Holohoax thread

Holohoax thread.

Normies and memeposters stay out, the autists are taking back Sup Forums

Other urls found in this thread:


>trying to act un-leaflike
April Fool's Day is over Kek






oh fuck off...we will be there you could have this waste...


There's a gaz chamber at Natzweiler-Struthof. The SS conducted test on the efficiency of different gazs to kill jews. They did "scientific experiments" on them too : voluntary contamination with different diseases, vivisections etc.

They executed french resistants.

The camp also was used as a hub to transfer jews and resistants from france to death and concentration camps in germany.


>gas chambers

>death camps





Any lurkers?
Thanks for making this thread, leaf. Newfags on Sup Forums don't know how important this shit is.

is pic related info correct or is it disputed. I want to learn, i just don't want to put faith in a funny cartoon.

Watch this
and the first video here

Forgot pic.

>Brag about winning wars which helped destroy the western world
>Insult other countries when you are 50% "white"
>Origin of all modern cultural degeneracy
>Jews made your country their globalist headquarters

The eternal burger strikes again.

thanks bump




Literally in the picture.

Good video, I hadn't seen it before.

To be perfectly honest I care more about scaring away anybody too normie to handle a holohoax thread.

From top left clockwise, AFAIK

- depends on what estimate you use but see - yup
- total bullshit yes there were mass graves, it was a fucking war and lots of people died in battle or of disease. Pic related. On a literal level, this statement isn't true.
- People claimed to find piles of human ashes, and there are photos of large piles of what appear to be ashes.
- Yup
- Yup


I would not consider myself an expert on this subject, I'm just a man who wants normies to get out and to only have people willing to learn about things that make them uncomfortable stay.

I have an expanded image pic related but this info is independently verifiable without much trouble. Keep in mind the soviets came in from the east and the allies from the west.

Concentration camp I will note =/= nobody died there.

Poland had a high Jewish population, and the official theory is that the death camps were kept in Poland to keep the German public from knowing about them. It is an amazing coincidence though...

Thanks, spaghetti nigger. Dr. Pierce was pretty good at speaking, you should check out his stuff if you haven't seen it before.
kek, that's fine too.

>Pretends Jews are globalist
>Blames all Jews when a Jew is named
>Doesn't blame all whites when a white is named
>Doesn't blame all Christians when a Christian is named
>Insults the only Jewish country on the planet by scapegoating non-residents
>Couldn't name even the basic fundamentals of Judaism
>Blames religious Jews for people that don't even rest on Shabbat
>Has never been to a synagogue and wonders why they laugh at globalism
>Pretends Mossad's actions are known or agreed to be Israelis
>Blames own intelligence agencies' bad actions on Jews
>Couldn't figure out a single thing about the world actually works due to a perpetual Jewish boogieman clutch

It gets old after a while

Didn't post pic, posting it now.

Lots of people died in Nazi Germany, that's for sure, and they started a war that killed a ton of people, it's just people treat what happened as indisputable historical fact when there are a lot of reasons it's hard to make heads or tails of exactly what happened.

I know Dr. Pierce, he's great.


All out of actual redpills, I'll post some funny shit though.
Sucks that he died.



lol, thanks
needed something to fall asleep to



I'm trying to pace a bit so I don't run out of images too quickly. Don't want to blow my load right away.

Supposing the holocaust was largely fictitious.

What exactly would that mean for the 95% of the world that is neither Germanic nor Jewish? Why exactly should we care?


Nevermind, found another folder with a few in it.
You're a smarter man than me.


>/mlp/ banished once more to their quarantine
>stormfags immediately come crawling back
It was nice while it lasted I guess. A taste of old Sup Forums before the tinfoil larpers took over.

Electronic engineers. The only ones autistic enough to realize debunking the holocaust is not really the done thing

>old Sup Forums
>not NatSoc
Even /n/ and /new/ were NatSoc. Hell, that's explicitly why m00t shitcanned them. He made Sup Forums because he didn't want what was then /new/ to infect his pet boards.
Nice bait though, friendo.



Not much really, anybody possibly involved in some sort of cover up is dead.

Not like the Jews couldn't just talk about another time they were oppressed. See

I think it's just important for peoples growth into Sup Forumslacks to realize how they blindly believe lies for no other reason than the social stigma that will happen if they don't follow the status quo. Once you accept the holohoax, you can stop believing in liberal lies just because it's easier to believe the lie, and start building yourself up with truth.

People come to these threads, they either leave Sup Forums, or they realize they've been lied to. It helps instill a sense of skepticism.

One can know about the holohoax and still believe the Nazis were vile and the Jews victims. One can read about it and resent how people are dragged through the mud for not blindly believing and take it out on (((them))). The choice is yours, but holohoax threads is what Sup Forums is all about, wanting to learn the truth no matter the consequences, no matter how irrational people tell you that learning the truth is.

I mean holohoax threads themselves are filled with disinfo.

Still, there's enough truth in them to really make you think.

