election. t_d is here, we uncovered that on the combined thread today that if you search pol on t_d you will find people mad about the merge because they couldn't influence politics on the board turning it into a trump ideological dictatorship. I'm going to keep telling you to get out and calling you Reddit till you get out.
i'm not assblasted about anything, YOU ARE the guys getting assblasted, i'm having a blast fucking with you idiots
keep it coming!
Go to their thread - Trump General. It's 90% regurgitated and cringe memes like that AWOO shit, sprinkled with unironical blind personality cultism and a teenager demographic. Dare say something poking the personality cultism and you're instantly a paid shill - they have formed a hugbox tighter than even the leftist sites. Absolute unneeded cancer that killed Sup Forums and is the reason why every other board hates us. They're quite literally the definition of unintegrateable refugees - the thing they supposedly hate so much, and they simply refuse to learn the culture and integrate.
Couldn't even take an hour of ponyposting. You really need to leave.
>personal attacks
>screeching over ponies
Yes definitely not assblasted even remotely.
Pic related, it's you.
naw cunt, fuck off, you're used to shitpost culture and can't deal with the fact t_d requires more thought in replies than Sup Forums, and trolls aren't welcome there
just get off the internet, go hang out in youtube comments, that's where you belong
You fags can't help looking like idiots with every post. Give up now and leave you will be called ou and constantly hounded and your opinions ignored every time you post.
yeah because the board was unfocused and shitpost general, what's the point in trying to do that? i'm trying to learn, expand, and progress the movement bruh
lmao, *cringe*, kys fag :^) stay pressed
Get working on those pony, anime and gore folders, niggers. You're going to need them.
literal newfags, go back to plebbit you fucking retards
t. triggered by horsefuckers
you're fucking retarded
here, have a feel you, since i know you're a failure who will amount to nothing and kill yourself when you can't sustain happiness online
Enjoy being hated, ridiculed, and your opinions denigrated. You will eventually give up.
i've been posting here for a few weeks and most of my posts (when I write them for
The_Donald needs to die, fuck all you redditors
but that's basically what happened today
>guys my reddit mentality is making the redditors in the most reddit-infested board reply lol am I Sup Forums pro now?
Go try posting your ebin trole trash at Sup Forums and see what happens
wow you sperged out and the reddit mods banned you
getting banned from reddit was a cool thing like 2 years ago, but you did at least make some good points in stating WHY redditors are cancer.
next time just do that, okay?
/mlp/ poster here. i had a lot of fun yesterday. i wish you the best of luck with your shitposter problem.
>i try to be ironic but this is what i really am: the post
i think i have more Sup Forums bans than reddit ones by now, but its only because shitposting here is more fun
>trying to learn
You can't even learn to fit in.
Nigger spotted, no wonder you're a civic nationalist. You're testicular cancer, no one wants you and they'd give their left nut just to get rid of you.
no, turn Sup Forums into an unfocused and shitpost general and people will leave, everyone will
you guys stayed because it was "fun" and "fresh" and "just a prank bro", sorry I value my time more
why would i waste my time
also face the facts, this place is better with redditors, because like it or not, reddit promotes far more conversation than Sup Forums because it's not founded on shitposting culture, people know how to form coherant thoughts that aren't 1liners or memes
fuck, you're dense
should we just try keeping more gore and otehr edgy stuff going we are all desensitized too?
I don't even mind the cuck shit because full on Sup Forums thinking is unrealistic bullshit that's never going to get anything useful done.
But there are too many fucking LARPing activist tryhard shitheads, censorship of dissenting opinions and their memes that aren't taken from us are trash.
i fit in already just fine, this is Sup Forums you mentally ill freak
>Nigger spotted
german irish
stay pressed, faggot