Daily reminder.
Daily reminder
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so basically basque=spanish and any1 with merovingian/moor descent can just die?
>including Madrid and Catalonia
José, I...
what do spainiards think of people from granada, now and in the past, can you give me a quick rundown?
reason? girl
Madrid is Arab turf.
Been there, saw it, didn't like it.
andalusian and gypsy.
t. azerbaijan
granada is maybe the only place I like in the south
>including Anarchalonia
Even I know that this is memetically incorrect.
erase cataluña, they dont want to be Spain.
>Don Quijote lands crossed out
Huh.. before you give it back to the Sandniggers of Peace despite fighting for that Land so much.. can we have Mallorca?
It's all yours my friend
oh please
that was only in barcelona for a couple of months and every catalan hated them
Is the south really that bad in spain?
And what about the island mallorca, whats wrong with it?
Galicia should be out too.
And Pais Vasco.
And Cataluña.
Yeah we should keep segregating our country between "good" and "bad" parts that will work.
t. buttmad gypsy andalusian
>Basque Country
Portugal should be part of Spain.
Can you enlighten me, españabro?
I'm amazed. This is exactly right.
So where did i go for my vacation?
No mans land?
nothing worth your time south of the red line, just lazy gypsified """spaniards"""
it's like southern italy
>Yeah we should keep segregating our country between "good" and "bad" parts that will work.
implying that has not been the history of spain
Reminder that the Catholic King Fernando was betrayed by Castillans ant that's how we got ourselves a german king that lose our money in usless wars in the netherlands
>>mfw he removes Sevilla, granda, and Malaga, but forgets to remove the Catalans.
Are you from Barcelona?
yes they are spain
they are not castille though
and this is what dooms spain
castillan autism
>Are you from Barcelona?
shut up
What is Extremadura like?
>Even thinking about including MADriz.
what now
Im from Andalucia and agree 100% with this. My city is a shithole full of gypsies.
>mfw I will go to Barcelona for a month
>mfw I see OP separating good Spain from bad Spain
>mfw I search for Barcelona to see where it is
>mfw I see that OP thinks it is good.
So true
it will become bad immediately when you get there, roach, if its not already.
>Basque country
Manolete mesedez
Why would it?
I am an excellent person.
Northern Spain is nice, but the rest its hards to tell if Africa or not.
Fixed for you (((Pedro)))
Are you aware that all spaniards are basques sooner or later? Where do you think the rest of spaniards come from? Or did you think that Pelayo just told 4 million people to hide in the caves of asturias and then they got out of there 800 years later and took Spain back?
in southern Spain the food was actual road kill and imnot even kidding with the contents of a Turkish kebab house's salad bin from last week.
I paid extra to be 'outside' getting cancer from the sun too, i'm never going there again
>implying Murcia should be with those horrible places
Damn, it keeps getting smaller and smaller!. What actually is Spain really?
they can go with either the catalan nations or andalucia
their choice
Catalonia is the spanish marrakech
it could've been all the peninsula if not for the castillans trying to jacobinize the land
Spain is Old Castile and Leon. The rest are either subversives (Catalans and Basques), Portuguese (Galicia) or Arabs (everywhere south of Toledo).
confirmed for not having any fucking idea
old castille and leon was never "spain" before Isabel married Fernando
It was... wait for it... Castille and Leon, funny how that worked huh?
Then Spain was born but Fernando got betrayed by castille
only because madrid sends them here
who controls the borders?
not catalonia
stupid tourist
why include based Catalonia and Euskadia in your map?
The only good spanish region is the region where you get free tapas in bars.
Spain is by definition, the union of Aragon and Castille, you cannot have one without the other.
I want Spanish gf.
Let the English have the bottom bit and we will sort it out.
Seville and Jerez was nice and not that full of gypsies in the daytime.
Did you just concede Spain is Muslim clay, Emanuel?
what kind of stupid natonalist is this bro? are you fucking stupid to include catalunya and bot the balearic islands? and what about basque country? and galicia? enjoy your autism faggot
Me too.
a shithole ful of people with an iq lower tan 80
so a nationalist hates large parts of his country and want his state to be smaller?
half the people there work for the goberment
a commie state paid by the rest of spain basically
lol do you think all spanish were arabs under muslim rule or what?
ITT: Oriol Charnegenstien and Gorka Ayvalalaostia.
So this is where we are at. Any further changes?
Not even spaniard, and even I can see the obvious ploy played by der ewige (((catalonian)))
Spain need Franco 2.0
A nationalist loves and wants to preserve his people, doesn't try to pretend other nations are part of his own.
t. basque
>Catalans want Fallas to be catalan
>Catalans want Paella to be catalan
>Catalans want Valencià to be catalan
>Catalans want Valencia to be part of catalonia
>People refuses
>Their faces when
Looks Comfy
Just memes. Its actually the best place overall. Best weather, best food, best women, best beaches...
The spaniards that dont agree either didnt went to the south ever or are just mad and jealous
T. Green eyed, olive skin spaniard that lived in nearly every corner of spain
I was asking what kind of nationalism
It's just the spain with an european culture vs the spain with a moorified, gypsified culture
it's also a division on gdp, IQ, etc
part of the catalan nations not catalonia
catalan nations are those regions that speak catalan
valencia is catalan
what don't you understand?
>the north has european culture
well it makes sense if you consider the fact that moroccans are raping vascas on a daily basis (95%+ of the sexual assaults) and getting RGI for it
Why is that part not spain? halp
you southern shitskins live off tourism and northern taxes
this country would be better off without the south
what about the balearic islands
This man gets it.
who would breed your wives and daughters though
Is the basque area comfy ?
Whats wrong with Mallorca? Too many Krauts and Brits
give us the blue clay then :^)
Because you're a fucking muslim roach shitskin. Go to hell, you fucking turk
yes, and pretty expensive imo
gib spanish slut gf german girls are busy babysitting/getting raped by mahhmoud here
they also speak catalan so they are part of the catalan nations
not catalonia in itself
learn history
it was Jaime king of Aragon and Count of Barcelona I who retook those lands
But he partisioned his dominions into diferent kingdoms and territories even inside what's now known as Catalonia for his sons who then fight between them after he died
It's more european that the rest of spain: good economy, serious people, and absolutely subverted and cucked culture. Perurena save us all
Granada is the best part of Spain
Daily reminder that the joos will always try to divide us so they can conquer us. The last thing Spain needs right now is more internal hate.
Now, get on fixing the country so I can return from my exile in these wetlands. Alternatively, please send me jamón y embutidos, I cannot withstand the shitty food here.
>Muh catalan countries
Que el donen per el cul catalacuck.
Turks are fine
the joos cant divide what was never united to begin with
this country is hopeful in its own hopelesness
speaks catalan
agaisnt catalonia
lol valencians
you have to go back
Well, everything was good for a while back when we got rid of all of them.
And I still have hope in our country, we must strive and build bridges between all the nations inside Spain so we can see that those differences and cultural heritage makes us stronger.
it's unironically the only city worth a damn in the south though
Not all of us though, only blaveros.
You love free tapas , dont you?