Trump Playlist
>Pres Trump Weekly Address #10 3/31/17
>Pres Trump signs EO on Trade 3/31/17
>Pres Trump announcement w/Natl Asstn of Manufacturers 3/31/17
>Pres Trump Joint Session "Unity and Strength"
>Pres Trump meets Legoland PM Rasmussen 3/30/17
>VP Pence swears in best ally ambassador 3/29/17
>FLotUS Melania presents Women of Courage award 3/29/17
>Pres Trump/VP Pence speak on Women's Empowerment 3/29/17
>Pres Trump hosts drug abuse listening session 3/29/17
>TrumpWave S P A C E
>The Story behind MAGA hats
>God Emperor Trump Was Born To Rule
>Donald Trump Emperor of America
>TrumpBot vs Mexico
>Hold Back The Night
>Inauguration of Fire
>American Hero
>Trump Triumphant
>We Are The Silent Majority
>American Comeback Story
OP pastebin:
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm trying to keep my options open for the future
Because I see Finland slowly going the way of Sweden
However, things are shaky even for the future of US
Can the trends be reversed?
No one is safe from liberal madness
What's going on, /ptg/? That April fools day made this place and browsing the internet as a whole unbrowsable, so I just spent most of the day brainstorming content for my show as there aren't many goys on Discord that early in the morning to discuss the topics at hand. I'm sure I'll get caught up with normie politics on this mornings shows.
Anyways, how y'all doing?
I'm feeling a bit randy ... can we get /ourgirl/ Kinsey posting going on?
Please let the democrats that didnt fall for pic related walk away from dems forever.
ayo ma dude, u boutta smash shaniqua there or what?
What the fuck is wrong with the catalog my dudes? I just want to talk about politics. When did this become Sup Forums 2.0?
Also: awoooooooooo~ from 4:20 in the fucking morning. OH SHIT DUDE WEED
what are you talking about m8 April Fool's Day was the best day on this site in a long time
The only other time it was that good on here recently was the election but that was for different reasons
Don't burn it down while I'm away
The shills couldnt do anything because the ponies wrekt them. They are thirsty because their quotas were set back a whole 24 hours.
help spread the word to any possible volunteers who want to uncuck france guys! the race is close there, we can help them do what we did for trump!
what happened to True Finns?
werent they based? werent they in government?
>not Nov. 8th
Not even close
No need. I'm practically married. Perhaps if I'm on moly and want to so some slave master larping.
I have no desire for ponyshit.
>Devon still there
>Devon still hating niggers
Are you guys besties yet? he looks legit
Meh, it was one day, no big deal. If you see mlp fags though just report them as per usual
awoo board when?
Like I said that was greater but for different reasons. Election day was the biggest shitstorm ever recorded but today was the first day in years there was genuine comradery between boards
Sunday Show Pasta, all subject to change.
