What is the biggest evidence of the Jewish conspiracy?

What is the biggest evidence of the Jewish conspiracy?
A small minority of hooked nose activists which want to replace white people with sand niggers? That's all you got?

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this video really should be enough to get anyone started

I'd say the Jewish overrepresentation in the media is the biggest evidence.

They are constantly and aggressively pushing agendas that would probably get them arrested in their own country.

a small amount of people with a disproportionately large amount of power, yes

Video not available in my country, Italian Jews shut it down.

it was fairly compelling, but information you have likely seen here already

its about how dildos were the creation of the jews


It's an expansion of pic related but it's a guy filming the actual newspapers.

they want to be above everybody else

it doesnt have to necessarily involve race mixing but after communism failed, race mixing is their plan B

Despite all the smoking guns and patterns of jewish behavior, people, or at least media, seem adamant on defending jews chalking everything up to anti-semitism whenever criticized. I have yet to see a single rational explanation for why there would be an irrational hatred towards jews. Whats so different about them individually? Very few people dislike jews on a personal level, but as a group their behavior apparently pisses people off. Coupled with the fact that you're not 'allowed' to criticize them. All this sets the framework for making jews the ultimate boogeyman for conspiracies and societal degeneration.

For me it's either jews or just our inevitable doom represented in the behavioral sink phenomenon.

I'm hoping that our fucked up world is caused by jews because then it's at least fixable

read the elders of zion to get a glimpse into the jewish mindset

maybe one these mirrors will work for you


and if you're gonna save my image dont save it as a fucking jpg

Same shit different day.

It's not a reigning political ideology it's the fact that one single group that acts on it's own interests controls a disproportionate amount of wealth and power in the world. How they use that wealth and power doesn't matter, it's the fact that they have it and almost always use it to manipulate, subvert and destroy.

Most Israeli lobbyists probably don't have strong opinions on marxism and white genocide but they still use the power they have to keep western countries fighting and dying in wars that directly benefit them or guilt them into sending endless foreign aid to their already rich microstate.

It's not the ends that is the conspiracy it's the means.


jews have been involved in all the filthiest things of the world, so has any race of high IQ. To scapegoat the jews as a whole is a brick wall to stop you from naming names. George soros, bill gates, hillary clinton, anyone attending bildaburg, these are the folks that are evil, and the frankfurt school and cultural marxism is what you need to look into, don't conflate those jews with religious jews or jews as a whole. The jews as a population have decreased dramatically in the last thousand years, they are not winning, but idiots on this site keep pushing the notion that everything is the fault of 'the jews' it's fucked

This. I don't know how up to date this pic related is but I doubt it has shifted.

It's generally done out of laziness, Everyone here knows the top jews, but naming everyone of them everytime instead of just saying (((them))) or the jews is really inefficient.

But of course, many people here see that without the previous knowledge of the top jews, then they scream jews and mean all jews. And when they learn about top jews, they go "see! I fucking told you the jews are up to no good" which is bad. But again, laziness, nobody is gonna bother correct them.

It is the literal insane 'liberalism' the profess.

Not even sure they are fully aware of how evil and destructive it is, but they all seem to share this idea a virtual genetic trait.

No actual conspiracy needed, even though they at the upper levels they do act as a group promoting jew interests.