What's wrong with this pol? U racist brah?
This is what happens when Swedish men don't have a chance to go out on a raid to die. They get to live. My dad is Swedish by the way so this is true from personal experience.
>Day after /mlpol/
>Reddit is already here making HOE KAN WITE BOIZ EVEN KOMPETE threads
This board is shit I'm going back to horsefuckers
Calm down Geert. Try harder next time. Don't be a victim.
oooh fuck yeah! this is the shit!
would fuck first kid
Eh, I ain't racist bruv
What did kek mean by this?
Gustav could suck a mean dick
time never stops
Awww, they are adorable!
Nice Gear Eh
How about an Honourary Citizenship eh?
Eh do you have a BLACKED African Somali Citizen Refugee Citizenship Immigration Lawyer Minister eh?
Come to Canada eh you'll be safe, we have Kaffir Kops here, they catch the Kaffirs
You'll always be safe in Canada
Have you tried the Sikh turb bruv eh?
forgot the most important part - MUSLIM
Gustav got blacked
he sure did
OP here.
Some context to the pic. A man wore a hijab at work as a gesture of solidarity towards those who have been affected by the EU-court ruling which allows employers to fire people in Belgium and France for wearing a hijab during work hours if it goes against company policy.
You can't refute that pol BTFO... or?
If it makes you feel better, it is parody. They were told to act like they think girls act like. The first two webms.
How is it possible that these people are descended from vikings?
Vikings were savages. This is cultural enrichment. Unless you disagree, in which case you are a racist.
The impossible ultimate Swedish cuck fantasy is sucking black cock while it's simutaniously inside his mother, wife and daughter. All while reciting the Quran.
The pen is mightier than the sword. The jews are mightier than the Vikings.
To be honest, the jews are mightier than everyone after they successfully won the second world war and grabbed power all across west. Hitler was basically win big or lose big, he lost big and we all have to pay for it.
Majority of the Vikings settled elsewhere, all across Western and Eastern Europe.
The cucks in Sweden today, for the most part, are the faggots left behind.
I'm a descendant of Vikings who went over to England with the Great Heathen Army. They were from Hardangerfjord in Norway.
Held lands in Derbyshire for a couple of centuries, now we're in South Africa kek
Descendants of Vikings are all across Western civilisation.
Some warlord from Arabia who claimed he is the ultimate prophet told Women to cover them self....and then 1400 years ago Swedish Man is doing that.
Very overrated people.
Swedes never let you down.
every time sweden accepts a nigger
finland kills two niggers
Isn't it bad for a man to wear the hijab?
I forget the details, but he's basically begging to be stoned to death by wearing it.
Maybe he wants to be pro-Islam and pro-Trannies at same time,no matter how hard and difficult it sounds,the blue pilled Swede can pull it off.
>PVV grew by about 50% in seats
>VVD and PVDA lost roughly 50% of their combined seats
>Geert lost
You sound as ignorant of a multiparty system as the average burger
Then why did Sweden continue to be a major military power until the Great Northern War in the 18th century? And why were they literally Nazis who carried on a forced eugenics sterilisation program until 1974? Sweden's fall is recent.
You aren't descended from vikings you're a retarded LARPer.
Every 2 niggers we take, you take 1, stop being delusional queer
>carried on a forced eugenics sterilisation program
LOL actually I heard Israel does that today to Non-Jews,very ironic
I think the proportions are more like 12 to 1. But yeah.
Yea probably
Holy shit this meme.
Ah Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha.
If this guy isn't mocking Islam with this behaviour then i don't know anymore, i mean he's even got stubbles and shit.
Or is this some sort of advanced transgender shit that i haven't heard of?
Vikings had hard lives. Modern Swedes have very easy lives. Hard lives make hard men. Easy lives make pussy men.
This is so fucking true
If you think there's a level of cuckery that takes too much cognitive dissonance to be possible
>the swede will find a way
What are the chances Pewdiepie can muster an army to descend on Sweden and take it back to being a monarchy, all of the good military guys they have left have got to be ready to revolt
No it proves AGAIN that swedes are virtue-signaling swine and should be ovened. Except Pewds.
The fuck did I do cunt
>Sup Forums will think this is cucked when he is extremely brave
PewdiePie is not politician
Someone needs to start a go fund me page so this beautiful soul can make a pilgrimage to Mecca and be embraced by the loving Muslim community.
i started laughing
that girl looks dead inside lmaooo
Neither was Hitler if you remember ;)
Did you heard about Authoritarian personality?
>Frankfurt school
Do I even have to do the (((echoes)))?
Is he having a seizure?
>implying I'm not actually shitposting.
faggot.exe crashed and he had to reboot