>Horsefuckers leave
>Shills are back
>Horsefuckers leave
>Shills are back
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck drump
Take a guess!!!
that just proves that at least 9/10ths of 'shills' are just baiting faggots
>shillscripts go back to working again when returned to normal
I wonder why.
Maybe because the scripts are real.
I saw some shill threads yesterday too—it's just that unlike every other day, all the newfags and IQ89 posters were too busy screeching at ponies to swallow every bait dangled in front of them, so these threads simply died without any replies.
without a doubt
we need some better defenses
or faggots could stop bumping the shit
im just glad I could use reddit during all of the ponyfaggotry
pure coincidence
Sup Forums BTFO
This, just ignore, not even sage
The final redpill is realizing things need to be ignored, sometimes ignoring things is the best thing to do.
I'm feeling tired *yawn* sometimes it's best to just go sleep...
>ponies seem to be the shills' one weakness?
It's not shills. IT'S A BOT. Shills imply a point or a goal, this is false, it's just automated spam.
Report and ignore.
>it's just that unlike every other day, all the newfags and IQ89 posters were too busy screeching at ponies to swallow every bait dangled in front of them, so these threads simply died without any replies.
Just this
Wow, I just read through all this stuff. I'm going to sleep. There's nothing substantial to read here. Go to sleep guys, it's nothing. I don't think we should be reading this, maybe we should sleep. We all must be so tired. It's time to rest. Aren't we here for keks and laughs not this serious mumbo jumbo, time to sleep guys. It's nothing. Please, let's rest. We are all so tired. Drink some liquor and take some sleeping medicine, we are so tired. It's time to sleep. So boring, let's sleep. I'm going to sleep guys.
wakey wakey sleepyhead
That's the power of weaponize autism my friend.
also praise Kek
This is boring stuff. Let's go to sleep. I must sleep, bye.
Please stop reading this. Please, get some sleep. You must all be so tired. Have a drink, take a Xanax, get some rest. Log off Sup Forums for a little while, it seems like you've been on for too long now. Have some sleep, I am so tired, I am so sorry but I must sleep now. I am so tired.
>the horsefuckers were the shills
No fucking shit you stupid fucking nigger.
They accomplished the same fucking goals.
Kill yourself if you're too stupid to figure this out.