Fox News Sunday @foxnewssunday
Scott Pruitt (Administrator of the EPA) @EPAScottPruitt
Mitch McConnell (Majority Leader of the Senate) @SenateMajLdr
Laura Ingraham (Ourgirl) @IngrahamAngle
Julie Pace (AP) @jpaceDC
Gillian Turner (Jones Group International) @GillianHTurner
Gerald Seib (WSJ) @GeraldFSeib
Face the Nation @facethenation
Nikki Haley (US Ambassador to the UN) @nikkihaley
John Cornyn (Senator R-TX, Senate Majority Whip) @JohnCornyn
Angus King (Senator I-ME) @SenAngusKing
Jon Meacham (Andrew Jackson Biographer) @jmeacham
Susan Page (USA Today) @SusanPage
Peter Baker (NYTimes) @peterbakernyt
Michael Graham (Weekly Standard, Washington Examiner) @IAMMGraham
David Ignatius (WaPo) @IgnatiusPost
This Week @thisweekabc
Nikki Haley (US Ambassador to the UN) @nikkihaley
John McCain (Senator R?-AZ, Chair of Armed Services Committee) @SenJohnMcCain
Ash Carter (Former Obama Secretary of Defense)
Dmitry Peskov (Press Secretary for Vladimir Putin)
Jonathan Karl (ABC Spice Boy) @jonkarl
Anne Gearan (WaPo) @agearan
Michael Leiter (Former Director of the NCTC)
Meet the Press @MeetThePress
Mitch McConnell (R-KY, Senate Majority Leader) @SenateMajLdr
Chuck Schumer (D-NY, Senate Minority Leader) @SenSchumer
Clint Watts (Foreign Policy Research Institute) @selectedwisdom
Greta Van Susteren (MNSBC) @greta
Amy Walter (WaPo) @Eugene_Robinson
Eugene Robinson (Cook Political Report) @amyewalter
Robert Draper (NYT Magazine) @DraperRobert
State of the Union @cnnsotu
Wilber Ross (Secretary of Commerce) @SecretaryRoss
Adam Schiff (D-CA, Witchfinder Gerneral) @RepAdamSchiff
Jim Jordan (R-OH, Freedom Caucus) @Jim_Jordan
Nina Turner (Token) @ninaturner
Jason Lewis (R-MN, Former Talk Show Host) @RepJasonLewis
Neera Tanden (Hillary Shill, Center for American Progress) @neeratanden
Mike Rogers (CNN, Former R-MI) @RepMikeRogers
Friendly reminder to all Drumpfkins and Nazis
Where is Miller?
They were/are relatively based and they are in the government, hence our situation currently isn't completely fucked
BUT, due the the globalist EU to which we belong and the other 2/3 of the government being pro EU we still have to take in the minimum migrant quotas. And guess who gets the blame? The True Finns, so their support is dropping sharply. (even though they have minimized the damage)
We have county elections coming up in a week and the TF is projected to lose a lot of support and ultra-leftist Sweden tier Greens to gain a lot of support. We'll see if the results reflect the polls, but I do sense the morale in TF to be low and the current messaging confused.
If the next parliament elections in 2019 go to shit, which they very well might, Finland will be flooded like Sweden. And that only needs to happen once for the entire country to permanently go to shit.
it wasn't great at all, it was gay as fuck
the world laughs at you
Cant your winter kill them all?
Since it's the weekend he's probably spending time with friends or family idk
Can someone tell me why Eva is so fucking appealing to everyone? This includes myself. I have no idea why I keep wanting to watch Evangelion over again every once in a while. The story, the characters, the OP and ED. All of it just keeps me so fucking interested. It's even a god damn Internet meme about "muh greatest anniemays lol". What the fuck is so widely appealing about it?
Do you think Barron has seen Evangelion?
miller doesn't strike me as a friends and family guy
Of course. I'm inviting him over this morning on my show where we discuss the Jewish Elite's supreme role in the Immigration & genocide of western man!
Most of them are in the south, where it does get cold but not THAT cold.
Awwww did your shitty b8 thread not get enough bumps? Did you have to expand into other things just to try and trigger
people? Aww poor wittle baby could't get any bumps
How do we fix Sweden
The more I see how unfairly the press is with Trump, the more I accept the possibility that history books could be nothing but propaganda.
whatever you say, Denk
thanks for the (You) :^)
Reminder to all visitors to Sup Forums from other non-Sup Forums places such as Plebbit
>see pic
God Gillian Turner is so hot. Too bad she is a Satanist
Looks shit, doesn't seem like they'll talk about Obama spying on Trump outside of some schills like Schiff or Ash Carter or someone guaranteed to shill russia and cover Obama's ass.
Is it gone?
Did they shut down the other boards?
It's going to be Russia heavy concern shilliing.
The removal of shills and r/the_donald faggots was the best thing to happen to this board in a while. Now reddit and Shareblue are pouring back in and shitting up the place again.
