>/mlpol/ gone
>race baiting and shitposting immediately resumes
Wow, really makes you think.
/mlpol/ gone
Other urls found in this thread:
rural and suburban retards
Dis fuck Drumpf and fuck white people ma nigger
>/mlpol/ gone
>the kike controlled /ptg/ comes back
In case anyone didn't notice, Sup Forums is filled with bots. /mlpol/ is still up though, so the choices are; Sup Forums filled with shitposting bots and T_D migrants or Sup Forums filled with pony autists.
Basically GLUMPF causes this.
nu/pol/ is nothing but controlled opposition
yes it does
the pot stirring is coming from inside Sup Forums, to be sure
this. it's insider shit.
>trump sercretly backed by jews
its all true. russian hacker jews
fuck off faggot, like Hillary would be any better.
>but muh hungry niggers need gibs
>like Hillary would be any better
>didn't say Hillary would be better
/ptg/ going much beyond Nov 8th was a mistake.
Greatest day should have ended with this
I just went through the catalogue to check how many useless shitposting we have at the minute. At least 9. One even features a norwegian faggot promoting black people over white people with typical porn bullshit.
Sadly /mlp/ is the best thing that happened to this board.
>sage all images of lesbians
>pic unrelated
I'd rather take Sup Forums with 20% of the threads being pony porn dumps than 90% of the threads being bot spam.
/mlpol/ was the cleanest Sup Forums has been since before the election.
how do we stop t_d and bots from moving to the /mlpol/?
Nothing really we can do about bots and the companies that own them, besides praying that /mlpol/ flies under their radar as a hidden board.
t_d gets driven away by horse pussy, and the fact that "untainted" Sup Forums still exists as a option.
by posting ponies duh
Almonds activated
It was only one day, they're all back already.
Sup Forums harbor 2 user was right
Mods confirmed
Boards stay up and hidden
Migrate now
>race baiting and shitposting immediately resumes
stop giving them (you)s
the shills are back on their algorhithm. Almost makes me wish for the pony fags back which messed up their system.
We've entered a timeline where even /mlp/ is less horrendous than our own board.
Bronies improved the quality of the board.
What the fuck is Kek doing? Why is He punishing us?
Wtf are you talking about. There were several /ptg/s yesterday... It was shitshow of awoofaggots vs horse fuckers.
Mangia! Mangia!
>/mlpol/ gone
This is what T_D fags really believe
Here's one still up.
>this much divide and conquer.
Go be radical somewhere else, (((Alinsky)))
It's not gone, you really have to check
Sup Forums.org/mlpol
Don't fall for the MLP faggots.
See them try to justify their perversions, they pedophilic lusts have been superimpossed onto cartoon horse children, they want to think they are normal, they crave acceptance but deep down they know how broken they are.
>pic unrelated
It's like this board doesn't even realize they're actually the ones being duped
This, they are degenerates and should be treated as such.
/mlpol/ is still up
It is a shill and redditor free board
We secret club now
boards.Sup Forums.org/mlpol is still alive !!!
real Sup Forums just memed Trump in for the laughs. Some men just want to watch the world burn.