Henry Kissinger

Why isn't this fucker rotting in prison?

>Actually ordered the deaths of 6 gorillion innocents
>Gloated to the elite that he could do illegal things
>Ordered the assassination of a military leader in a country we were not at war with and had a good relationship with
>Gets a Nobel peace prize after melting Cambodian civilians
>Supported Pakistan
>German Jew
>Actually said the words "Military men are dogs

"The illegal we do immediately. The unconstitutional takes a little longer."

"Military men are dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreign policy."

"Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac."

"America has no permanent friends or enemies. Only interests."

he backed a bunch of commie removal regimes, which is oughta be a big plus right?


If you approve of lawlessness merely to push an agenda, you may as well live in Best Korea.

Don't forget that he gave the go for Turkey to invade Cyprus

>"Military men are dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreign policy."

Kissinger has denied saying it.
The only evidence that Kissinger ever said this was a claim in the book, The Final Days, by Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, in chapter 14 (p.194 in the 1995 paperback edition). Woodward & Bernstein claimed that one of Kissinger's political foes, Alexander Haig, had told someone unnamed, that he (Haig) had heard Kissinger say it. That's triple hearsay, made even weaker by the fact that one of the parties is anonymous. Kissinger has denied ever saying it, and it was never substantiated by Haig, nor by anyone of known identity who claimed to have heard it. As Kirkus Reviews noted about the whole book, "none of it is substantiated in any assessable way."
In fact, the quote is not even very plausible, on its face. Kissinger served with distinction in the U.S. Army during WWII, and was awarded the Bronze Star. He has always been very respectful of other servicemen and their sacrifices. For him to have said such a thing would have been wildly out of character. In fact, the awkward phrasing doesn't even sound like Kissinger, whose English prose is consistently measured and careful, despite his heavy accent, even when he speaks extemporaneously.

You can deny anything so long as no one looks into it.

His character has been one of saying what people want to hear, so I would not count on him being respectful of other servicemen as anything other than face-saving.

And the quotes aren't even the meme of my argument. His actions indicate complete callousness, cronyism, and pride. He gets off to breaking the rules and being immune to oversight. He's essentially a male Hillary Clinton.

Noble peace prize
>good goyim award

>Why isn't this fucker rotting in prison?
Prison is for helpless iditots like you

This. Overall I am pretty grateful for all the dirty stuff the US has done.

If you choose the quick and easy path, forever will the dark side dominate your destiny.

Any agenda may be pushed, but it must be pushed within the limits of lawfulness and virtuousness, or else you do not know what kind of monster you may unleash once your mission is accomplished.

See: History of geopolitics.

If digits, he will die within 3 months

You're Egyptian. Don't lecture me on helplessness, thank you. How'd that Arab Spring go, goy?

If digits, he will poo inside for 3 months

does this really even count tho

Fuck off nigger, go play in the sand

>win the Cold War
>plebs want to send you to prison
Yeah, let's toss him in there with Eisenhower and MacArthur.

Reminder that Pinochet would not have come to power had it not been for Kissinger.

Get and you must use a toilet forever

>If you approve of lawlessness merely to push an agenda, you may as well live in Best Korea.

if you want to think of him as a pure realist (which he probably isn't), then he wouldn't really care about lawlessness as long as it's not his own country or doesn't immediately create issues for his country. You are only interested in your own survival and you should do everything you can to maximize your prospects of survival.

The Cold War wasn't won, it was frozen, and is now reigniting thanks to liberals in America and conservatives in Russia.
The Soviet Union collapsed of its own doing and failures.

His main accomplishment is organizing the pull-out of Vietnam after we had already blown all 2 million tons of our sticky load

"You are only interested in your own survival and you should do everything you can to maximize your prospects of survival."

This is called "sociopathy."

>He's essentially a male Hillary Clinton.
Clinton did work with him many times. He's the guy that everyone looks for advice regarding foreign policy. Trump is even talking to him.

>This is called "sociopathy."
It is and the realists who have considerable clout in international relations don't deny it. The world is anarchy, survival is paramount, only you are responsible for your survival. It's a description of the current thinking in global politics, but I'm not so convinced that it necessarily must be this way. The only solution to this is to change the assumptions of the realists premises, either by a supernational force or the erosion of the nation-state or other large tribal organizations.