So, it's the day of the presidential elections in Serbia.
The voting places are open. The politicians have already.
We still have no info of the results as it is still early in the day.
Have you voted? Will you and when?
Are these the worst elections we had so far?
SEG - Serbia Election General - Election Day Edition
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So today is suicide day?
It's just another wake up slap to the apathetic and the uninformed.
How many will it take to wake us from this comatose state, that is the question?
I dread the second round.
It's just going to be a choice between two flavors of shit.
we're serbs, we're fucked for eternity
im just waiting till they declare vucic as the president so i can pull the trigger
>its just going to be a choice between two flavours of shit
we america now
Samo bez sikiracije
But it won't change much. It's pretty much all the same whichever position he occupies.
If hes "PPV" than that position is the most powerful in the country. If he's a prime minister, than that.
The power and attention will shift to the position of president but not much will change.
Even if he stays the prime minister.
Well, my professor used to say: "When the US catches a cold, rest of the world gets pneumonia".
Kosovo je Srbija
reminder that if you dont vote Vucic you're voting for eu/nato puppets
Srbija je Kosovo.
Oh yeah. Sure.
Not right now but we will see.
Croats are bro tier
I'm voting for the man who's been working 20 hrs a day for his country, who fought for our thing in Washington, Brussells and Berlin like a lion, who established the best relationship with Russia, China and India and who recognizes the new world order in the east, for the man who made this country significantly better during the past 5 years.
Mr Vucic for the president, can't wait to see the libturd butthurt tonight, go away and pack your bags already.
Tpeбao cи дa нaпишeш
>јep yкycaн ceндвич бoтинo xD lmao
Taкo јe, Byчић јe јeдини oзбиљни кaндидaт, ocтaли cy мyтивoдe
mora da je bilo i majoneza u sendivicu
The sandwich brigade and LARP-ers are here.
Welcome boys.
Eat shit you faggot.
>those lips
what the fuck is THAT
Daily reminder that Mr Aleksandar Vucic opened the Mumbai stock exchange, that's how he is respected in the east, where lays the future of this world.
I'm glad that he recognizes the trends in the world.
Looks like the crew got the money together to print one sheet of colored paper. Wew.
It's what happens when you kiss every ass you can in your vicinity to get ahead.
pussy lips
so are there any Serbian candidate that is like le pen and trump? or are they all for mass immigration and globalization?
So what? Politicians are meeting and shaking hands, big deal.
sad mogu i na cigaru
I hate s*rbs so fucking much
Fajgelj is a guy who is pretty red pilled, but because of that they didn't let him become a candidate.
I'm glad that subhumans like croats, albanians, bosnians and bulgarians hate us, that means our PM and future president is doing the great work.
Albaboon diaspora
damn so Serbia has no chance to be great again then
We have some early numbers from ISPOS.
So the turnout is expected to be between 55% and 60%.
Their estimate :
Vučić: 54,3%
Saša Janković: 12,8%
Beli: 9,5%
Vuk Jeremić: 6,8%
This is coming from a CNN affiliate so take it with a grain of salt.
>It's literally nothing.
Not by relying on washed up professional politicians.
burger, we live in the Balkans. there was never any hope
Tko će biti premijer ako on postane predsjednik?
(((((drugi krug)))))
>unironically being a shit-tar
let me guess: the Putin bot is expected to win
neki njegov fuccboi
pukli smo kućo
>This is coming from a CNN affiliate so take it with a grain of salt.
This, Vucic will win in a landslide, natokins BTFO
every candidate loves putin
It won't matter.
Whichever position he occupies is the only important position.
No actually, the dude coming is a complete western cuck. Russian bots are no longer even remotely relevant here.
Seselj? Nah, he's around 10% max
>mfw voting for him
actually wrong.
who's expected to win, and by that I mean steal all the votes, is a guy that sucks on the first tit he can find. Which were coincidentally westerners for the past few years.
Dacic, zato ga i podrzava
Vucic will win again
Is there really any doubt
>Haпpeдњaк Шopмaз: Oкo 70% гpaђaнa пpoтив HATO, aли тo јe зaтo штo ниcy oбaвeштeни!
>Poslanik SNS Dragan Šormaz: Ne možemo odbijati NATO zbog 1999, negativan odnos građana prema NATO je posledica ruske propagande
Here's the basic gestalt
>some 25 dude gets bored
>creates a fictional political party to make fun of politicians
>ran in the local elections in his municipality
>came second
>got famous over videos making fun of politicians
>decided to run for president
>polling second everywhere
>spend his entire budget on youtube videos
>his campaign consists of randomly showing up in towns and cities without telling anyone
>carries a scepter of wisdom with him and is always dressed in the brightest white suit
>pretty much if Gandalf and Jon Snow had a baby, he would be it
>In contact with Bogdanoffs
>Barron Trump bows to him
If there was a man to save Slavs, This is that man.
Except Čanak.
Ovaj debeli cmar je pre bio u nekoj drugoj stranci ali ne mogu da trazim u kojoj, jebe mi se
don't you serbs have some viking running as a joke?
He also has not discussed any policy, or plans or anything. We might as well pick Justin Trudeau.
