Other urls found in this thread:
Le Pen
all losing
>inb4 not my opinion must be shill
>inb4 fake polls
>inb4 muh rine
come on pol do it
You already made this thread and it died for good reason.
Macron will win!
Say it with me:
If trump could do something other than publicly shit himself i guarantee you every country currently fighting to hang onto a far right candidacy would see a huge surge
fuck off reddit
our mainstream medias are worse than CNN, macron won't make it past the first round, they don't even show the audience at his meetings because the halls are empty
listen to the dcri poll
>this meeting was presented as a great success
Macron is nothing, he's not a politician, he's a marketing product. I don't believe he'll ever get this scores, it is a media forgery to make people follow him by thinking he's the most potentially effective candidate.
Hmm, where have I seen crowds like that before?
who cares
If you've been paying attention, you'd know Maxime Bernier is /ourguy/, not O'Leary
>le pen
He currently holds more power than ever before in his life.
meant for
I dont know who macron is, but voting for woman is retarded
yeah Macron is Hillary but even weaker since we don't have the two big parties
be very afraid roach
drumpf will never win, give up
What is going on? I thought she was way ahead
Did she fuck up in the debate or something?
>Maxime Bernier
But O'leary is going to legalize marijuana and sell your natural resources, you guys are going to be swimming in money.
its fake,macron did very poorly in the debate and he got exposed for his vacuity, the only one that did ok was melnchon
So how we looking my friend?
Give me the inside scoop
Stop lying
fillion got hit hard by scandals but he is recovering he is probbly at second place behind lepen, macron is third but the socialist guy hamon got rekt by his own camp and his at 8% with litteraly no chance to win, the far left melenchon is at 15% so he can fight for third place and if the hamon crowd moves to him we can have a very unlikely but most kek melenchon vs le pen in the secound round
He's a fucking meme, and not even the fun kind.
hello ctr
Still got hope for our old ally and even older rival.
Didn't O'Leary disinherit his own children?
I can't respect him
Its not a joke Le Pen winning would mean destruction of Europe.
thank you for paving the way best ennemy
destruction of the EU not Europe, actually it would save Europe
More "nothing" is still "nothing"
Maxime Bernier is also for decriminalization
He's trying to use his media presence to ride into popularity as per Trump. Except, he more or less stole Bernier's platform.
Can't trust that (((Lebanese))) man
Without EU unity is lost and multipolarization would mean that war between European countries could be reality.
since this is a bash o'leary thread now, o'leary has said that Canada has no immigration problem, wants a fast track to citizenship for "skilled" migrants, and doesn't even fucking live in Canada
plus he's half-Lebanese
but realistically Geert was never going to become dutch PM
Even if his party had the biggest single bloc, they would have need at last 45 seats to even have a shot at forming government, a number impossible for any Dutch party.
yeah sure, the EU is preventing tensions in Europe, just look at Greece and islam peaceful integration
EU is helping Greece and islam is a tiny problem compared to war between national states with millions of casualities.
and obviously as soon as we leave the EU world war 3 happens because of reasons
Oh lookie, Sup Forums still hasn't made a good counterargument, I wonder if they ever will...
>both candidates going down on the graph
What kind of retarded infographic is that?
>not realizing that there are more candidates running for president. I just cropped them out for "the epic meme thread".
If this comes to pass it is good. In fact, the point could be made that Trump's victory is a negative.
We don't need moderate Conservative/Nationalist leaders or solutions. We need more progressivism, more immigration, more destruction, more terror, more suppression, and more of social justice running amok.
The more we have of these terrible things, the stronger and more extreme the Right will be when it finally tastes victory.
Current society is rotten to it's core. There's no salvaging this. Only baptism by fire will awaken the wide masses to save themselves.
It will probably lead to different European nations forming new groups of alliances and raise tensions but i dont believe war is coming the minute France leaves EU.
Most damaging wars are civil wars. When the hordes of mudslimes and niggers will cut 10000 unarmed senior citizens per day you will reconsider how "tiny" the problem is.