The reason short, ugly, pussy, white losers on pol are pro-Trump edgelords is because interestingly, they can't get what they want in life, so they take it out on foreigners who are more successful than them, lefties who are more successful than them, and women who rightly find them undesirable. They generallly tend to be uneducated and angry all the time. They love the word cuck, which is ironic because they themselves, by their own standards, are cucks. Let's look at the evidence:
- Defend corporations/capitalism and are corporate bootlickers even though they themselves are victims of capitalism
- Look up to people like Trump as though Trump et al give a shit about uneducated loser rednecks
- Never actually get any pussy
- Think they're super cool edgelords having an impact on the world when in reality they're frothing-at-the-mouth dipshits who are laughed at by academics and people who actually know what's going on
You're all sad, stupid losers. It's actually depressing to be honest. Before all you pasty virgins try and insult my circumstances instead of address legitimate left wing arguments (which you haven't read and don't understand because you're intellectually dishonest, dribbling fuckwits that get your information from Breitbart and the Daily Mail), I'm a white, good looking, 6'3 university educated heterosexual health professional. Suck my dick you dopey fucking losers.
Joe McCarthy was right.
These Russia shills today are wrong on Trump, ironically most of them and their liberal academics are products of soviet subversion.
Walmart has its own PAC? Jesus christmas...
Fun for some people, but by no means a lasting deterrent.
My God she needs to be impregnated STAT
I saw on her twitter that she posted this link on her birthday
As one desperately lonely person I recognize a fellow lonely heart
Say no more
>Only good pic of her with her goth wig
>rabbi marx
Rick and Morty season 3 started, fellas. This is a good day.
Is George gonna get stumped by Putin's spicer?
t. Reddit
reddit, you have to go back
Why is Trump waging war against the Freedom Caucus?
Ryan and the Republicucks are the problem, not fucking Rand and Cruz.
The point is that I can no longer trust on historical sources to have been even remotely objective. And from a case study, the holocaust. btw I'm not a nazi apologist or anything.
How do we fix millennials?
Oy vey, why so triggered?
rand and cruz aren't part of the freedom caucus
A polonium-210 special hopefully.
The Walking Dead is a show for retards.
Can't fix stupid.
By using extremely strong magnetic fields to wipe their memories and re-educate them.
I doubt she actually wants to be married or have kids
Why is DRUMPF so retarded
Who's worth saving?
They voted against Ryancare though, right?
Trump tweet when???
My god that's gay. Almost as gay as "le super smart well done cinematic zombie shows" like the walking dead
Is it true? Are most of you guys cucks from t_d?
my fucking sides
>getting this involved in such a shit show
TWD stopped being good after season 3 anyways
>They voted against Ryancare though, right?
it never came up in the senate, rand was publicly against it and cruz never took a public position.
Finland and Poland are alright. The rest are shitposting fags beyond saving.
Isn't that /jp/ already?
So you don't believe in the loss of the 200 million?
There was an awoo general yesterday at one point.
Most women wanna get bred senpai
Are Irish the mustard race?
kys fag
POLAND. Look up Polish nationalism, honestly the most blessed thing I have ever seen. The poles don't want muslims because they see what is happening in the U.K and Germany.
They also denied to accept 6,200 refugees recently, the EU got pissed lol.
any sane woman wants to have kids
But it's a good show, why are you so triggered?
What was the response to Trump's tweets yesterday, everything seemed to get lost in the chaos.
>Kelly Conway
also I don't think Linda McMahon isn't Irish, Vince is
Anyone else notice:
>Trump tweets something maybe a bit inaccurate but about an issue the msm feels safe about
>MSM shills he tweet all day, talking about how distracting Trump is, blah blah
>Trump tweets about Farkas/Spying in general
>Media ignores these tweets, not "distracted" by them at all.
Hey Drumpfkins I'm back
>What was the response to Trump's tweets yesterday, everything seemed to get lost in the chaos.
just kinda was there, can't really expect there to be a huge reaction to a regular thing
Absolutely agree lads, I'll tell Ivan to adjust the nukes just right.
Haha Flynn has flipped