Stop being normal
Stop being normal
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Gather the tribesmen!
I disagree with him on this. I think he's trying to justify his wife.
This autism argument is a bit odd, coming from a guy who always says how some defects are detrimental to our species and how in the past they would have been eradicated by nature.
Autism being some Neanderthal Uebermensch trait is just mind-boggling.
It's true that they still have a higher IQ on average though
Autism is correlated with low IQ.
Only high functioning autism, where not having a low IQ is part of the diagnosis, is associated with high IQ.
He is right if you only consider high functioning autists, but most people on the spectrum are basically Sup Forums and /r9k/ level
Has anyone shown Varg this video?
If you are a special autistic math genius or some shit, yeah. But if you are a screaming imbecile? I doubt it desu.
psuedo science from a retard
I also have an extremely strong brow ridge and thick coarse blonde hair
White autists unite! Avtism is trve black metal
even though they might be retarded communities they would still have a higher average IQ than 100
people with sub 100 IQs literally have trouble operating a computer
I think it's retarded that they merged autism to be one thing
this autism and aspergers are not even in the same realm of conception. it muddles the discussion.
If that was my kid I'd take him out back and shoot him
Disagree, the distinction between high functioning autism and aspergers was completely arbitrary and useless. The difference between the diagnosises was if you had an early language delay (HFA) or not (Aspergers). Often people were diagnosing kids with whatever disability they thought would give them the supports they needed.
It's good to keep something like the DSM brief, and it seemed like a rather unnecessary distinction to make.
So I've been thinking about this...
Blacks are less autistic overall,
But highly more likely to become autistic from vaccines.
Are we being injected with some neanderthal bullshit?
I think this argument could hold some weight for people with mild autism.
The distinction is necessary because most aspergers were diagnosed normies. I for an example was declared high IQ normie at 7 and asperger at 23.
non autistic neanderthals GET OUT
My father was a diagnosed Sperg.
He also had top 1 percentile IQ. Was a gifted painter. A self-taught multi-instrumentalist. Read and memorized the most important works ever made by humanity, from the Vedas to the Bible, from Plato to Isaac Newton to Friedrich Nietzsche.
He never had any friends, but he was the most good-hearted, intelligent, wonderful human being I've ever met.
I carry his sperg genes proudly.
He did say that autists weren't exempt from mental retardation, and frankly I don't see why people like in that vid aren't just left out in the wilderness to die. I feel like if they're that severely scramblefucked keeping them alive is just cruel and only leads to an all-encompassing burden on everyone involved.
Autism is genetic for the most part. Brain with different connections and different amount of neurons in each brain zone.
how can normalfags even compete?