What was it about?
What was it about?
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States right, the right to own a nigger mostly.
This, it was all about state rights, and the major right was to own a nigger.
It is worth mentioned that near the end of the war the Confederacy gave up slavery in the hopes of getting the British, and French to fight for them(no one wanted a rival in the new world, so it made sense to back the rebels).
But the euros had just denounced slavery as evil, so till the South got rid of it, no one would back them. By the time they did, it was to late.
Once more, and not for the last time, moral superiority would doom the white race in the long run.
Alright thanks for the clarification.
I have a hard time believing young men would go and die in a war to keep their niggers though.
The South is not know for their intellect.
All the good men in the south died during the civil war.
Slavery was a mistake.
Slavery, states' rights, independent banking/currency, and preserving the union. Really wasn't about slavery though. Lincoln slick didn't want to free the slaves right away and most white people in America then were racist as fuck.
It was about slavery. Anyone who tells you otherwise is a conspiracist who probably denies the holocaust too.
It really wasn't about the niggers. That's what they try to push in school, but my history teacher in high school was base as fuck.
The gray suits looked great though.
They did because the rich planters brainwashed them into thinking it was about "Southern Pride" or "State's Rights" or some shit
It was so effective its still working today
Only 3% of Americans could afford a slave. It was never about slavery.
So if I'm reading you all correctly, Lincoln couldn't defuse a states right's issue without killing 600,000+ Americans?
Why the hell is he considered a good president?
>but my history teacher in high school was base as fuck.
>base as fuck.
typical amerifat can't construct a single english sentence
>Knows so little about american history that even my left high school disagreed with him and admitted to the class that there were other reasons
It was the South who chimped out and attacked the North because they couldn't accept the results of an election.
It could have been solved peacefully if the South weren't a bunch of war mongerers
Bloody hell that's a big belly.
Southerners just wanted to kill a bunch of yanks because yanks are total faggots.
>late war gray
>not early war militia
and from a sweden poster too no less.
It was about travellers from the north visiting the south and seeing the inevitable result of black female slaves and white masters. Mulattos and quadroons. Kind-of-white slaves. When they returned with news of the south keeping "europeans" as slaves, this sparked an outrage. It has nothing to do with niggerlove as media likes to spout.
States Rights for the South, Preserving the Union for the North, with the conflict brought up over the issue of Slavery
It WASN'T originally about ending Slavery, though the secession declaration happened because Lincoln (even though he allowed for the states which currently had slaves to keep them) was against the expansion of Slavery into new territory.
The South saw this as an aggressive move to damage their economy, as it's richer families depended on slavery. Lincoln only saw himself forced to make it "about" slavery latter on in the war in order to gain international support
Literally a non-issue. Everyone knew it was going on, but it was never talked about.
I'm genuinely interested in your sources on this because that us one of the most retarded theories I've ever heard and would love to read more
>ywn own a plantation and live the wealthy neet lifestyle while impregnating your quadroon slaves
This was why the south fought the war.
They had no one to go to war with at that time so they went to war with themselves
Also, the emancipation proclamation gave a moral boost to the north as they now had an altruistic goal to unite around
-President Donald J. Trump
The nazi uniforms look nice, doesn't mean I support them or would wear one out in public anytime soon.
A fucking roo doesn't know shit about American history.
From what I understand lot of the ramping tension had to do with heavy tariffs imposed on the south from the north, which the north largely did not pay, but used most of the generated money to industrialize the north while leaving the south in the dark
I bet you think ww2 was started because hitler was evil
This, some kikes got southerners to fight the union for kike financial interests. If you read soldiers' letters they're only interested in protecting their way of life (non-industrial/technocratic) and killing northerners
no soldier on either side gave a shit about slavery, pretty much
US had the plan to invade and genocide the Mormons put off indefinitely by the civil war, and also had the opening of the Dakota wars against the Sioux Indians concurrent with it.
You must go back
it was caused by a widening economic and cultural divide between the agrarian southern united states and industrialized north. Moral values, beliefs and customs were beginning to diverge which created the question if a union would function. Luckily we didn't separate because we became really homogeneous thanks to ease of travel.
I know that your country is less than 54% white.
it was absolutely about the niggers. without slave labor the south would have become economically destitute overnight.
>Why the hell is he considered a good president?
he isnt
leaf, South Carolina left the union, and opened up fire on fort sumter. Not the South as a whole.
What caused the South to "chimp out" was Abe invading Dixie by moving soldiers into Baltimore Maryland after being told by Maryland not to, and to go around them.
Maryland is in Dixie, and so once Maryland was occupied by Union troops(after the slaughter of Baltimore), and the state was put into martial law, the South flipped out.
Huge difference from from the way you are wording it, it would be as if we(the United States), moved troops into Canada and occupied Quebec, because Newfoundland sunk a ship of ours, which was not ordered by the Canadian government.