What happens next?
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This guy gets assassinated immediately
Silly goy, it's quite obvious hes depressed and because of it latched onto this crazy conspiracy. I've seen this before, in people like Breitbart. It's only a matter of time before he commits suicide by decapitation.
If he was adding these backdoors then why did he came forward only after knowledge of ME became public and why didn't he share any details regarding these backdoors? Saying "there is a backdoor" doesn't help much when you cannot reproduce it's behavior.
What about core 2? They used iamt2 if I remember? Same thing? Was thinking of going back to p4 and over clocking, all I do anymore is browse my Mongolian cross stitch forum, what would you recommend ? I know and has similar stuff to the me
All he posted was stuff that's been known for years. Hell iirc that's an old Sup Forums pasta anyways.
More to the point I bet none of you even looked up the ME in Intel chips. If you had you'd have seen that AMD had the exact same type of setup for their processors and the few small alternatives aren't really much of a better option.
The only way to stop the NSA/CIA from observing your online activities is to never use a device that's connected to the internet.
>t. Sup Forums
these sort of things are generally the kind of things which can lose you your job if you get caught making them public.
If they're already known about, an investigation won't be nearly as intense as if they were still top secret.
>cannot reproduce its behavior
You can access it while the computer is off. That's all you need to know.
Calling bullshit. Intel and other tech companies hire tonnes of faggots like this, it would be easy to get a wageslip and post it and claim you know shit about ME. He needs to come forward with more evidence or fuck off.
>implying the computer security industry hasn't been discussing this a lot already
>implying Sup Forums will even understand after me posting this
>implying they will read the comments that have useful information in them
Who cares if he was an actual employee or not, the shit with hardware is real. If the gov (or anyone else capable of doing it) had a reason to spy on you - they could and would.
>Muh w10 backdoors
>Muh chrome bot net
>Muh telemetry options
could have just mentioned systemd faggot
Or get a old thinkpad (T60, X60) and install Libreboot, like RMS has
>why did he came forward only after knowledge of ME became public and why didn't he share any details regarding these backdoors
First of all, this would ruin everything, for everyone. Anyone could grab all the information they need to steal someone's money, identity, or flat out ruin their lives just on a whim. I'm sure a fair deal of people will fall victim to completely random scriptkiddies, others would be targeted for this reason or that. Yeah, yeah, you've never really had privacy when it comes to technology, the government watches, reads, and listens to whatever they want whenever they want. That's a completely different can of worms that also needs dealing with, but I'm sure someone will use that as justification for opening another.
Second, and most importantly, if you need security clearance and to actually be hired for the job before you can be told what exactly it is that you'll be doing, it's safe to assume you're going to have some pretty heavy non-disclosure agreements that you've signed. As in, if you break this shit you're going to rot in jail for a very, very long time, assuming you're lucky. Breaking NDAs with major companies and corporations is bad enough, but breaking NDAs with the government is an entirely different beast.
Sup Forums's already known this shit for years and that retard is probably a LARPing faggot anyway since all he can provide is a W-2, probably a bored intern taking advantage of your gullible ass to make him feel useful.
Well, fug. Should I go with Archliux if I want to rid of this?
t.Lubuntu pleb
Arch is one of your only bets, yes. It can be a pain in the ass for some people to set up but it's no gentoo.
Or you can ditch Linux entirely and come to the BSD side Finnanon, and feel at home in the loneliness of how few people are using it.
Got it. I think I'll stick with this bloated as fuck loonix and jump to that Archlinux wagon once the summerbreak starts. Then I'll have time to configure it out.
Or should I just pick up the antergos because I'm still a quite newbie with GNU/Linux
I'm hoping that I can use this on my '80s and '90s computers
>not using templeOS
Give both a try.
Jeez that list is way too long, you really don't need to try every brand of Ubuntu. Manjaro is like Arch on easymodo, it basically installs itself and doesn't share any of Arch's design philosophies but, it works reasonably well. Not a huge fan of it after a while of using it but not a hater either.
Kali is meant for penetration/vulnerability testers, if that's a thing you're interested in it's basically a must-have. I use it for some of the work I do. A lot of fantastic tools there.
>80s and 90s computers
OpenBSD and FreeBSD are still being updated and each had a new version published at the end of last year iirc.
They're worth trying if for no other reason than to say that you have used them before even if only a very little bit. Sometimes that can come in very handy.
There is no fucking backdoor in Intel processors since the threat of a hacker group or a rival government reverse engineering it is far too great.
It would be an insane liability.
Guys, it is late. You are sleepy aren't you. Lets go to sleep. Forever.
inb4 really sad desperate pathetic virgin loser commits suicide by putting seven bullets in the back of his head
The post is old pasta the W-2 can be made in quickbooks in under 5 minutes. No employer ID. Only intel name and address. Only redditfags will fall for this.
You have thousands of highly motivated and qualified people looking for exploits 24/7, because that is literally their job.
The NSA/CIA have had devastating leaks before and the potential damage that would result from such a backdoor becoming public far outweights the possible gains over conventional attack routes.
It's bullshit to spread FUD and keep people afraid of some perceived omnipotent government which doesn't exist in reality.
No f'n way they'd letting the faggots at Intel drive this, if it would even exist, which it don't.
That's like gift wrapping it for the Chinese anyway. Sit in a EE class these days at any major American university and you'll need your passport with a Chinese visa.
>tfw fell for the intel meme
I should have fucking known it has INTEL right there in the goddamn name!
they're not really wrong
the fact is that the NSA and CIA have both been hoarding the shit out of 0day exploits and making all kinds of snooping gear, why the fuck would they need those if they have a perfect backdoor built right into nearly every single CPU that gives them total control at the drop of a hat regardless of what the user does?
either this is a really shitty backdoor that can't be used effectively or it's a non-issue being forced basically by retards who see everything through hollywood-esque lenses because deep down they just want to LARP a movie fantasy
>every brand of Ubuntu.
I was starting this way. But I think I'll have to try minimal install some distro which I think arch will be excellent testing subject
>Kali is meant for penetration/vulnerability testers
I'm planning to host my own imageboard at some point.Before that I'll try to explore shitty website which are easy to break on my local network. Just to understand how it actually works and to find out what I should not do. This project will take me 2-3 years because of conscription.
>They're worth trying if for no other reason than to say that you have used them before even if only a very little bit.
Well, I have tried quite many distro by live booting it from a CD. This includes: Antergos, Gentoo, Kali, Lubuntu, Astra linux etc.
Also you're talking about the Russian and the Chinese intelligence community here.
Those people have practically unlimited funds, the best engineers money can buy and all the time in the world.
A backdoor like that would be the holy grail of cybersecurity and if there was the slightest indication that it existed, those groups would spend every waking minute tearing apart Intel CPUs to find that backdoor.
Did Fox fall for it too then?
> Backdoor to Intel ME is real
> Hackers get ahold of it
> All Intel based PCs built in the last ten years are instantly 100% vulnerable on the silicon level
> Intel goes bankrupt overnight
> Based AMD rises again
Can't wait