What a surprise.
Are you sure about that?
wait dont worry its this guy
>tfw just voted
There's like 15 people sitting in there as observers, hope they don't steal votes from my BFF Janković
I know but how is he a Viking? He is a parody of a Serbian politician in the last 30 years.
>Naprednjak Dragan Šormaz: Saradnja sa NATO i EU je obimna, ali joj se ne pridaje pažnja medija, dobro je imati prijateljske odnose sa Rusijom i Bangladešom ali ja od toga ne vidim korist
>american friend exhanged $20 today
>exchange rate for usd is now at 116
>He also has not discussed any policy, or plans or anything
Yes he has. He talked about appointing HONEST HUMAN BEING in various positions.
That's more than anyone would have done for this country in the past 30 years.
Corruption and greed is has been poisoning this country and rotting in from the inside out.
The savior of Eastern Roman empire.
>That logo. fug...
Well, he kinda looks like a autistic version of Ragnar
his hair i guess
>that logo
>Yes he has. He talked about appointing HONEST HUMAN BEING.
>That's more than anyone would have done for this country in the past 30 years.
That is literally what each and every one politician has said at one point in the last 30 years. And it is not policy, that is just waxing poetics.
Never mind me, I just found it weird for some reason.
That's what happens when you remove the competent and replace them with your incompetent friends.
Miss him yer Sup Forums?
Stay woke.
Stop spewing random bullshit.
Every politicans has talked about same shit,
>Hurr jobs
>durr previous administration bad
>hurr ours will be good
And then they get elected, put their friends on positions and start stealing money.
You honestly believe this guy has "friends" in higher positions paying him to do what he does with great promises made to them? Get real man.
This guy is 100% legit.
Now go spread your propaganda wherever else you've for today.
Will do.
>Get real man.
>This guy is 100% legit.
Do you know how unreal and idealistic that sounds? Are these your first elections?
And then they get elected, put their friends on positions and start stealing money.
I know what they did. I am not defending them. But the fact is that they have all talked about putting honest and capable and real human beings into position.
>Now go spread your propaganda wherever else you've for today.
You sound like a propagandist to me with your fervor. I have endorsed nobody here.
I am a citizen of this country and I will keep my right and duty to criticize those running for office in it.
Hands down Croats are the best Serbs
>Those brown hands
who gives a shit if some Albos hates us,it's just means we did something right
Wanted to say scrutinize not criticize.
Gib streaming link please
>ispravlja se na netu
>misli da je nkeo ozbiljno citao njegovu poruku
koji ti je kurac, ovo je sve shitpost
srbe na vrbe
Samo Shitpost Srbina Spasava.
It means two different things. But yeah, I am the OP so I'm giving it a bit more effort.
Then as a citizen you would have noticed by now that there is no real "opposition" just a game of who will steal more.
Until the system is crushed and remade there is no hope.
Search your feelings deep inside. You know there is no hope here.
Might as well root for the jester and start anew.
>be Slavshit
>call any other entity subhuman
Gib link where the results would be updated on live pls
the memes write them selfs
Tell that to the Soviets that ramsacked Berlin in 1945
Whom should I support?
sta je bosanaca KURVA ???? pusi mi kurac ti i tvoju mater rozumete muslimanske kurve idi u paklu pizda ti materina turcima i swear we are gonna finnished you very soon all of you ti nisi bosanaca TI SI TURK GAY CAPIRAS JEBEM TI MAJKU ZIVOTA BOSNA BEZ SRBA NIJE BOSNA JE TURSKA ILI PAKISTANA and now be ready for what is coming for your ass YOUR OWN MOTHER FUCKING MAMA IS RETARDET im gonna impale you like a fucking KEBAB you sucuk little whore TI MALI SUCUK PROSTITUTKA SINA geet your fucking ass back TO MONGOLIA YOU AND YOUR HUNGAYRIANS FUCKING BROTHERS fuck you all mother fuckers we gonna clean all balkan NO MORE ISLAMIST CANCER IN ORTHODOX LANDS WE GONNA FUCK YOU UP UNTIL ARAB PENINSULA AND MECCA WE TRANSFORM IN A SPLENDID ORTHODOX MONASTERY stupid mother fuckers REMEMEBER YOU SON OF WHORE SREBRENICA FOCA GRACANICA GORAZDE ETC ETC ETC CUZ THIS WAS GEST THE BEGGENING THE WAR WILL GEST START FROM NOW THE REEAL MUTHA FUCKING WAR
Just follow the thread desu
>just a game of who will steal more
I know.
>Until the system is crushed and remade there is no hope.
That doesn't mean anything. How is that a plan?
>Search your feelings deep inside. You know there is no hope here.
I don't do politics based on feelings.
>Might as well root for the jester and start anew.
It's easy for you to neet LARP a revolutionary adventure but consider that there are people in this country who have families to feed and bills to pay.
After every chaos those people have felt the loss of prosperity and freedom and the strong and well connected prospered.
Also that is not an plan. What does that even mean?
Have we gone to fairytale land?
Can someone tell me at what time i can expect the results? Am really interested.
>Whom should I support?
you are a Romanian who have no part in this,touch your pula or some shit