This. So. Much...
This. So. Much
If those books are Harry Poter and Narnia then yes
It's funny that even your memes the Jew is the problem. Look at his nose
This 2bh famalam
It doesn't matter cause you still bow to kikes cunt
Are we the left's Jews?
This is the most accurate
Why do they have the right depicted as a kike?
If this were true, we wouldn't be in the trouble we're in. Unless all those books are xers collection of vagina colouring book, then it's true.
I don't like to brag but I probably read more books than of all the world's leftists combined.
Just sayin'
"The idiot dicerns quantitative, whereas the wise man reads qualitative." - Adolf Hitler
I think I found your problem. You are supposed to read books not store them in your empty skull.
go be a faggot somewhere else
The eternal leaf strikes again
How about no for a change
Most of both sides are fuckin idiots...
>This. So. Much...
Is that why the left has lost all credibility? For
being so "smart and informed?" Fucking delusional...go suck your own cock some more.
yea no.
>there are 3 types of right winger but only 1 type of left winger
I dunno man, both sides are shit.
Podesta looking cuck is kiddie rapist
Dear leftists, please post the last non-fiction book you read to completion and how long ago you read it.
This is very funny because every leftist I've known is just a big, delusional baby.
right wingers are just like republicans, instead of relying solely on the bible, they're just anti-intellectual
Has nothing to do with me thinking I'm smart than everyone else. I simply hate both sides, left a little bit more.
The irony is that you demonstrate how every leftist self proclaimed "(((pundit's)))" use of the English language only permits the incorrect sue of grammar to emphasize points.
But regardless, what books have you read faggot? I'll rattle off a few.
The Communist Manifesto
Aristotle' Politics, Drama, Categories, and Weather.
The Ego and His Own
The Complete Works of H.P Lovecraft
The Art of War
Mein Kampf
Darwin's Doubt
Rules for Radicals
Guns, Germs, and Steel
20 Years Among Native Papuans
And many more.
That's just in the last year in which I've started reading. I bet your credentials ends at Harry Potter and Hunger Games tier rubbish from which you attempt to draw witty political parallels.
The more I actually try and improve myself the more I'm made to fucking hate you bloody worms.
But go on, I'll allow you to pontificate. I won't disparage you for it any more than I'd disparage a lap dog barking at an intruder. Both man and beast mix aspiration and ability all of the time.
"Nemesis" - Max Hastings; 1 day
>1 post by this ID
stop replying to these threads. Whether they're shilling/sliding or just shitposting, they're wasting board space and diverting people's attention away from quality threads.
The left is bewildered by the right 'how could they be so stupid???' because they have not considered the ideas of the right. The right has entertained the ideas of the left and found them to be inferior.
That's all you need to know.
Delusional pic, the guy above is right and you are all a bunch of manipulated children
At least now there is a counterbalance to "Racist", much needed and not a moment to soon.
Perhaps there can be discussions about things that matter, like negative immigration rates among non-natives and Jews.
Define "intellectual"
You cunts really suck at producing memes
Shutup Joseph you're not the Pope anymore
I'd tell you to go back but it seems you got nuked. gg leftos
Go ahead, keep telling conservatives how stupid they are. Keep demonizing them. This condescending farce is how you ended up in the situation you are in anyways.
yfw you catch the Pope shitposting leafs
Full of propaganda brainwash trash papers in the leftie's brain, much worse than a simple cuck.
keep telling that to yourself Achmed
>Books not standing straight up despite being on a flat surface
>Thinks he's enlightened but can't figure out how to engineer a level bookcase
Makes me think.
If only leftists would go live with muslims instead of running to white countries...
How many leftists keep consuming in a right wing countries instead of go helping poor countries full of blacks?
oo this is a spicy mayme. i see potential
Funny thing is all those words that the left screams are 100 % correct. I mean come on why even deny it anymore.
>Books on the left are exclusively comic books and children's fiction.
that's good shit
pejoratives aren't arguements sven
Wew lad back to shilling
The lefts head doesn't have a brain? Just an old bookshelf?
Any attempt at a definition would be met with le humorous Israeli parentheses.
Why does the right look like a filthy jew?
>All books on the left are shut
>Right dude actually read a word instead
Jews run the far right
Too bad none of their books are about the real world.