Creating enclaves of migrants inside each national state - no go zones for the natives - equals creating the equivalent of thousands of new states in conflict with the surrounding areas. Balkans of the 19th and 20th century will look as an example of regional cooperation, by comparison.
please end yourself
Not true
Damn suck for France both of them sucks
It's not about France. It's about the future of the EU. Don't be a typical burger.
Hmm, really makes you think...
Do you vote electronically or use paper ballots there?
Paper ballot only
Do they have strict voter ID laws or do they let the leftists secretly bus around the Muslims and blacks to illegally vote in multiple places like in our cities?
The left in france have for decades imported niggers and muslims for situation like this.
strict id laws, but there are some "no go zones" in France so i don't how it goes down there
We have to show IDs and a voter card but I'm sure there are ways around that
If Europe can't live peacefully without such an agreement like the EU then you guys are fucked anyways.
Can we make the French election as comfy as the US election. Someone make some Marcon Jeb memes
Well that looks familiar.
That is good news
Je suis avec elle
This. Let it keep Happening.
most immigrants have been imported by the conservatives
they did that to counter workers union, immigrants acceptex to work for very little money
the immigration problems have been created by the right
you should try harder
>EU is helping Greece
>islam is a tiny problem
You aren't thinking long-term
Let's be honest.
Nobody believes she has any real power. Its just that the leader of her party is disliked by large part of society so he puts puppets in front of him and directs everything from distance.
And which one of them was called a winner by the media, anyway?
Yeah, multipolarised Europe in which majority of countries are members of NATO.
Do you even have mudslimes in Cyprus, or is based Poseidon watching over you?
Isn't overpopulation a big problem?
Macron, it was so biased it made everyone laugh at them
>Nobody believes she has any real power
You could have stopped there. Also, just because polish women happen to be spineless, doesn't mean Le Pen is.
Holy shit they aren't even trying anymore.
Kike invention to cause white genocide. It's working so stop helping.
Their Northern part is literally filled with them
user you don't get it.
The leader of her party is relatively disliked person for variety of reasons doesn't want to become the face of the government(and doesn't really fit that function regardless of being liked or not, I mean we're talking about forever bachelor in his 60's), but he directs everything anyway.
It's like Bush Jr. and Dick Cheyney. One is good ol southern boy for people to like, the other makes things move.
>foreigners talking about dutch politics
Stop lying.
He's irrelevant as fuck.
Yes but unfortunately for Poland, you don't have much power as a country. No matter who is leading it. Not a slight at Poland or her. Just a slight at the overreach of the EU.
I hate this fucking meme. European countries went to war in the past because we actually had something to fight over. Now we're all just powerless US puppets, plus France and the UK have nukes and EU countries mostly have the same political interests so a war between major European countries is pretty much impossible.
Tired of winning yet pol?
if digits Macron takes this one
Muh nigga
Well, neither is France in that case. They either do everything Germans tell them to do or are forced to do everything Germans tell them to do.
Exactly my point. Actual countries of the EU have about as much power as individual states of the US. Though, it's up to those countries to not become puppets to the US when the EU dissolves.
the eu is a glorified trade group
since when does free trade withour tariffs mean nations states must allow free movement of people? why is that part of FREE TRADE means FREE IMMIGRATION?
thats some 1984 mental gymnastics EU believers go through. citing muh economy is good for the rich who relish under low skill labor of immigrants pouring in.
honestly i wanna know when and by whom did the EU change to a liberal open borders shill club. trade is important, but why is the EU acting like it can overwrite nation soverighnty?
if marine wins and france ends up leaving the e.u, what other european country will likely be next to elect a nationalistic leader and then leave the e.u?
If Le Pen loses it's pretty much over, there's still the AfD in Germany but they don't stand a chance. Next year the 5 star movement in Italy might have a chance.
It's not a glorified trade group otherwise it wouldn't be that much of a problem
It is a supranational sovereign political entity that rule us all
If France leave everyone will quickly fuck off also because no one wants to be the one paying the debts when the EU is disolved
(((Polls))) are ridiculously biased in his favor, very few people actually support him. Some media outlets are starting to point out the discrepancies between the overwhelming media shilling in his favor and his lack of actual popular support.