>Origin of all modern cultural degeneracy
Hey that's on us.

Here's just the picture on the left alone if you want to cut out the picture on the right because of

I already have it, I'm just too lazy to organize my folders.
I'd best delete the one I posted from the folder I used so I don't accidentally post false info.
Thanks for helping to root out the false ones I have.

This one helps point out that entho nationalism isn't only for whites - others can do it too in their own countries if they fight for it.



Last one before I go to bed.
It's good to know there are still anons on here who are fighting the good fight after all these years, even with all the newfriends and shills.

I'd recommend letting this one go. No one can find this document.

wtf i hate nazis now

I've been waiting for a holohoax thread to pop up. I've got a few people primed for this redpill and I need to fill my holohoax folder. Thank you for making this thread

Still here, just slowing down a lot.

>implying concentration camps are better than death camps
I'm willing to maybe consider that the holocaust mythos is out of proportion with reality. HOWEVER putting people in forced labor camps is commie trash and I'm glad my great grandparents were brave enough to stop those krauts. Germany was acting then like North Korea is now.

Bump for truth

Kek's blessings friend

>British used concentration camps during the Boer war
>France used concentration camps to hold people after the spanish civil war
>Soviets used concentration camps, more commonly called Gulags
>America used concentration camps during WWII, more commonly called internment camps. Meanwhile, they sold off all the Japs property while they were off at the camps.
>Canada did
>Australia did

Glad those nasty people that used concentration camps lost the war



Pretty sure this one has been debunked. She died of Typhus anyway, which most Holocaust deniers say killed most Jews and was responsible for the state you see them in in photos at the end of the war.

You know, this sort of thread is a pretty good illustration of why some countries just go and ban such claims.
I mean trying to converse with the mentally retarded is just gonna be fruitless; cut the crap and to jail you go.
(or to an asylum where they try to fix you, if you don't seem malicious or chanceless)

Why is Europe so cucked?

No one can find these gassed Jews either.
I'd recommend letting them go.

"In the United States, as in Britain, prisoners were used for forced labor. Truman delayed repatriation for 60 days for POWs essential for the harvest. POWs performed 20 million man-days of work on army posts and 10 million for contract employers (farm work, lumber, industry etc). some were assigned to work at the Chemical Warfare Center at the Edgewood Arsenal in Maryland."

Noam Chomsky, Edward S. Herman, "After the Cataclysm: Postwar Indochina and the Reconstruction of Imperial Ideology" (1979) pp. 35–37

I sure am glad America stopped forced labor. Those heroes.

Looking into it, merely annotations in unattached notes in a different handwriting style and numbering were done in ballpoint.

It's literally true but misleading.

This guy used convincing evidence that some of these images were wrong and it was immediately accepted. Although regarding the talmud, not the holohoax.

It sure is hard to think though, may as well just ban discussing the holocaust, that's for the good of everybody. These holocaust deniers will never be convinced by reason. Even if they could, arguing is hard, it's much easier to violently lock up holocaust deniers than to use reason.


Misquote, meant

Starting to run thin on pictures now


I'm out of pics now so it'll get bumped off if nobody else posts.


Nothing to see here goyms

Concentration vs. death camps?
Is the pic in OP supposed to show that if the US had inspected the red camps in "Current claim" pic, they will be changed to green/concentration camps?


What is the meaning of this?

So what is this Red Cross document?
A total number of 271.301 people were killed in the camps?
How do I know it is not a fake document?

You don't, because investigating the Holocaust is a crime in most countries.

No investigating it and not coming to a number of around 6 million is illegal investigating it poorly is not a crime. Investigating it properly is!



Holy digits, user.


They multiply like rats.

6 million jews born in 3 years!

Checkin these quads OP, good job

t. Jew

If the truth sets you free, why hasn't this evidence been taken to historians?

Rare flag? Or have I just been mistaking you for Lebanon all this time

I want to play that game
>holy shit my Captcha
>if digits I am kek

In many countries it is illegal to deny or question the holocaust, even to the point of questioning the methods of death, actual numbers of dead, or the accou ts of survivors.

You underestimate a jew's ability to kvetch. Of course this has been taken to historians, of course people have tried to publicly point out what I'm pointing out to you on a mongolian throat singing board. They're all in jail now for speaking out against the "Chosen Ones"

>be me
>am told my great-grandmother was in bergen-belsen
>my grandmother was born 11 September 1945
really... makes... me... think............

I could go on for quite some time just dumping my god damn folder, there should be a redpill sticky. And I really wish I could post more than one fucking pic at once.

Is this pic all we need?

>When truth is defended by law

The didn't build the death camps on their own clay, because they wanted to exterminate Poles and Jews on Polish clay. Oh, what a coincidence!
Why the fuck would they build death camps on their previous clay? To exterminate Germans?

Also implying concentration camps were fun and games xD They were FORCED labor camps, designed to exterminate through work.

Oh you mean like the Gulag that killed 30 million people?